These storyboards can be seen in full at the Sunbow and Marvel Productions Script/Storyboard Archive.
The storyboard only wanted to show Moonbase 1 for this shot. In the movie, both moons can be seen.
One oddity with these two storyboards is that they have the words "two moons" crossed out and replaced with "outer moon". Outer moon refers to Moonbase 1, and later storyboards have "inner moon" refer to Moonbase 2.
In the movie, the above shot of Unicron approaching the moon is shown before the shot of Cliffjumper and Jazz. In the movie, Unicron's beaks are already open during this shot.
This close up shot of Jazz was cut.
Again, like with Blaster's signal that was meant to be seen in sequence 7, the storyboards for this shot and the next one wanted to show visible sound waves for when Jazz contacts Earth. In the movie, these sound waves aren't seen in any shot.
This storyboard wanted there to be a "misty energy field" around the moon. This isn't seen in the movie.
This shot was cut. It was meant to be shown after the above shot of Unicron eating the moon.
These shots were cut. They were meant to be shown after this shot.
In the movie, this shot was changed slightly so Jazz is already sat down. The storyboard wanted to show him running to his station.
In the dialogue script, Cliffjumper doesn't have a line here. On the storyboard, he was meant to say "the ship is going backwards". This was later changed to "Jazz! We're not getting away!"
This storyboard has Cliffjumper yelling here. In the dialogue script screams were recorded for both him and Jazz, but in the movie, they aren't heard during this shot.
After Moonbase 1 is destroyed, the storyboards then have the scene where Galvatron says the moons belong to him. In the movie, this scene is shown later, after the other Moonbase is destroyed. On this shot, there were meant to be other Decepticons behind Galvatron. They aren't present in the movie.