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Production order: #17 |
Broadcast order: #8 |
For a detailed overview of this episode, click here.
The Hood finds out about International Rescue's expedition to Lake Anasta.
Original UK broadcast date: November 18th, 1965
1) Synopsis
2) Notes
3) Errors
The Hood is aware that members of International Rescue are going to Lake Anasta to search for treasure. He uses his link with Kyrano to find out when they are going. Thunderbird 2 later drops off the team, which consists of Brains and Tin-Tin, in a desert. They leave the pod in a vehicle which pulls along two caravan trailers with it. As Thunderbird 2 returns to base, Brains and Tin-Tin meet up with Professor Blakely, who is helping them -but has no ties to International Rescue.
The Hood arrives at the lake first, and deploys his own submarine into it. Later on, Brains and Tin-Tin enter the lake and swim down to the temple. They find that the place doesn't look too solid, but they start searching it. Brains wonders which column could contain the treasure, so Tin-Tin picks the central one. Brains picks off a sample from it and takes it back to the professor. He looks at it and tells them that the expedition is a success: they've located the lost treasure.
That night, the Hood goes to their camp in disguise, and after knocking out Blakely and putting Tin-Tin in a trance, he uses his powers to make Brains collapse. At Tracy Island, Scott says he heard from Brains last night, and he was in high spirits. Grandma wonders why Tin-Tin went, as she has enough jewelry already, but Scott explains anything they find is going back with Blakely to the International Museum of Archaeology. Back at the camp site, the Hood has buried Brains in the sand, and tells him that if he wants to be released, he needs to tell him where the treasure is. But Brains doesn't answer him and ends up passing out due to the heat.
At Tracy Island, Jeff gets concerned when Brains doesn't call in at the usual time. He and Scott then hear an alarm start buzzing, and Jeff says it's the emergency signal. He tells Scott to head out in Thunderbird 1, whilst Virgil and Gordon take off in Thunderbird 2, which is carrying pod 4. The Hood has returned to his submarine and is about to go and talk to Brains again, but then notices Thunderbird 1 landing. He decides to wait, as Thunderbird 2 then arrives. He then begins recording footage of the Thunderbirds. Scott and Gordon free Brains, whilst Virgil sees to Tin-Tin.
Blakely is still unconscious, so Jeff arranges for a helicopter to come and pick him up and take him to a hospital. Scott says Jeff has ordered the rest of them to return to base. He mentions that Thunderbird 1's photo alert has gone off, and Brains realizes this entire expedition has been used be their enemies as a means of drawing International Rescue to a lonely spot. Later on that night, Brains decides to head back to the temple, believing the guy who has been spying on them must be hiding somewhere in the lake. He only lets Tin-Tin know he's going, but when he gets to the temple, he finds some cables have been placed around it. He touches one, which sets off an alarm -they were placed by the Hood, and he goes to the temple. He finds Brains and uses his powers to knock him out.
The Hood then returns to his submarine, and detonates some explosives that cause massive amounts of damage to the temple. When Tin-Tin loses contact with Brains, she tells the others. Gordon heads down into the lake in Thunderbird 4 and reports on the damage to the temple. He starts searching for Brains and sees some air bubbles coming up from a pillar. But before he can investigate further, Thunderbird 4 is attacked by the Hood, who fires two missiles at it. Thunderbird 4 gets hit, but Gordon is able to turn the craft around and chase after the Hood.
Gordon fires a missile at the submarine, hitting it and making it crash. The Hood realizes his motors have flooded, and he has to abandon his sub, moments before it explodes. With him out of the way, Scott heads into the lake, carrying the aerostatic lifting kit. They tie a rope around a pillar that Brains is trapped under. The kit is activated, which deploys a balloon that floats up and takes the pillar with it.
This gives Gordon the chance to pull Brains out of the way, seconds before the rope snaps and causes the pillar to drop back down. Later on, Tin-Tin and Brains go and see Blakely in the hospital. He's going to be ok, but is already planning on taking them along on another treasure hunt in the Caribbean. They decide to quickly leave, claiming that visiting hours are over. Tin-Tin tells Brains is what they need is a nice, quiet rescue to soothe their nerves. As she tells Brains they need to get back to base, Blakely resumes reading his book: Treasure - The Easy Way.
-This episode has the smallest amount of guest characters, with just two appearing: Blakely and Hassan Ali.
-The diving suit Brains is seen wearing was originally used in Secret of the Giant Oyster, an episode of Stingray. Tin-Tin's diving suit is the same one she had in Edge of Impact.
-When the camera pans from the camp site to showing Brains buried in the sand something odd can be seen: Thunderbird 1! You need to view it frame by frame to really see it but if you watch it fully Thunderbird 1 actually appears twice.
-Everyone refers to the vehicle coming to pick Blakely up as a helicopter, but when it's seen, it's clearly a helijet.