Bakumatsu Roman:
Gekka no Kenshi
Bakumatsu Roman Dainmaku:
Gekka no Kenshi
Big Tournament Golf
Fatal Fury 2
Fatal Fury 3
Garou Densetsu
Garou Densetsu Special
King of Fighters '94
King of Fighters '95
King of Fighters '96
King of Fighters '97
King of Fighters '98 L.E.
King of Fighters '98
King of Fighters '99
Metal Slug
Metal Slug 2
Neo Geo CD Special
Real Bout Fatal Fury
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2
Real Bout Garou Densetsu
Real Bout Special
Ryuko no Ken
Ryuko no Ken 2
Ryuko no Ken Gaiden
Maniac Collection
Samurai Spirits
Samurai Spirits
Amakusa Kourin
Samurai Spirits
Zankuro Musoken
Shin Samurai Spirits
Shinsetsu Samurai Spirits
Bushido Retsuden
World Heroes 2 Jet
World Heroes Perfect