Visitors of Darkness -
The Mystery Deepens

Yu Yu Hakusho episode 96
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Yusuke faces three visitors from the Demon Realm, who say they have come to take him to meet his true father: Raizen.
Original Japanese broadcast date: August 27th, 1994


1) Synopsis
2) Manga differences


Hokushin, Seitei and Touou -the three men who entered Kuroko's home -are demons from the Demon Realm. Yusuke thinks they're weak, as he can't sense any demon energy from them. Hokushin explains that he is actually an S class demon, whilst Seitei and Touou are A class. They were able to get to the Human Realm by wearing organic devices that reduces their power to D class demons. He says they've come here to take Yusuke back to the Demon Realm as an ally, as his true father wants to meet him. He explains that his father, Raizen, is their king, and one of the three most powerful demons in the Demon Realm. Their is a power struggle between Raizen and two other powerful demons, but things are about to change -Raizen will die soon, as he decided 1,000 years ago to stop eating humans, for unknown reasons. When he dies, Hokushin and the rest of Raizen's followers intend to fight, but they want Yusuke's help.

Hokushin says his own power doesn't hold a candle to that of Raizen's, or the other two powerful demons. But he is stronger than Yusuke, and asks for him to come back with them so he can increase his power. Yusuke is unsure if everything Hokushin is saying is true, and decides to test him by fighting him. Meanwhile, Keiko calls Kuwabara, asking if he knows where Yusuke is, but he says he doesn't. He tells her he'll go to Genkai tomorrow and ask her. Back at the fight, Yusuke and Hokushin prepare to start.

Yusuke thinks Hokushin will be no problem to take care of, but as he goes to punch him, Hokushin reveals that he has a very flexible body, and extends his neck to avoid every punch Yusuke throws out. He restrains Yusuke, and no matter how hard Yusuke tries, he can't get him off. Hokushin then takes out a knife, and stabs Yusuke with it. However, it's revealed that the knife is just a toy. Hokushin tells Yusuke if he wants to see what he can really do, he'll just have to come with him to the Demon Realm.

Yusuke says that something about Hokushin's story doesn't seem right, and now he knows what: why does he eat humans? He explains that he once fought with someone who ate human souls, and smelled the same smell coming from them. He tells Hokushin to prepare himself, but Hokushin asks him to wait. He wants to explain things, but before he can say any more, Yusuke punches him. Yusuke said he held back as hard as he could, and says he'll decide whether to kill him or not after he hears what he has to say. He wants him to come clean and tell him everything. Is Yusuke about to face a turning point in his destiny?

Manga differences

-In the manga, during the part where Hokushin explains about the three powerful demons, none of them look like who they're supposed to be. In the anime, their silhouettes look exactly like who they're meant to be.

-The scene where Kuroko and Shogo talk about Yusuke being alright goes on for longer in the anime.

-The scene with Keiko and Kuwabara in this episode is not in the manga.

-In the manga, Yusuke does not get the chance to use his rapid punch technique against Hokushin.

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