There are three great powers the dominate the Demon Realm: Raizen, Yomi and Mukuro. One of them, Raizen, is Yusuke's forefather. Messengers, under orders from Raizen, invited Yusuke to the Demon Realm to refine his powers, and to fight alongside him, then departed.

Yusuke: I'll be back in exactly three years -I promise.

To the Demon Realm! A Meeting with the Father

Kuwabara is busy studying, when Shizuru walks in. She has his dinner, and he's about to take it, but she suddenly pulls the tray back, which causes him to fall off his chair. She says he can eat if he finishes all of the problems in this book by tomorrow morning. Kuwabara doesn't think that's fair, but she says this his studies are already a hundred times behind everyone else's. If he doesn't do at least this much, there's no way he'll get into the school he wants. She leaves, and tells him to take this seriously.

He starts eating, and says he's grateful she made dinner for him like this, but then hears something outside. Botan has arrived, and he wonders what she's here so late for. She tells him he needs to go to Master Genkai's temple, and she has also been summoned. She doesn't know what it's for, so Kuwabara says he can't go -he's too busy studying for entrance exams. He'll have to go tomorrow instead.

Kuwabara instantly changes his tone when Botan mentions that Yukina will be there. He'll overcome any obstacle to be where Yukina is, and that includes studying. He hops onto Botan's oar and tells her to rush to Genkai's temple. Just then, Shizuru comes back in with some milk and sugar, and sees Botan. Kuwabara tells Botan to hurry and go, so she flies off.

At the temple, Kuwabara hears what Yusuke plans to do, and gets really angry with him. He asks him if he got alzheimer's in his brain the moment he found out he had demonkin blood mixed in. Yusuke says he's serious, and has decided to go to the Demon Realm. Kuwabara asks what he plans to do when he gets there -buddy up with other demonkin, and then come attacking the Human Realm?! When Yusuke says maybe, Kuwabara punches him. Yusuke laughs and says he hates to think that he'll never have to take one of his wussy punches again.

He gets up and says that he'll decide what to do once he gets there. All he can say for now is that there are lots of strong guys in the Demon Realm. That's all there is to it, and he can't help himself. It's driving him to go to the Demon Realm. Kuwabara thinks he's crazy, and asks him what he's going to do about his duties as a spirit detective. Koenma appears, and tells him not to worry about that. The Spirit Realm has stripped Yusuke of his duties as a spirit detective. And what's more, the order to kill Yusuke is still in place.

Kuwabara is surprised at this, and Yusuke says if he remains in the Human Realm, his only fate is to be rubbed out by a posse from the Spirit Realm. Genkai gets up, and recalls the time before Yusuke's spirit powers had been awakened -he had such a hard time fighting here in the darkness. But now, Yusuke has more power than she can manage. All they can do now is pray that the demonkin blood inside him does not make him cause any trouble. She says that Yusuke won't rest until he gets things settled to his satisfaction -that's the kind of man he is.

She asks Kuwabara if isn't that the reason he's fought alongside him. Kuwabara says yes, but then asks how he intends to get to the Demon Realm. The boundary tunnel that connects the Human Realm and the Demon Realm has been closed up. Koenma says that holes that are closed can be opened again.

Outside, the Special Defense Squad appear, now led by Shunjun. As everyone heads outside, Shunjun asks Yusuke if he's ready. Kuwabara can't believe these guys are planning on opening a hole to the Demon Realm, but Koenma laughs. He says he's heard that they were conducting Yusuke to the Demon Realm. Kuwabara thinks what the SDS is doing is dirty. They don't have the power to exterminate Urameshi, so they're disposing of him by locking him up inside the Demon Realm.

Shunjun says he won't deny that. King Enma has handed down the safest decision for the sake of peace in the Spirit Ream, and the Human Realm. The SDS are only loyally executing their duty. Kuwabara thinks if that's the case, what are they going to do the next time someone like Toguro or Sensui shows up. He wonders if they expect just him, Hiei and Kurama to deal with it. Koenma says that won't happen, and explains that in the last few days, Yusuke and the other's situations have greatly changed.

Hiei then shows up, and says that he's also received an invitation from the Demon Realm. Kuwabara asks him if he's thinking of joining with Raizen, but Hiei says his invitation came from Mukuro. Kuwabara tells him he can't seriously be thinking about going, but Hiei says he is. He was originally a resident of the Demon Realm. Kuwabara thinks he could wind up having to fight against Urameshi in the Demon Realm, but Hiei says if that happens, all he can do is enjoy his fate.

Kurama then appears, and says that he's also received an invitation from the Demon Realm. His came from the other major power, Yomi. He intends to also go to the Demon Realm, but he'll be leaving after Yusuke and Hiei go. Kuwabara says he's misjudged them all, and says they're no different from Toguro or Sensui. As long as they get to fight, they don't care about whose side they're on. He then says he thinks they're worse than them, as they don't follow any policy. Hiei tells him he's gotten a little bit smarter.

Kuwabara is about to punch him, but Genkai tells him to stop. She says it's not as though they've decided they're going to fight yet. Kuwabara says they haven't decided if they're not going to fight, either.

Yukina tells him that not everything about the Demon Realm is necessarily part of some ugly quarrel. The Demon Realm is her homeland. Kuwabara lets go of Hiei. Yusuke tells him that he's heard about the school he wants to get into from Keiko, and that it made Shizuru laugh -she'd told him the most impetuous man in all of Japan was in her family.

