Yusuke finds himself confronted by a biker gang. He gets some chains wrapped around him, and is pulled down. The gang then attack...

...but Yusuke is still able to beat them all. He screams at them for being this weak -he gave them this much of a handicap, and that was the best they could do?!

His alarm clock then goes off, as he wakes up in his bed. He realizes he had that dream again, and then gets up. He heads out and thinks he knows the reasons why he keeps having it.

Yusuke's Destiny:
Footsteps of Danger

At Sarayashiki High, Iwamoto is taking the register. He sees that Urameshi isn't present again, and asks Keiko where he is. She says she doesn't know, as it isn't her job to look after him. Kuwabara wonders where Urameshi has gone off to now.

At a cafe, Yusuke has met with Koenma. Koenma asks him what's wrong, but he says nothing. He asks Koenma about what's going to happen to him. Koenma says he did defy his father pretty badly, so he can't just go strolling back to the Spirit Realm. For now, he intends to stay here in this world for a little while. Botan managed to inform him that his father has sent Spirit Realm agents that used to work under him all over the place. It seems his father is planning something, and tells Yusuke not to let his guard down.

Yusuke asks why, and Koenma says that he suspects his father hasn't withdrawn his order to eliminate him yet. Yusuke thinks that having to deal with some assassins from the Spirit Realm sounds interesting, as he was getting bored. Koenma asks him if he still hasn't leant his lesson, even after going through that life and death battle with Sensui.

Yusuke is still bothered by that fight, and the fact that he wasn't the one who finished it. It was that bastard who took control of him. Koenma asks him if he regrets coming back to the Human Realm. As they leave, Yusuke says he feels that something is missing.

He feels that in this world, there's nobody left that he can have a decent fight against. But, if he had remained in the Demon Realm, then there's the peace of this world, as well as his mom, Keiko and even that fool Kuwabara -naturally, he'd miss all of them. In the end, no matter where he is, there will always be something missing. He can't just shake it off, ever since his final fight with Sensui got intruded upon, he feels like something has been left unfinished, and he can't do anything about it. Koenma suggests he talks to Genkai about it, as she should be able to help find some answers. Yusuke doubts that.

Yusuke goes to Genkai's place, where she tells him not to get soft on her. It's his ass, he should wipe it. Yusuke thinks it's exactly as he thought: she can't help! Genkai tells him that what he does from here on is up to him. Even supposing that he grows tired of everything in this world, and decides to destroy it, she no longer has the power to stop him.

Yusuke asks why she's saying that, and she says that everyone has something that they can destroy, depending on their mood. It could be a toy, a pet, a family or a country, depending on the person. If he ever feels like destroying his something, he should come here before he does. He can have her life first. Yusuke thinks that's stupid, as Genkai throws him a piece of paper with an address on it. She tells him that that's the place where Kuroko Sato lives. Yusuke asks who's that, and Genkai explains her maiden name is Sanada -she was the first spirit detective. She's in a better position to advise him on what to do.

The next day, Iwamoto is taking the register, and again finds that Urameshi is absent. He tells his class that someone once said that a single rotten apple spoils all the other apples in the box. He says they aren't apples, they're people, and he hopes they take a lesson from the scum of this class, and think to themselves that they won't be like Urameshi. Kuwabara thinks Iwamoto doesn't understand a thing, but wonders what Urameshi is doing. The world is at peace again, and he could be enjoying a normal school life.

Meanwhile, Keiko is staring out a window. Elsewhere, Yusuke heads to Kuroko's place, and has to take a train to get there. He heads into town and has to get directions on where to go.

After doing a lot of walking, he arrives at the place, and sees a sign stating this is private property -beware of the dogs. Yusuke thinks nobody will ever come to such an out of the way place as this, and heads in. As he does, he comes across a pile of bones, and realizes whatever these things were, they weren't human.

He then senses two threatening presences, and is suddenly attacked by two fast moving creatures. As he dodges their strikes, the two land...

...and are revealed to be a couple of kids. They tell Yusuke that demons like them are still going after their mom, but they won't let him fight her. Yusuke doesn't take them seriously, and tells them to go and play someplace else.

They instead attack him, but he's able to block all of their punches with his fingers. He eventually stops blocking and just dodges everything, as the two continue to attack. The girl runs over to do a kick, but Yusuke jumps out of the way...

...leading to her kicking her brother by mistake. Yusuke jumps up into a tree and starts taunting them, so they decide to get serious. The two prepare to use a projectile technique, called the twin dragon blast.

However someone calls out, telling Kaisei and Fubuki to stop. The two do, as they realize that their mom is here. Kuroko steps out, and tells Yusuke that she received word from Genkai that someone spirited would be coming.

