These storyboards can be seen in full at the Sunbow and Marvel Productions Script/Storyboard Archive.
The first two storyboards seen here were not animated for the movie. In the movie, it cuts straight to Hot Rod holding the fish next to his face.
The storyboard wanted Daniel's viewer to have the word "EARTH" displayed on it. In the movie, it has some numbers instead. The viewer was made smaller as well, since Daniel only uses one hand to hold it in the movie.
These shots were cut.
This part was cut. It would have happend after Hot Rod's "why settle for a peek?" line.
In the movie, these two shots are shown the other way around.
This shot was cut. It would have been shown right before the following shot:
One big difference with the storyboards for this scene is that there was supposed to be a tower structure located under the viewing platform. In the movie, this tower isn't present.
Hot Rod also power slides his way to a stop in the movie, which the storyboard doesn't mention him doing. Pretty dangerous given the storyboard's safety rail didn't make it into the film!
This sequence was cut from the movie. It was supposed to happen right after Starscream falls over, after being struck by one of Hot Rod's lasers.
The storyboard wanted Hot Rod to start firing from his gun for this shot. In the movie, he continues firing from his arm cannons.
The storyboard wanted the shuttle to completely explode. In the movie, it remains intact.
The first storyboard was cut. The second one made it into the movie, but it wanted to show Skywarp transforming from robot to jet. In the movie, Skywarp's not present during this shot, and it's Starscream who transforms.
The storyboard states to have Daniel run to Hot Rod for this shot. In the movie, Hot Rod is the one who runs to Daniel.
This is the first of several shots that would be cut. Hot Rod was meant to land on that tower that was seen in some of the earlier storyboards. This leads onto the following sequence, which did not make it into the movie:
In the movie, after Hot Rod lands, it cuts to Blitzwing landing.
The shot of Starscream flying towards the city was cut.