The Uninvited
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Production order: #5 |
Broadcast order: #10 |
For a detailed overview of this episode, click here.
When Thunderbird 1 is shot down in the Sahara Desert, it leads to an encounter with the Zombites!
Original UK broadcast date: December 2nd, 1965
1) Synopsis
2) Notes
3) Errors
In the Sahara Desert, Scott is returning home when three unidentified jets attack him. Thunderbird 1 is hit, and crashes. It is found by explorers Wilson and Lindsey, are are looking for the lost pyramid of Khamandides. Scott is ok other that a head injury, and asks them to contact International Rescue. Their signal is picked up by Thunderbird 5, so John relays the details to Tracy Island.
Thunderbird 2 is sent out to the desert. Virgil, Brains and Tin-Tin find Scott, and the group setup a camp for the night. The next day the Thunderbirds return to base, although everyone wants to know why Scott was attacked in the first place. Meanwhile, Wilson and Lindsey resume their search for the pyramid, but they lose their truck's trailer thanks to Wilson's reckless driving. The trailer, which has all their food, water and gasoline in it, explodes.
Scott and Alan take Thunderbird 3 up to Thunderbird 5, as it's Alan's turn to man it. As Scott and John fly back to Tracy Island in Thunderbird 3, Wilson tries to radio International Rescue. His radio breaks and he's not sure if he got through to them, but he uses a map to find a water hole they've got just enough fuel to get to. They drive to it, only to find the place is dried up. However they then see something not far away: the lost pyramid of Khamandides!
They have just enough fuel left to drive to it. When they get there the place appears to be deserted, but then a door opens up. They enter the pyramid, and the door closes behind them. They do find a fountain, and then find many treasures. Meanwhile, Scott has been sent out in Thunderbird 1, as Wilson's distress call was picked up by International Rescue. He finds the water hole, and then follows the tracks left by the truck to the pyramid. The door opens up again, so he heads inside.
He soon finds Wilson and Lindsey, but the heat has caused Lindsey to go crazy, and he believes Scott is here to steal their treasure. He starts shooting at Scott and Wilson, and is only stopped when two men enter the room and shoot at him. These men are part of the Zombite clan, who were responsible for shooting down Thunderbird 1 earlier. Scott's group are taken deeper into the pyramid via a monorail car, where they pass through a power plant room. They are then taken to a control room, where the Zombite leader is.
The Zombites don't speak English, but they make it clear what they intend to do: shoot down the approaching Thunderbird 2! Wilson punches down a guard, so Scott grabs his gun and starts firing. He hits a control panel, causing the missiles to go off early and crash into each other. Wilson takes control of the monorail car and drives it back the way it came. As it goes through the power plant room, Scott has to shoot at another Zombite. The Zombite falls and hits a lever, which releases an explosive gas everywhere. The Zombites are overwhelmed by the gas, whilst the power plant room starts to explode.
Scott, Wilson and Lindsey make it out of the pyramid. Virgil is about to land Thunderbird 2, but Scott quickly explains what's about to happen and tells him to get clear. Scott gets Wilson and Lindsey out in Thunderbird 1, and moments later, the entire pyramid is rocked by a series of several explosions, destroying it completely. Scott says the lost pyramid of Khamandides is lost forever, as Thunderbirds 1 and 2 fly away.
-This episode's working title was Desert of Danger.
-To extend this episode, the opening was changed. Originally, the scenes where Thunderbird 1 gets shot down and found by Wilson and Lindsey were not present. The original episode would have opened with them losing their trailer.
-The Zombites are never named in the episode itself, the name comes from the script.
-The three Zombite fighter jets are recolored WASP fighter jets, which had been used in Stingray.
-In the production order, Grandma Tracy makes her first appearance in this episode, although she was previously mentioned in Sun Probe. Therefore this episode must take place after Move – And You’re Dead.
-When Tin-Tin first appears in this episode, a puppeteer's hand can be seen holding her up! This error was corrected for the Blu-ray release of the series.
-The position of the hatch Scott opens on Thunderbird 1 is inconsistent between shots.
-John says "I guess he doesn't have to do his spell of satellite relief until he's fit, father", which suggests Scott sometimes mans Thunderbird 5. This seems to be a script error, as Scott is never seen doing this, only John and Alan do.
-When Alan boards Thunderbird 3, his outfit completely changes by the time he gets to the control room.
-For some reason, when Scott returns to the lounge via the sofa, John isn't with him.
-When Scott and the others get out of the pyramid, Scott's gun is back in its holster, despite it not being there in previous scenes.