As they head back, Kuroko says she's sorry about that. She's trained her kids to attack when they sense demon energy. But he can relax now, as once they know his face, they won't attack. Yusuke realizes the the dogs the sign was referring to are these kids. Kuroko says they're more vicious than dogs, though. And the bones he saw earlier were probably from some demons they took out. They arrive at Kuroko's home where his wife, Shogo Sato, introduces himself. Kuroko says her husband is a novelist.

Kaisei and Fubuki think Yusuke has such a weird name. He tells asks them about their names, and Kuroko tells them to introduces themselves. Kaisei says he's ages 9, and likes watching TV. Fubuki says she's aged 8, and she likes Hagiwara Masato. Yusuke wonders why they used "Sanada" rather than "Sato" when saying their names, and they explain it's because Sanada is cooler, whilst Sado is too common. Shogo wishes they wouldn't go saying that.

Meanwhile, Koenma heads to Genkai's place, and finds out she sent Yusuke to Kuroko. She asks if it was wrong for her to do that, and he says no -he knows Kuroko, so there's nothing to worry about. Genkai says it sounds like there is, so Koenma explains that his father's order to eliminate Yusuke has gone out to all sorts of places. In both the Spirit Realm and Human Realm, there are only a very small handful of people who could defeat Yusuke now. Genkai asks if that means people who used to be spirit detectives, and Koenma says that's who he means. Genkai thinks Koenma's father can be pretty harsh.

Kuroko shows Yusuke some old pictures of her, and he is surprised to see that when she was younger, she was a lot bigger. She says she was 14 at the time, and when she became a spirit detective, she grew 40 whole centimeters taller, whilst her weight remaining unchanged.

She recalls a time she took down three demons with ease. Kaisei says that in another three years, he's going to be a spirit detective, but Fubuki thinks he won't make it -he has a weakness for girls. Kuroko then asks if they should have something to drink, and suggests brandy. Yusuke is up for that, and so are the kids.

Yusuke asks if she's sure it's ok to be giving alcohol to her kids, and she says it's fine -it's only these whiskey candies, after all. Yusuke realizes he'll be getting the same thing as the kids.

Meanwhile, Keiko is practicing her English writing, and writes out a few words: anxiety, hesitation and patience. Back at at the Sanada residence, Kuroko and her kids get drunk pretty quickly.

Yusuke thinks Shogo's family must give him no end of trouble, and he tells Yusuke he can tell. Fubuki then tells Yusuke to show him his finishing move, but he says it's 10 years too early for that. Kaisei grabs Yusuke and tells him he'll never forget what happened that evening. Yusuke asks Kuroko if she trained her son to do this. Later on, once the kids have gone to bed, Yusuke asks Kuroko why she stopped being a spirit detective.

She says she retired so she could get married. She gave up the rough and tumble world, and decided to live for love. But the demons never learn, and they sometimes come after her. Her days may be ordinary and dull, but she's happy for what they are. She says that just before she got married, she met Shinobu. She could tell his spiritual strength from just a glance, but he looked so sad. She tells Yusuke he's got nothing to worry about on that point, and he could go on being a spirit detective for another 10 years. Yusuke says he's already been fired.

Kuroko suggests that Shogo have a look at Yusuke's future, and says that he can tells fortunes as a hobby. Shogo gets up and asks to see Yusuke's hand. He looks at him, and says that he currently has no discontentment in the things around him. But, somewhere in his heart, he has a desire to always be placed in danger. Yusuke says that's right. Shogo tells him that if he's thinking firstly about his own feelings, then the best thing to do is just sit tight if he's feeling lost. Yusuke asks him what he means, and Shogo says that whether he wants it to or not, danger is approaching him from somewhere.

Outside, three men jump down from a tree. Kuroko and Yusuke sense them, and Yusuke asks them if they ever get visitors this late. Shogo says he was doing to meet his editor, but that was meant to be tomorrow. Yusuke and Kuroko head to the door, and the lights suddenly go out. Kuroko asks who's there.

The three men materialize inside the house, and Kuroko asks who they are. One of them says they have no business with her, and says they need to speak to Yusuke. One of the men then apologizes for coming this late, and since their time is limited, he'll get straight to the point.

Kuroko says she's surprised that they found this place, but the middle man says they followed the demon energy. Yusuke asks what they want, and he says they've come from the Demon Realm. They want to speak to Yusuke about his destiny -a fate that he cannot avoid.

Visitors from the Demon Realm appear before Yusuke. What is this destiny of Yusuke's, of which this trio speaks?


(Yusuke is speaking)

Someone's waiting for me in the Demon Realm. And there was that one guy... but still, I just can't seem to bring myself to trust them. For one thing, they all look like they're monks, but they're unusually secular. Hey, you guys! What are you hiding from me?! Next time: Visitors of Darkness - The Mystery Deepens. Brace yourselves, you corrupt priests!

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