Chapters 8 & 9:
The Temporary Resurrection (Parts 1 & 2)

Botan reveals to Yusuke that he is allowed to go back into his body for 24 hours, to recharge its vitality. However she also reveals he's not allowed to talk to his mother or Keiko, and advises he should just sleep when he's back in control of his body. Yusuke gets his body back but decides to go out, and heads off to a pachinko parlor. Meanwhile, Keiko and her friends have an altercation with Daisuke Motomoto, an ultra-tough bully who also beats up Kuwabara's friends. Keiko ends up hitting Dai, so he takes her away to his place.

Kuwabara finds out about Dai taking Keiko, but this is also overheard by Yusuke, who has left the pachinko parlor with a bag of prizes. Yusuke comes up with a disguise and heads to Dai's place, where Dai has hit Keiko for not letting him lift up her skirt. Yusuke sees Keiko is unconscious, so he takes off his mask and starts beating Dai's group up. Dai challenges Yusuke, but Yusuke defeats him with just 2 moves. The rest of Dai's gang run off, so Yusuke picks Keiko up and gets her out of there, just as Kuwabara arrives. Yusuke explains the situation to Kuwabara, and returns back to his home. He soon returns to his ghost form, and Botan appears. It is revealed that Keiko was pretending to be unconscious, and overheard everything, but Botan says that as he didn't actually talk to her, it's all ok.

Chapter 10:
The Forbidden Games!!

Yusuke and Botan check up on Shota, but Botan can see some kind of weird shadow behind him. They find out that a ghost girl called Sayaka keeps forcing his soul out of his body so she can play with him. This is going to cause harm to Shota, so Yusuke tries to intervene, only for Sayaka to blast him away. Botan finds out that Sayaka was a convalescent child, who was incredibly lonely due to her parents not being there for her. Botan says that Sayaka's attempts to befriend Shota put them both in danger of being sent to a realm of darkness rather than heaven. She and Yusuke go to confront Sayaka and Shota again. Sayaka goes to blast Yusuke, only to find she can't -her powers don't work. Botan realizes that the time she's spent playing with Shota has eased her loneliness, and dissipated her evil power. Shota promises Sayaka that he'll be her friend once he does get to heaven. Later on, Shota wakes up, but can't remember what he was dreaming about.

Chapter 11:
The Fractured Friendship

Sayaka finds a girl called Eri, who she believes is going to die. Eri, along with her best friend, Katsumi, are both trying to get the one place available at a famous private prep school. Eri has been having feelings that someone has been watching her. The thing that is watching her is a ghost, who Yusuke confronts. The ghost reveals that he was summoned by someone else, and that he was trying to warn Eri that an unseen force is stalking her -a force unleashed by Katsumi. Later on, Katsumi overhears Eri talking about her situation to another friend, and realizes she's done something horrible. She rips up the curse papers, and the summoned ghost disappears. Everyone hopes things will go back to normal, but it's not over yet -the unleashed force is still around, and attempts to kill Eri by dragging her onto some train tracks.

Chapter 12:
The Hand of Evil

The force continues to drag Eri onto the train tracks. Katsumi arrives, as does Yusuke's group. Botan explains that the force grew in power when it was transferred into the curse Katsumi created. Yusuke attempts to fight the force, but is easily beaten. Katsumi thinks about how she was jealous of Eri for being better than her, and realizes how what she has done was wrong. The force vanishes, and Katsumi is able to save Eri from being hit by a train just in time. Later on, they both get perfect test scores, but decide to go to another school together.
