Ryuga became an evil wolf, and kidnapped Toki. Then Kenshiro challenged him to a fight!

Kenshiro: Why commit this senseless murder?

Ryuga: Fight me, Kenshiro! Fight me, and you'll understand.

Shin of the South Star Holy Fist!
You Gave Your Life for an Unrequited Love!!

Toki tells Kenshiro that the blood on the ground is Ryuga's own -it represents his tears. Ryuga, who sought true peace, chose to become an evil wolf, who starved for blood. Now that the Fist King is closer to seizing the heavens, he ended his role as an evil wolf himself. As Ryuga dies, Toki tells Kenshiro not to grieve, but to change that grief into anger, and live on. The Fist King's power come from conquest and terror. But true peace lies in Kenshiro's hands.

Toki picks up Ryuga's body, and says they'll join the others who lived their lives driven by destiny. They shall become stars, and watch Kenshiro from above, alongside all those other brave men. He walks outside with Ryuga. He looks up and sees the Big Dipper, and can also see the death omen star next to it. The death omen star suddenly shoots away, and Toki realizes his time is up. He says farewell to Kenshiro.

Later on, Kenshiro, Bat and Lin stand outside Ryuga's castle, burning the remains of Toki and Ryuga. Lin wonders why they fight, and thinks it is so sad. But it seems like Ken always becomes stronger after experiencing sadness.

Kenshiro thinks about what Toki told him: turn grief into anger. He hopes Toki will watch him from the heavens above. He then thinks of Ryuga, and the men of the South Star six holy fists...

A long time ago, there were guards that defended the six gates of the imperial palace. They stood atop the 108 styles of the South Star holy fist, and were known as the South Star six holy fists. But after the nuclear war, the South Star six holy fists collapsed. The seeds of tragedy were thus scattered throughout the world.

Kenshiro thinks about Shin, the man who set him on the journey of his destiny. Ever since the time they fought over Yuria...

Shin defeated Kenshiro, and told him there was a definite difference between them: obsession. Obsession was something Shin thought Kenshiro lacked. Shin then wanted Yuria to say she loved him, and when she refused, he started stabbing into Kenshiro's chest, giving him his seven scars.

Kenshiro told Yuria to live on, but Yuria eventually screamed that she loved Shin, and would follow him anywhere. Shin spared Kenshiro, but took Yuria away.

However, Kenshiro came back from the depths of hell, to take Yuria back. As he began his journey, he saved Lin from Zeed, a gang leader who had attacked Lin's village.

Kenshiro then started defeating members of Shin's army, using his North Star divine fist to kill them. After killing Diamond, Kenshiro then fought against Club. He blew apart Club's hands...

...and then hit a pressure point on him that caused his spine to snap. Kenshiro then fought Heart, defeating him with the North Star softness ripping slash.

Meanwhile, Shin fought battle after battle, expanding his territory. He also started going under the name of King. Shin told Yuria that he would present her with a magnificent city, and everything in it would be hers. He would make her its queen, and all would bow before her. He was certain this would make her feelings for him change.

Kenshiro thinks that Shin had power, authority and wealth, and devoted everything to Yuria. He wonders if that was the only way Shin could express his love for her. However, Shin's glory days ended up being meaningless, as his men rebelled. The city of Southern Cross burned.

Then at last, the time came for Kenshiro to finally face Shin. Kenshiro wanted to know where Yuria was, but Shin revealed she was with him, and she had told him she'd forgotten about Kenshiro. However, Kenshiro said just seeing that she was alive was enough for him.

Kenshiro and Shin began to fight, but Kenshiro easily stopped Shin's first attack. He revealed that Shin had taught him obsession. The two continued to fight, but Shin couldn't do anything to Kenshiro.

However, Shin decided to find out what would happen if he cut off the source of Kenshiro's obsession. He struck Yuria, killing her. This enraged Kenshiro, and he defeated Shin.

Kenshiro had struck a pressure point on Shin that gave him three minutes to live. He then checked on Yuria, only to find out she wasn't real -the one Shin had struck was just a doll. Shin says that Yuria really was gone, and the battle between him and Kenshiro would never be resolved...

He reveals that before they fought, he had told Yuria that he intended to build a new city, one even greater than Southern Cross. Yuria realized that Shin would just repeat everything he had done before, and would continue to do so until her feelings for him changed. As this would mean countless innocent people would die again, she could no longer stand it. She jumped from Shin's fortress, thinking about how she could not keep her promise to Ken.

Shin told Kenshiro that, for the first time in his life, he'd cried. He could never capture Yuria's heart, because Kenshiro was always there. He told Kenshiro that Southern Cross is now Yuria's tomb, and she was the only thing he'd ever wanted. Deciding not to die by Kenshiro's technique, Shin yelled farewell to Kenshiro, and then leapt from his fortress.

Back in the present, Kenshiro thinks that Shin was a star of destiny who died for Yuria's love. He wonders of Shin was able to reunite with Yuria in heaven.


The South Star warrior with graceful, sharp techniques... a man who lived and died for others! Next time, on Fist of the North Star: "Rei of the South Star Waterfowl Fist! He Was a Man Who Died For His Friends!!"

Kenshiro: Farewell, the star of justice... Rei.

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