???: I can't let you have such a hard time with that one...
Yusuke: What?!
???: Let me show you how to use your power!

Yusuke fired the spirit gun, but he regained control of himself as he did. He says the power of the shot was beyond anything he'd ever done, and it's not a level he's at now, now that he's back in control of himself.

He thinks that this ancestor of his took over him, and is deep within the Demon Realm. He wants to go and look for him, but Kuwabara thinks he should drop this matter. Yusuke says he hasn't gotten any satisfaction, as his ancestor cut in on a sincere fight he was having... he'll make him pay for that. However, Koenma tells Yusuke he can either go back to the Human Realm, or stay here in the Demon Realm. He tells him he'll give him some time to think it over, but Yusuke says he doesn't need any time. He's decided that they can all go home, back to the Human Realm.

Towards Tomorrow!

Outside the cave, Genkai's group are relieved to see everyone, are coming back out. Botan wonders who the guy with the long hair is, but Kaito has no idea.

Keiko can tell who it is, and runs up to hug him. She welcomes him back, and he say's he home.

Botan says he looks completely different and asks what in the world happened to him. Yana wants to know what happened to his head, whilst Kaito asks about the patterns on his body. Yusuke says it'll take some time to explain everything, but then senses something, and says they can't talk right now. Behind them, the Special Defense Squad appear.

Otake tells Koenma that the Spirit Realm won't forgive what he's done. King Enma has declared that Yusuke Urameshi was to be eliminated, and Koenma now bears the responsibility for disobeying that order -especially as it allowed Urameshi to come back to life as a demonkin. Koenma says he understands, and will accept any punishment. However Yusuke tells the SDS that he has no intention of picking a fight with anyone that he knows he can beat. But, he will take on all comers, and depending on how things go, may crush them with his full might. He says that Koenma did his best, and they have no business saying anything about him.

He warns them not to try pulling any more of their obnoxious behavior off around him, or he'll kill them. He powers up, but Otake says their mission was to close up the hole leading to the Demon Realm -so there's no need for pointless fighting. He and his team transform into beams of light, and head back into the cave.

Yusuke apologizes to Koenma, but Koenma is fine with it all. As the sun rises up, Yusuke says things are over, and because of that, he's going home. Kuwabara feels like they've been fighting for a whole year, and Yusuke tells him he's heard those words before. As the group walk off, Keiko waits behind.

She's glad that everyone's safe. Yusuke asks her why she's waiting, she's going to get left behind and this rate. She runs off to catch up with the rest of the group. Meanwhile, in a forest, Hagiri finds Kamiya. He asked him what happened, as he was meant to be in jail. He's been lucky to get this far. Kamiya agrees, and says he was pretty desperate at the time.

They notice how quiet it is in this forest, and Hagiri says that the Demon insects have disappeared. They both know that this means Sensui lost. Kamiya points to the mark on Hagiri's chest, and tells him it was one serious wound. He's cut hundreds of people open, and found himself admiring it without realizing it. He can tell that whoever attacked Hagiri, they were very precise with their attack, not striking any of the crucial muscles or organs.

He says his intuition told him something, upon seeing that wound. He knew Sensui was stronger than anyone, but even so, he didn't think they would be able to beat the others. Hagiri says it doesn't matter, as he found the whole thing fun, in its own way. Kamiya then gets up, and says he needs to hide himself. He asks Hagiri what his next plans are. Hagiri says the usual -eat breakfast, and go to school. He asks Kamiya what he's going to do next. Kamiya says they'll see -it'll be like walking through this mist. He waves goodbye to Hagiri, and walks out of the forest.

At Yusuke's school, Yusuke is resting under a tree. He thinks about how he had Kurama cut his hair, and he found that the strange patterns on his body were gone when he woke up. Now he's returning to his normal life. Kuwabara comes over and asks him if he's cutting classes, again. Yusuke ignores him, and Kuwabara asks him why he can't enjoy calm, peaceful days like this. He then says that he's had a letter from Mitarai, which stated that both Mitarai and Amanuma have both gone back to school. He's worried that as they had problems with a normal life, they fell under Sensui's influence. He wonders if they'll cause more problems for them.

One week later

At a game center, Amanuma is playing a game, surrounding by some other kids. They think he's really good, as they thought all he did was study. They asks him why he's in a game center so far away from town, as the only reason they're here is because they were on the way back from their soccer club's practice match. Amanuma says he's here for no particular reason, but thinks to himself that the real reason was he didn't want to see them. The group head outside, and the kids ask Amanuma if they could come round to his place sometime. Amanuma is fine with that, as his parents won't be around until late at night. One of the kids says his parents run their business from home, so they're always nagging him.

Another sometimes wishes he could get rid of his parents, whilst another says he thinks about doing that every day. His parents constantly annoy him, even when he gets good grades, they're still telling him to keep working harder. He thinks they should try working harder! They all agree that it's tough having to be brought up, and laugh about it. Amanuma thinks that it seems that everyone is the same, and thinks it sure is nice being alive. He asks everyone if they want to come over to his place right now, as they can play games -he's got nearly every game there is!

Tsukihito Amanuma
Age: 11
Blood type: B

Born November 7th, lives together with his parents in a household of three. Afterward, he entered a private middle school, and through playing games, would gradually expand his circle of friends, and come to live the usual life of a student.

As Amanuma and the others run off, they pass some guy walking down the street. The guy looks at a board with a picture of Kamiya on it.

