To the Demon Realm! A Meeting with the Father
Yu Yu Hakusho episode 98 |
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Yusuke returns to the Demon Realm, and meets with his true father: Raizen.
Original Japanese broadcast date: September 10th, 1994
1) Synopsis
2) Manga differences
3) Errors
Kuwabara is trying to study, but Botan comes over and tells him he's been summoned to Genkai's place. Kuwabara initially doesn't want to go, but instantly changes his mind when he hears Yukina will be there. The two head there, but Kuwabara's mood immediately changes when he finds out that Yusuke is going to go to the Demon Realm. He asks him about his duties as a spirit detective, but Koenma appears and says that the Spirit Realm have stripped Yusuke of his spirit detective responsibilities, and that the order to kill Yusuke is still in place. Yusuke thinks that because of this, it's best for him to go to the Demon Realm. The Special Defense Squad then arrive, having been ordered to create a tunnel to the Demon Realm for Yusuke to go through.
Hiei and Kurama then arrive, and both also state that they intend to go to the Demon Realm. Kuwabara thinks he's misjudged them all, and worries they'll end up fighting each other, but Yukina tells him that not everything about the Demon Realm is necessarily part of some ugly quarrel. As Kuwabara calms down, Yusuke tells him he'll be back in three years, and will check up on him when he gets back. Kuwabara tells him not to come back until he's become a demon lord, and also asks him to try and find out about Yukina's brother. Yusuke says he'll do his best, and then notices Hiei glaring at him. Kuwabara wonders why they always act so weird whenever he brings this up.
Yusuke says so long to everyone, and heads through the tunnel. Later on, Koenma meets Jorge, and says that his father received three letters, from Raizen, Yomi and Mukuro. They each wanted one person: Yusuke, Kurama and Hiei. As the three are classed as dangerous demons, the letters proposed sending them all to the Demon Realm, which King Enma agreed with. Jorge thinks King Enma must have some sort of deep-seated thoughts regarding this, and Koenma hopes his father does. Meanwhile, in the Demon Realm, Yusuke arrives, and is immediately found by Hokushin and Touou. The three run towards Raizen's domain, having to run there for five days straight.
They arrive, and Yusuke can here a rumbling sound. Hokushin explains that the sound is actually Raizen's stomach, and then points that Raizen is at the top of the tallest tower. Yusuke goes to see him, and as soon as he meets him, he asks why he interrupted his fight with Sensui -and then threatens to kill him. Raizen cuts Yusuke with just a finger flick, and tells him to keep his smart mouth until he's learnt how to control his puny power. Yusuke tries to attack him, but is easily dealt with. Raizen tells him he won't be able to even move him off his throne. Yusuke is surprised at his strength, since he's apparently meant to be dying. Raizen tells him it just goes to show how weak he is, and then reveals that he has about another year or so left to live.
Yusuke tells him to die now, and fires a massive spirit gun blast. The shot destroys part of a wall, and as the smoke clears, Raizen is unharmed, but he has got off his throne -something Yusuke keenly points out. Raizen goes over to him and tells him his skills and courage are something else. He tells Yusuke he likes him, and says that he usually sleeps here. He can come and try to take his life anytime he likes. Whether he runs back home, or stays here to train, is up to him. But he warns him that if he can't defeat him now, he won't be able to defeat Mukuro or Yomi, either. Yusuke asks him why he stopped eating humans, and Raizen says he'll tell him -once he's out of diapers. Yusuke calls him a lousy old man...
-The opening scene with Kuwabara and Botan is not in the manga.
-In the manga, the scene with Yusuke running towards Raizen's place is shown before the explanation of how he got to the Demon Realm. The anime swapped these scenes around.
-In the manga, Koenma does tell Yusuke about the letters his father received from Raizen, Yomi and Mukuro, in the anime, he doesn't tell him.
-Kuwabara does not punch Yusuke in the manga.
-Hiei and Kurama are already in the temple in the manga, in the anime they arrive outside.
-The SDS are also in the temple with everyone else in the manga, in the anime, they arrive slightly later, and are all outside.
-The manga has a note about Otake resigning his position due to him failing his previous mission, which explains why Shunjun is now in charge. The anime doesn't mention this.
-In the manga, Yukina's only action is to come in asking if everyone would like some tea. In the anime, she was given some different dialogue, telling Kuwabara that not everything about the Demon Realm is necessarily part of some ugly quarrel.
-Botan and Shizuru are not present during the temple scene, but they are there in the anime.
-Kuwabara initially isn't wearing shoes when he grabs Hiei, but as the shot changes, he suddenly is wearing shoes.