Yusuke Urameshi died one day trying to save a child's life. However, as his death was unexpected, even in the Spirit Realm, he was told by King Enma's son, Koenma, that if he could hatch the egg of a Spirit Realm beast, he would be able to return to life. Taking it and hurrying back, Yusuke was successful in protecting his own body.

Kuwabara in Crisis!
A Man's Oath

Yusuke exclaims that his egg is alive, and Botan asks if that means he has a pure heart. Yusuke says that's right, and that it must be drawing off the energy of his good-natured heart and growing. But he's not sure what to do, as whilst he's been told to do good things, what exactly should he be doing? Botan doesn't think following Keiko just because he worries about her would count.

Yusuke tries to say that's not what he meant, he just has this bad foreboding about her. Botan jokes that maybe he has feelings for Kuwabara, but as Yusuke starts to yell, they then hear Keiko scream. Down below, 3 guys surround her and demand 5,000 yen -or her whole wallet. Yusuke immediately goes down to punch one of them, forgetting that he can't do anything as he is now.

Things don't look good for Keiko until a voice calls out to the gang. It's Kuwabara and his friends, who confront Keiko's attackers. Kuwabara says they must be from Kasanegafuchi middle school, and asks why are they attacking a girl?

He tells Keiko to go on and leave this to them. She runs off, as Kuwabara says he can't sit quietly by and watch them torment the weak like that. One of the gang punches him, but he just laughs it off.

A big fight breaks out between the two gangs, and Yusuke thinks Kuwabara isn't doing too bad.

But the next morning, when Kuwabara and his friends get to school, they are confronted by Mr. Akashi. He's found out about the fight they had and tells them the way they've been acting is inexcusable. Outside, Yusuke and Botan watch. Botan says they fought to help Keiko, but Yusuke tells her teachers aren't concerned with reasons. Inside, Akashi says none of them are showing any remorse, and flips through a file.

He says that Okubo currently works a part-time job with the school's permission, but as of today, that permission is removed. Okubo asks him to overlook it this one time, as his mom is the only one at home, and his brother are sister are still little. If he loses his job, they'll be in trouble. Kuwabara asks on his behalf as well, as whilst it may have been a fight, Okubo just got beaten on. He was the one who roughed up all the other guys.

Akashi decides he'll let it go if they make him a promise: they aren't to get into any fights for 1 week. Kirishima asks what are they supposed to do if anyone picks a fight with them, whilst Sawamura begs for the time to be decreased to 2 hours. But Kuwabara asks again if it's for one week, and Akashi nods before leaving the room. Yusuke says that things are getting serious.

In another room, Akashi tells Iwamoto that Kuwabara is certainly someone who will break his promise. Iwamoto says Kuwabara is the biggest fool, and quickest to fight, next to Yusuke Urameshi. After this, they'll be able to drive Kuwabara out of the school, too. Akashi gloats that with them both gone, the reputation of their school will shoot right up!

Yusuke and Botan hear everything, and Botan thinks there are some really awful teachers out there. Outside the school, Kuwabara and his friends are about to leave. Okubo says that his mom is sick, and has been missing a lot of her part-time work. The part-time job he works is what is supporting his family. Kuwabara tells him not to worry -he'll just stay at home or something for the week -that's a promise of a man. He then tells everyone that if those guys they fought come back, it could be trouble, so they've all got to get home right away, and runs off.

Yusuke and Botan follow Kuwabara. Botan thinks Kuwabara is pretty thoughtful of his friends, but Yusuke says it's in words only. He just knows he'll be fighting the moment he gets the chance. They then both notice that Akashi is following Kuwabara. The reason is following him is because he wants to catch him at the scene of a fight.

The Kasanegafuchi guys then show up, and tell Kuwabara they've been waiting for him. Kuwabara realizes this is bad and runs off, but the gang ask if he's a spineless wimp who's afraid of them.

Kuwabara says he will fight them, and comes back. They says they'll pay him back for yesterday, and he tell's them that's fine -but he won't hit them back. Once they're done, they're to go on back to where they came from.

Neither Yusuke or Akashi can believe what Kuwabara just said, but it's clear he means it. The gang take Kuwabara into a tunnel and start beating him up, but he doesn't try to fight them. They start taunting him.

Kuwabara grabs one of them and is about to land a punch, but he stops himself in time when he thinks of Okubo. The gang then resume beating him up, hitting him until he falls. He tells them he doesn't mind them doing this to him, but they are to keep away from his other friends. One of them tells him to shut up, and then stomps on his head.

Akashi wasn't expecting this, and decides he'll have to re-think his tactics. The next morning, Kuwabara explains where his new injuries came from, but also says he didn't fight back. Akashi then heads over and asks what happened to Kuwabara's face, but Kuwabara just says what happened wasn't caused by fighting. Akashi then says he was speaking to some of the other teachers, and they said his punishment was too light.

So he's going to add another condition: 3 days from now, on the science test, they must all get 50 points or higher! If any one of them gets less than that, Okubo loses his job. As he walks off, Kirishima says with a little bit of studying, it'll be easy -he got 45 points on the last test. Sawamura says he got 52 points last time, and asks Okubo what he got.

Okubo tells them he got 39 points, so if he works at it, it'll be fine. He then asks if Kuwabara has anything to worry about, but he reveals that last time, he got just 7 points!

Outside Yusuke says Kuwabara is even dumber than him -he got 12 points on the last test! Kuwabara says he can do it if he puts his mind to it, and he'll study instead of sleep. And at lunch time, Kuwabara starts studying.

