End of the Road

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International Rescue face a challenge when they have to save someone who knows them.
Original UK broadcast date: November 25th, 1965


1) Synopsis
2) Notes
3) Errors


The Gray & Houseman Construction Company are creating a road. Using an explosives tractor, the staff blow apart part of a peak, and then return to the larger construction vehicle, which is laying down the road. Senior partner Bob Gray tells Eddie Houseman that he's done wonders cutting through the mountain before the monsoon hit. This job is important to Eddie, as it's their first big contract. With his work completed, Eddie goes on vacation, and looks up an old friend.

He heads to Tracy Island by plane to meet Tin-Tin. Some of the Tracy family get worried, as Eddie's presence might get awkward if they receive a rescue call. Alan also isn't happy, as it seems that Eddie is spending a lot of time with Tin-Tin. Meanwhile, Bob and his men monitor some earth tremors. Bob and Lester use a helijet to view the status of the peak, and see a rock fall. Bob says that the monsoon will bring the whole range into the cutting they've made, and they'll never be able to complete the road on time now.

Once Eddie finds out about this, he immediately leaves, without even saying goodbye to Tin-Tin. He and Bob get into an argument over what to do, and Eddie suggests using explosives to blast the peak and make it fall away from the road instead of into it. Bob thinks that's too dangerous, and wants to apply for a contract extension, something Eddie disagrees with. Back at Tracy Island, Alan tries to spend some time with Tin-Tin, but makes the mistake of mentioning Eddie. Tin-Tin leaves, leaving Alan confused over what he said that was wrong. Grandma says to leave it to her.

Eddie secretly takes the explosives tractor and heads up the peak. Despite the terrible weather conditions, he manages to plant several explosive charges, and then returns to the tractor. Bob manages to get into contact with him and tells him to get out of there, as from the readings they've been getting, the entire peak could come down any minute. Eddie decides to detonate the charges now, and he does so. The explosives do as he'd hoped, but due to how close the tractor is, it gets pushed back and ends up almost falling of the cliff. The tractor is in danger of going over, and Eddie can't get out of it. To make things worse, he still has a case of charges onboard, so if this tractor goes over, he's going to be blown sky high! Bob puts in a call to International Rescue.

John relays the details to Jeff and the others, and also reveals the guy they need to save is Eddie. Jeff says they can't turn this call down, and has Scott sent out in Thunderbird 1, followed by Virgil and Alan in Thunderbird 2. Meanwhile, Grandma tells Tin-Tin that Alan went on the rescue, even though he was ill. Tin-Tin asks if Jeff allowed him to, and Grandma claims Alan couldn't be stopped. Thunderbird 1 arrives as the rescue zone, and fires several steel poles into the mountain, stopping any more falling boulders from hitting the tractor.

Thunderbird 2 arrives and attempts to grab the tractor, but its jets are in danger of making it fall over the edge. Scott positions Thunderbird 1 under the tractor, using the craft's nosecone to balance it. Thunderbird 2 is able to use its magnetic grabs to pull the tractor up, but Virgil and Alan realize it's too heavy. Virgil positions Thunderbird 2 near a cliff, which allows Eddie to jump out to safety. Thunderbird 2 tries to then fly the tractor to level ground, but the grabs detach and the tractor falls, where it hits the ground and explodes.

Eddie rejoins his work colleagues and says how much he wants to thank International Rescue, but Bob tells him he won't get the chance, as they see the Thunderbirds are already flying away. With their mission complete and Eddie none the wiser about who they are, Tin-Tin contacts Alan and asks if he is alright. Alan says he is now, and Tin-Tin tells him he shouldn't take such chances. Alan tells Tin-Tin that they can have a long talk about it once he gets back. Tin-Tin says she'll be waiting. At the call ends, Thunderbird 1 and Thunderbird 2 head back to base.


-The tractor Eddie uses has been in the series before, a slightly different version of it appears in Sun Probe.

-The helijet Bob and Lester use has also been seen in the series before, such as in Pit of Peril. It has once again been recolored to look different though.

-Lester's hemet has "JBL" on it, whilst the other workers have their names printed on their helmets. Apparently the script refers to Lester as "J.B. Lester".

-Whilst Brains is seen a couple of times in this episode, he doesn't have any lines.


-The box of charges states "Nutronic" on it instead of "nutomic".
-During this shot, the rain can be seen moving upwards on the helijet.
-When Thunderbird 2 starts to dive towards the peak, the background is a clear blue sky instead of a stormy one. This is due to the incorrect use of a stock footage shot.

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