After having completed a life and death battle with Sensui and returning to the Human Realm, Yusuke felt that something was lacking from his daily life. Through the help of Genkai, Yusuke left to consult with Kuroko Sanada, the first spirit detective. There, he had a glimpse of the daily life that Kuroko is now leading. However, it was then that mysterious visitors arrived.

???: We have come from the Demon Realm. Mr. Yusuke, let us speak to you about your destiny...
Yusuke: My destiny?

Visitors of Darkness -
The Mystery Deepens

Yusuke questions if these three really are from the Demon Realm, as they must be really weak if they are. He can't sense any demon energy from any of them. The middle man says that speaking in terms of Spirit Realm ability standard...

...the two behind him, Seitei and Touou, are A class. He, Hokushin, is an S class.

Yusuke is surprised at this, as the tunnel from the Demon Realm to the Human Realm was completely closed up. A and S class demons shouldn't be able to come to the Human Realm anymore. Hokushin says that would be the case, but they've come here without making use of distortions between dimensions. They've used a simpler way, which let them get here without being detected. Kuroko asks what they are all talking about, and Yusuke says it'll take a while to explain. She says it's alright, as she is the first spirit detective, and his senior, after all.

He explains things to her, and she says she never new about some passageway between the Demon and Human Realms. It has been over 10 years since she stopping being a spirit detective, and it seems a lot of things have developed since then. Yusuke asks how they were able to sneak their way into the Human Realm. Hokushin says that as the Spirit Realm feared A and S class demons so much, they raised a giant barrier to prevent them from getting through. But if one was to change their power to a lower class, they could easily pass through. He opens his shirt, revealing a parasite attached to his chest.

He calls it an organic device, which all but eliminates one's spectral power. They can't remove these until they return to the Demon Realm. There are several other ways they could get to the Human Realm, but regulations prohibit them from using them. As he sits back down, he says it's only when they have to come to the Human Realm that they have these devices attached.

Yusuke asks why they're here, and Hokushin tells him there is someone who wishes for him to return to the Demon Realm: his true father. Yusuke knows he means the demon who interrupted his fight with Sensui, and asks if he's strong. Hokushin says he is, so Yusuke demands to be taken to him right now. Seitei asks him not to be so hasty, and listen to what they have to say first. Hokushin says that their presence here is strictly regulated. If Yusuke was to come with them, it means he's joined their side. Their purpose here was to pick him up as an ally, as they can't take an outsider back with them.

Yusuke asks if this means there are rules in the Demon Realm. Seitei says that among the countries in the Demon Realm, which are as numerous as the stars, theirs is but a small one. Hokushin says the Demon Realm is a world without order, and disorder is the best law. People tend to naturally isolate themselves from each other. But there is a great change taking place now, due to a power struggle between three demons, that if effecting the entire Demon Realm.

Yusuke thinks a quarrel between three demons doesn't sound like much, but Hokushin says the problem is that each of these three demons has enough power to reign over the Demon Realm. They all detest each other, for several difference reasons. One example would be their differences in their views on food. All three demons use humans as a source of energy, but then one day, one of them said they should stop using people as food.

Immediately one of the demons objected, saying their stomach can't accept anything other than people, and is barely making do with what little they eat. The other demon said they can eat as much as they want to, as humans multiply on their own. Since all three of these demons are of similar strength, a balance was achieved. If two of them were to fight, and one should win, the remaining one would take advantage of the situation and come and attack the victor at once. This stalemate has now been going on for over 500 years.

Yusuke is surprised to find out that this has been going on for over 500 years. Seitei says the only thing the three demons have in common is a frighteningly cautious sense of patience. Hokushin says the equilibrium is now starting to crumble, as the demon who said to stop using humans for food is on the verge of death. It is this demon who is the king of their country: the God of Fighting, Raizen -Yusuke's true father.

Hokushin says that Raizen's death will be caused by malnutrition, as he has not had a meal in nearly a thousand years. Seitei says that no matter what, Raizen refuses to eat. They don't know why he has chosen to do this, but as long as it is their king's will, they will follow him. Yusuke asks what they want him to do, and Hokushin says that if their king falls, they'll fight in his place. But they don't have enough power. Raizen knows that Yusuke has already been to the Demon Realm, and Yusuke knows Raizen was the one who took control of him during his fight with Sensui. Hokushin explains that when Raizen did that, he said Yusuke had limited power, but would still be of help to them. Yusuke says that they're saying they need all the help they can get -they seem to be desperate.

