These storyboards can be seen in full at the Sunbow and Marvel Productions Script/Storyboard Archive.

In the movie, this shot already starts zoomed in on Perceptor. So we don't get to see that animated Autobot flag.

In the movie, Dirge is not seen in the first shot. The second shot of Magnus leaning forward, was cut.

This shot was cut. In the movie, it jumps from Springer flipping his arm cannon out straight to the shot below.

The storyboard wanted Scavenger and Hook to be present for this shot, in addition to Starscream, but in the movie, only Starscream is seen.

The storyboard wanted Springer and Arcee to be seen for this shot, but in the movie, you only see Ultra Magnus.

Small change here: on the storyboard, Springer isn't present. In the movie, Springer is present, whilst Arcee is between him and Perceptor.

This storyboard has Starscream transform to robot mode earlier than he does in the movie. It also wanted Arcee and Springer to transform to their vehicle modes, but in the movie, they remain in their robot modes.

These shots were cut.

These shots, which were supposed to be shown right after Starscream shoots his own foot, were cut. They were replaced with a shot of Arcee pressing various buttons, and then various shots taken from the promotional trailer of Autobot City transforming.

These shots, showing Ramjet firing a missile at a wall, were cut.

This short sequence was cut. It would have been Mirage's only appearance in the movie. He's then attacked my Megatron, but it's unclear if he dies or not. This sequence would have happened just before Megatron's "breach their defenses" line.

These shots were cut.

Note how on this storyboard, the transformed Autobot City is called "Fortress Maximus".

The above sequence was cut. It was meant to happen right after this shot of the Decepticons attacking the city.

These shots were cut.

The storyboard wanted Blaster to use a microphone, but he doesn't have one in the movie.

This sequence was cut. It was meant to happen just before Perceptor arrives.

The storyboard wanted this shot to show the window behind Perceptor, and have a couple of Decepticon jets fly around. In the movie, the shot is at a different angle.

When Blaster sends his signal, the storyboards wanted to show visible sound waves. But in the movie, they aren't there. What we don't know if this was a deliberate choice, or if it was a mistake that the visual effect is missing. They were supposed to be shown for these shots as well, along with some other shots.

For this shot, the storyboard only wanted Megatron to be firing, but in the movie, everyone is.

The placement of Soundwave's cassettes was altered slightly for the movie.

These shots were cut. They were supposed to happen just after Rumble and Frenzy toss the satellite dish aside.

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