His friends see he is serious, but they worry if he tries to study with that beat up head of his, it'll kill him. Akashi thinks that no matter how much he studies, he'll never be able to score more than 50 points. Later on, Kuwabara starts browsing at a book store. Even Yusuke comments that Kuwabara is serious about this, but then watches as 3 guys surround him.

They want to pay him back for what he did to them earlier. Kuwabara tells them the same thing he told the other gang: they can beat him up, but he won't fight back. Once they're done they can go back to where ever they came from. They tell him that suits them fine, and drag him away for a beating. Later on, Kuwabara returns to school, looking worse than ever.

Okubo says this isn't worth it for his job, and Sawamura says they should go beat up whoever did this to him. Kuwabara tells them all to relax -compared to Urameshi's punches and kicks, this is no big deal! He tells them to never mind him, and make sure they study hard. Botan thinks Kuwabara is quite the man, and Yusuke tells her of all the guys he's fought, he had the most backbone.

That night, Yusuke gets worried and checks on Kuwabara, and finds that he's fallen asleep whilst studying. He tries to wake him up, as the test is tomorrow, but of course he can't do it. But instead, he decides to appear to him in his dreams. He does so and when Kuwabara sees him, he wants to fight and settle this now. Yusuke reminds him that before they can do that, he has a science test tomorrow. Kuwabara says science is more important than fighting right now. Yusuke starts helping him out with some questions.

The next morning, Kuwabara is still studying as he walks to school. But some other guys see him, and have heard if anyone fights him now, he doesn't hit back. They decide to have some fun with him and call him out, but he's concentrating that hard he doesn't even respond to them. Yusuke sees them though, and says he went to a lot of trouble cramming all that stuff into Kuwabara last night, he doesn't want them to fight him and cause him to forget it all. He yells at the gang to hold it.

One of them suddenly stops and says he just got this strange feeling -why don't they call this off? But the others want to fight and charge forward. Yusuke tries to punch one of them, but of course they just go right through him. Meanwhile, Kuwabara walks around a corner, as two girls pass him.

The gang run around and shove the girls out of the way. One of them, Misako, hits a wall and loses consciousness. Yusuke follows the gang, but then sees Misako and has an idea. Botan told him he can't just go into people's bodies recklessly, but under these circumstances, he has no choice. He takes over Misako.

Misako's friend is surprised when she suddenly gets up and runs after the gang. Yusuke quickly catches up with them and bashes one on the back of the head. The others wonder what's going on, and are surprised when a girl starts effortlessly beating them up.

They are quickly defeated, whilst Kuwabara continues onwards, not realizing about what's going on behind him.

Yusuke leaves Mikaso's body, and she's left wondering what this is all about. With Kuwabara safely at school, the test begins.

Kuwabara struggles with a question, but Yusuke tells him to remember the dream he had. Kuwabara suddenly remembers and is able to answer the question. Later on, Kuwabara tells his friends he did it -he wrote down all of his answers on the problem sheet, and when he checked it with the answers, he scored 53 points in total. Later on that evening, Akashi can't believe it...

...as he says out loud that Kuwabara got more than 50 points! If he'd just missed one more, he would have failed, but now all of Akashi's plans have come to nothing. But Iwamoto then shows him that it's simple -and uses an eraser to remove one of Kuwabara's answers. He says there was no answer written there in the first place, so now everything's fine.

Akashi takes the test paper to Kuwabara and tells him it's too bad -he couldn't handle it after all, and his efforts were useless. A promise is a promise, so now he'll have Okubo give up his job. As he walks off, Yusuke and Botan watch as Kuwabara looks at his paper. He knows this can't be right, as he should have scored 53 points.

He then notices the last question, and he was sure he wrote an answer. He then realizes Akashi must have erased it, and gets really angry. He runs after the teacher and grabs him, but as he does a punch...

...Yusuke intervenes. He shouts that he's worked so hard for Okubo and endured so much, so if he hits Akashi now, it'll all be for nothing! Kuwabara drops Akashi. Akashi tells him if he had hit him it would have settled this for sure, but his score was 48 points, no matter how hard he tries to contend it.

Kuwabara walks away, as Takenaka walks over and asks Akashi if he's alright. Akashi asks if he saw that -how rough Kuwabara was with him. Takenaka says he did, but then what he and Iwamoto did to Kuwabara's answer sheet was pretty rough as well. He grabs Akashi and tells him he's like to hit him in Kuwabara's place, but that'll just throw water on his spirits, which he's finally gotten so fired up.

So instead, he'd better fix Kuwabara's grade straight away. Outside, Kuwabara is heading home when his friends run over with good news: Okubo has been told he has permission to continue at his job! Takenaka has told them that they all scored more than 50 points! Okubo is so happy that Kuwabara came through for him.

Kuwabara tells him it was no big deal. As they walk off together, Yusuke tells Botan that he was surprised when Kuwabara could hear him when he tried to stop him earlier. Botan says he probably couldn't hear his voice -but even if he couldn't hear him, if they shared the same thoughts between them, his feelings would get through. What he felt must have gotten through to Kuwabara.

Yusuke doesn't like that idea of feelings and Kuwabara, and tells her not to say such disgusting things! Botan tells him it's nothing to be so self-concious about. They then see that Kuwabara has suddenly turned around, and seems to be looking right at them. Botan tells Yusuke that he may be able to sense them, but he can't see or hear them. Kuwabara says thank you, and as Okubo asks who was he speaking to, he tells him no-one.


(Yusuke is speaking)

I'm in a absolute pinch! An arsonist has set fire to my house! As things are, my body is gonna get burned up! And it's the one time when there's nobody around! Damn, it's too late! Ah, Keiko has leapt into the middle of the fire! My body doesn't matter! Come back out of there immediately, Keiko! Next time: "Hot Flames! Ties of the Beloved". The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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