Kuwabara in Crisis!
A Man's Oath

Yu Yu Hakusho episode 3
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Can Kuwabara keep his promise to his friends?
Original Japanese broadcast date: October 24th, 1992


1) Synopsis
2) Manga differences
3) Notes
4) Errors


One evening, Keiko is attacked by a gang, but she is saved by Kuwabara and his friends. The next morning, Mr. Akashi chews them out and threatens to remove Okubo's permission to work a part-time job -unless they don't get into any fights for a week. Kuwabara say they promise to do so, and later tells his friends to just lay low and go straight home. But as Kuwabara heads home, he is confronted by the same gang from the night before -sent by Akashi! But Kuwabara refuses to fight them, and lets them beat him up, thwarting Akashi's plan.

Akashi then adds an extra condition: Kuwabara and his friends must all score 50 points or more on this week's science test. As Kuwabara scored just 7 points last time, he dedicates his time to studying. Once again, other gangs find him and beat him up, but he doesn't fight back. As Kuwabara returns home and stays up all night, Yusuke help him out by entering his dreams, and starts asking him some test questions in his sleep.

The next day Kuwabara takes the test and passes, but Akashi, under the guidance of Iwamoto, erases an answer on Kuwabara's test sheet to make him fail. Kuwabara nearly punches him, but manages to stop himself, seemingly managing to hear Yusuke's calls that he will be throwing everything he's worked for away. As Kuwabara walks off, Takenaka, who was aware of what Akashi did, demands he fixes Kuwabara's grade. A little later on, Kuwabara's friends tell him that they've all passed, and Okubo will get to keep his job. Yusuke tells Botan he was surprised Kuwabara could hear him earlier, but she says he couldn't -but if they shared the same thoughts between them, his feelings would get through. Yusuke doesn't like that idea of feelings and Kuwabara, but they see Kuwabara has turned around, seemingly looking right at them. Kuwabara says thank you, and walks off with his friends.

Manga differences

-The manga does not show Keiko being attacked by the gang, or the actual fight between them and Kuwabara's gang. The fight is only mentioned by Akashi in the manga.

-Akashi mentions there are two parts to the deal in the manga, but only mentions the "no fights" condition in the manga at first. In the anime, he doesn't specifically mention the second condition until later on.

-Iwamoto is not in the manga for this story at all, he makes a couple of appearances in it in the anime.

-When Yusuke and Botan discuss Okubo's situation, the manga has Botan ask how Yusuke's mom coped, as she was also a single-mom. Yusuke says he saw her extort money from a cop a couple of times. This dialogue isn't in the anime.

-The first gang who confront Kuwabara have different designs than they do in the anime. The anime also extended it, featuring a part where Kuwabara initially runs away, but comes back when the gang ask if he's a coward. This isn't in the manga.

-The fight between Kuwabara and the gang isn't actually shown in the manga, whilst the anime does show it.

-In the manga, Sawamura got 45 points in the last test, whilst Kirishima got 52 -in the anime the scores are the other way around.

-When Yusuke says he got 12 points, the manga has him say that science tests are mainly multiple choice, so it's his best subject. Botan tells him she won't ask what he gets in other subjects. This dialogue isn't in the anime.

-The manga does not feature the book store scene that the anime has.

-In the manga, two guys try to attack Kuwabara, but Yusuke yells at them. One of them suddenly stops and tells his friend to stop, as he suddenly has the creeps about this. In the anime this was changed so there are 3 guys, and whilst one of them initially stops, the others want to fight. This leads to a scene where Yusuke has to take over Misako's body to fight the gang up, something which was not in the manga. The anime also shows this after Kuwabara's dream, whilst in the manga, it happens before this.

-The manga also does not show Yusuke entering Kuwabara's dream like the anime does, although it does show him helping him by asking him questions whilst he's asleep.

-When Kuwabara reveals to his friends that he's scored over 50 points, the manga has Sawamura and Kirishima briefly discuss that Kuwabara might have miscalculated his score. This dialogue isn't in the anime.

-In the manga, Takenaka sees Kuwabara ready to hit Akashi, and asks him to calm down. Kuwabara then walks off. In the anime, Takenaka doesn't say anything to Kuwabara, as he's already walked off..


-There are a few manga exclusive stories set between this episode and the next one, which weren't adapted for the anime -read about them here.


-During the opening fight, Sawamura is clearly seen kicking Kuwabara in the face.

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