This prototype version of Shinobi III is fairly complete, but there are a massive amount of differences between it and the final game, and some of the later levels aren't ready yet. Please check out the pages below for a guide to what is different:

Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5
Round 6
Round 7

Some parts of the rounds are completely different to what SEGA went with to the final game, most noticeably the second stages of round 5 and 6.

Round 5-2 guide
Round 6-3 guide

There are also several glitches in the prototype, which you can read about here.

Finally, the cheats. To have unlimited shurikens, set the shurikens to 00 and wait for a few seconds. There is also a very easy level select -just pause the game and press A, then use the d-pad to cycle through the rounds. Unpause and you will be warped to the round you selected. A character editor can be activated at any time by pressing the A, B and C buttons together -please see ICEknight's guide for more information about this.

Player 2's controller can also do some interesting things. Pressing start will freeze the game, press start again to unfreeze. When the game is frozen, hold down A and the game will resume in slow motion. Pressing B will skip to the next stage of a round, whilst pressing C will make Joe jump, and you can keep pressing it to make him float. Every time you press C, it will toggle whether Joe's weapons are powered up or not.