He starts laughing, and a policeman nearby asks him if he knows anything about that man. The guy says he doesn't, he thought Kamiya looked like someone he knew, but it's a coincidental resemblance -it was just his imagination. He walks off, laughing away.

Minoru Kamiya
Age: 29
Blood type: AB

Born August 20th. Using his own ability, he altered his face, and made his getaway. Afterward, posing as a psychic surgeon, he would establish the Miracle Hands Dojo, and, using his abilities, treat many sick people.

Hagiri and his sister come across a dead cat, which has been shot with arrows. She wonders how anyone could do something so horrible, but supposes she could understand the killer's motives. When you have an incredibly powerful weapon, you'd want to try out its power. Or if you're in a bad mood, and feel like picking on someone who's weaker than you.

She always manages to stop herself from going that far, and so is a little envious of people who can do something like this. She despises people who forget that they're alive due to the sacrifices of countless plants and animals, and then do something like this. Using her own ability, she is able to read the memories of the deceased cat. The cat had strong, fearful memories, and was chased down by three teenage boys. They appeared gentle at first glance.

She transfers the memories to her brother, and he sees the expressions on the boy's faces. She tells him that people are cowards, and the bigger the group, the more brutal they become. Hagiri decides he'll go and hunt the three boys down now, as they're his classmates. Now he can't stand to even look at their faces anymore.

Kaname Hagiri
Age: 17
Blood type: O

Born December 3rd, lives in a family of four with his mother, brother and sister. He would disappear after graduating from high school.

At another school, a teacher asks Mitarai if he really wants to take the entrance exam for Kaiun Academy. Looking at his grades for the second half of last year, it will be tough for him to pass. Mitarai says he's sure he can make a comeback. The teacher tells him if he puts his mind to it, he should be alright. He then asks him if something happened, as it seems he's a lot happier now. Mitarai says a lot has happened, and it has all taken a big load off of him.

Kiyoshi Mitarai
Age: 14
Blood type: A

Born February 10th, lives in a family of four with both parents and a sister. Afterward, he would be accepted into the school he chose.

In Mushiyori City, Kido, Yana and Kaito says their goodbyes to Genkai. Kido says he's sorry for not being of any help when things got critical, but she tells them all three of them were of a tremendous service. They got Yusuke and the others motivated, after all. Yusuke wonders how she can say that -he always takes things seriously. Kuwabara asks him when did he ever take anything seriously -did he realize how much he was expecting to die out there?!

Genkai tells the three that, as best as they can, refrain from using the special abilities they have. The more they use them, the more they separate themselves from normal people. They all thank her.

Asato Kido, with the ability to prevent an opponent from moving by steeping on their shadow...

Mitsunari Yanagisawa, with the ability to copy an opponent's shape, voice, fingerprints, and even their memories and personality...

Yu Kaito, with the ability to draw out one's soul if a forbidden word is used inside their territory, as well as making violent actions impossible...

Kuwabara waves to them, and asks them to come and and visit them again sometime. They wave back, and walk off.

The three of them went back to their own schools, and ever since, have observed Genkai's warning, never again using their special abilities. Afterward, they would graduate without incident.

Elsewhere, Kurama finds Hiei with the Black Chapters videotape. Hiei wants to know why they brought him back to the Human Realm, and Kurama tells him Koenma said it was for the best. He then sees the tape, and says he'd like to return it to the Spirit Realm. But he tells Hiei that if he really wants to go back to the Demon Realm, he could offer the Spirit Realm the tape for it. Hiei has other ideas though -he tosses the tape up into the air, and slices it to pieces. He calls it worthless material.

In another place, Itsuki says it's quiet. He tells Shinobu that he felt pain beyond imagination, yet he never showed any indication of it. Itsuki finds that distressing, and now, Shinobu won't say anything. He tells Shinobu to just go on sleeping in peace like this, as no one will ever bother them again.

Shinobu Sensui
Former spirit detective
Age: 26
Blood type: A

Born June 6th.

Age, date of birth, and everything else, unknown.

Afterward, nobody knows what became of these two.

In the Spirit Realm, Enma receives a note from his son. Otake asks what it says, and Enma says Koenma does not plan to return to the Spirit Realm. Otake says that whilst Koenma did go against the laws of the Spirit Realm, the credit should go to him for successfully sealing the boundary tunnel. Enma says that Koenma defied him... he had thought of him as a child. When did he go and grow up? He tells Otake he'll inform him about Koenma's punishment later.

Back on Earth, Kuwabara asks Keiko if she knows where Urameshi is. He's got math class next, and he lent Urameshi his textbook yesterday, forgetting to get it back from him. Keiko tells him to try the roof, as that's the place where Yusuke often skips class and takes a nap. Kuwabara heads to the roof, but nobody seems to be there. He heads back into the school.

Yusuke is thinking about how ordinary life is too dull for him. Everyone else seems to have come back to new lives, but he's at a loss. All he can think about is his ancestor, and how he controlled him... that doesn't sit well with him.


(Genkai is speaking)

Give it up! When someone like you is burdened all by themselves, the best you can accomplish is shallow thinking. The more you think, the more you're going to spin your wheels in the mud. I know, why don't you go and see someone to help you unwind? Kuroke Sanada, the first spirit detective. Next time: Yusuke's Destiny: Footsteps of Danger. Know yourself, then overcome, Yusuke!

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