He tells Kuwabara that he'll be back in three years. When he gets back, he's going to rush over to find out how Kuwabara did on his entrance exam. Kuwabara thinks he's gone nuts, what with setting a time limit for himself. He tells him not to come back until he's become a demon lord. And whilst he's there, he should try and find out what he can about Yukina's brother. Yusuke says he'll do his best, and then notices Hiei glaring at him. Kuwabara wonders why they always act so weird whenever he brings this up.

Shizuru then arrives, and says that Yusuke has chosen the most dangerous path. Genkai says all three of them are so curious, and they can't help it. Shunjun then tells Yusuke that it was about time he was leaving.

The tunnel to the Demon Realm is opened. Yusuke pets Puu, and then looks at the portal. He says he has mixed feelings about this, as Sensui tried desperately to open a hole to the Demon Realm, yet the SDS can open one so easily.

Kuwabara tells Urameshi that the paths they've chosen are only just a little bit different, and he's going to make sure he passes that exam -it'll be something for him to brag about. Ryuhi then reports that everything is ready. Yusuke tells everyone he's off, and walks towards the hole.

Shunjun tells Yusuke that, not that it's any of his business, but he shouldn't expect to come back here alive. Yusuke says when he comes back, he'll be opening a hole from the other end, so they can close this one up. Botan asks Yusuke if he's really going, and he says he is. He tells everyone goodbye...

...and leaps through the hole. As he vanishes, Shunjun says he has strange feelings about him, and Ryuhi says she's curious to see what he does in the Demon Realm. Shunjun tells his team to close up the hole, which they do.

Yusuke arrives in the Demon Realm. Seconds after he does, two dust clouds move towards him at great speed, and then stop. It's Hokushin and Touou, and Yusuke immediately notices the difference in their power now compared to what he felt when he saw them earlier. Hokushin says they should hurry, as Raizen is waiting.

On Earth, Koenma meets with Jorge. Jorge is surprised that the SDS opened a boundary tunnel to the Demon Realm on purpose, just to send Yusuke through it. Koenma says that's not all, as the SDS will also be sending Hiei and Kurama through as well. His father is responding to requests from the Demon Realm. Letters from the three most powerful demons all arrived on the same day, with them each requesting a person to be sent to the Demon Realm. Raizen wanted Yusuke, Yomi wanted Kurama, and Mukuro wanted Hiei.

The letters proposed the idea that, as those who have the blood of the Demon Realm in them were feared to bring harm to the Human Realm, locking the three in the Demon Realm would be the best way of disposing of them. Enma agreed with them, and accepted their proposals. Koenma decided not to tell Yusuke and the others this, and Jorge thinks King Enma must have some sort of deep-seated thoughts regarding this. Koenma hopes his father does.

Yusuke, Hokushin and Touou are running. They've been at it for a while, and Yusuke asks how much further do they need to go -they've been running for a full day already. Hokushin says that's nothing, they'll need to run for another four days before they get there. Yusuke is surprised at that, and Hokushin tells him they can take a rest if he's getting tired. Yusuke says no way, and the group continues.

After running through various parts of the Demon Realm, they finally arrive at Raizen's domain. Hokushin admits that they were running at their full power, trying to leave Yusuke behind. But he hasn't even broken a sweat. Yusuke admits he didn't think he could run for five days straight himself, but it looks like he finally beat them once. He then asks what that rumbling sound is.

Hokushin says the sound is that of Raizen's stomach. Ever since he stopped eating humans, it reverberates throughout the land whenever it's time to eat. You can use the sound instead of a clock. He points out that Raizen is in the top level of a tower. The group head towards it, and open the doors. Yusuke is sent in by himself.

He gets to the top, and opens the doors. Inside, Raizen is sat on his throne, and welcomes his son.

Yusuke enters, but stays back. Raizen asks him what's wrong -he's his true father. Yusuke tells him not to go deciding that, and asks him why he interfered in his fight with Sensui. Raizen laughs, so Yusuke says he'll kill him.

With just a flick of his fingers, Raizen sends out a projectile which cuts Yusuke, and knocks him back. He says he's toying with him, and tells him to save that smart mouth of his for when he can take his puny level of spectral power, and learn how to control it.

Yusuke gets up, and then charges towards Raizen. Outside, Hokushin and Touou hear a lot of noise coming from the tower, and Hokushin says it's quite a rowdy meeting between father and son. Back in the tower, Raizen easily beats up Yusuke, and throws him into a wall.

He tells Yusuke that right now, he won't be able to even move him from his throne. Yusuke is surprised at his strength, since he's apparently meant to be dying. Raizen tells him it just goes to show how weak he is. And to be precise, he only has about another year or so left to live. Yusuke laughs, and tells him to die now -as he charges up a spirit gun shot.

He fires a big blast, which puts a hole through a wall. As the smoke clears, Raizen is unharmed, but he has got off his throne -something Yusuke keenly points out.

Raizen goes over to him and tells him his skills and courage are something else. He tells Yusuke he likes him, and says that he usually sleeps here. He can come and try to take his life anytime he likes. Whether he runs back home, or stays here to train, is up to him. But he warns him that if he can't defeat him now, he won't be able to defeat Mukuro or Yomi, either. Yusuke asks him why he stopped eating humans, and Raizen says he'll tell him -once he's out of diapers. Yusuke calls him a lousy old man...

Yusuke finally meets his father, who has survived for an eternity. Will Yusuke indeed be able to overcome his father, the Demon Lord Raizen?


(Hiei is speaking)

That Mukuro... she's prepared a game of survival for me. That bastard comes up with some fairly extreme ideas. Damn... how many more of these guys are left? My consciousness is starting to slip... it feels like I'm going to have that same disagreeable dream as always. Next time: Unforgettable Memories - A Time of Birth. Don't mock the power of the evil eye!

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