Hokushin says that's correct, as his own power doesn't hold a candle to that of Raizen's, or the other two demons. He then says that Yusuke's power is a far cry from his own. That's why they want him to come to the Demon Realm, so he can increase his power. Yusuke says there is something not right with this, and asks if everything about this story is true. Hokushin tells him he'll just have to believe them. Yusuke says the only thing he can confirm from his story is if he's actually stronger then him or not. Hokushin asks if he'd like to find out.

As they get up, Yusuke tells them he won't hold back. Hokushin says he doesn't want him to. However Kuroko asks them not to go wrecking her house, as her kids are sleeping.

Yusuke says they won't do anything reckless, as he and the others head outside. Kuroko tells Shogo that that story they just heard could become material for one of his novels. Shogo disagrees, thinking that story is too far removed from reality. He wonders of Yusuke is going to be alright, and Kuroko believes there won't be any trouble. Yusuke is a spirit detective, and not only that, his ancestor is also a Demon Realm God of Fighting. Meanwhile, at Keiko's home...

...Keiko calls Kuwabara, asking him if he knows anything about where Yusuke went. She's called Atsuko, but she said Yusuke hadn't come back yet. She asks him if Yusuke has been caught up in some other strange affair, but Kuwabara says if that was the case, he'd be with him now. Shizuru then calls out to him, asking if he's studying. He says he is, and tells Keiko that his sister has been bugging him about all the school he missed. He says he'll go to Genkai's place tomorrow and ask about Urameshi.

Yusuke faces Hokushin. He asks him if he's going to remove that weird device, but Hokushin says he can't take it off until he returns to the Demon Realm. But even without removing it, it's unlikely he'll lose. Yusuke says he'll kill him, but Hokushin says to come at him with that intent. With his current spectral power, he would probably be blown to smithereens by just one of Yusuke's punches -if, that is, Yusuke could land a punch on him. He may be D class right now, but he hasn't lost his abilities.

He punches a tree, causing a load of leaves to fall. After removing his jacket, he tells Yusuke that this fight will be decided before all of the leaves have fallen from this tree.

Yusuke tells him to come on, so Hokushin charges towards him. Yusuke thinks that Hokushin is very slow, and can't decide if he's really that weak, or isn't taking this fight seriously. Yusuke goes to punch him, but just as his fist is going to connect, something bizarre happens: Hokushin's head twists around, and completely changes shape! His neck extends, as he says that he has the most flexible body in the Demon Realm.

Yusuke tries to punch him, but he evades every strike. He then wraps himself around Yusuke, and says no matter how many times he tries, it won't do him any good. Yusuke tries to rip Hokushin apart, but he can't do it. Hokushin says no matter how hard he tries to pull him off, it'll just stretch him.

Hokushin then pulls a knife out, and as Yusuke continues struggling, he gets stabbed. Hokushin says that's checkmate.

He returns to normal, revealing that the knife he used is just a toy. He says that if his power was in its S class state, he could have strangled Yusuke to death. But right now, this is all he can do. He pulls out some flags from the knife...

...and then turns it into a flower. Yusuke thinks he's made a fool of him, but Hokushin says he'd call it a psychological trick. You intentionally set a short time limit to the fight, then show off only your ability, leaving your opponent with the feeling that they have lost. He asks Yusuke if he is convinced, but Yusuke asks if he expects him to be. Hokushin tells him that in that case, he'll just have to come to the Demon Realm with them. If he does, he can remove the device from his chest, and they can fight all he'd like. When that happens, he can defeat him completely.

Yusuke thinks he's trying to provoke him, and says he won't fall for his scams. He's referring to his story from earlier, as something about it just didn't sit right with him, and now he knows why.

He repeats the story Hokushin told him, and asks why they have been eating humans. He once fought with someone who ate human souls, and smelled the same smell coming from them.

He doesn't know what they're scheming, but he finds shady characters like them really infuriating. He tells Hokushin to prepare himself, but Hokushin asks him to wait. He wants to explain things, but before he can say any more, Yusuke zips over to where he is instantly...

...and punches him in the face. Hokushin gets knocked back, and has had his neck twisted around several times. Yusuke says he held back as hard as he could, and he'll decide whether to kill him or not after he hears what he has to say. He wants him to come clean and tell him everything.

The men who appeared before Yusuke were messengers from the Demon Realm. Further, they say that Yusuke's true father is their king, and that he is growing weak. Is Yusuke about to face a turning point in his destiny?


(Yusuke is speaking)

I'm going to the Demon Realm. That much I've decided. I don't know if I'll be able to get there, or if I'll ever be able to return. But there's someone waiting for me there. That's why I'm going! See you later, Keiko, Kuwabara. I'll be back in a while. Next time: Parting - Our Respective Departures. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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