Towards Tomorrow!
Yu Yu Hakusho episode 94 |
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For most people, life goes on. But something is troubling Yusuke...
Original Japanese broadcast date: August 13th, 1994
1) Synopsis
2) Manga differences
3) Notes
Yusuke's group walk out of the cave, and everyone is happy to see them -and a little surprised at Yusuke's new look. The Special Defense Squad appear, and Otake warns Koenma about disobeying Enma, but Yusuke puts him and his squad in their place. They go back into the cave, to seal up the hole, whilst Yusuke's group head back home. Meanwhile, in a forest, Kamiya finds Hagiri. They know that Sensui must have lost, as the demon insects are all gone now. Hagiri plans to return to his normal life, whilst Kamiya isn't sure what he's going to do next. He walks off and waves goodbye to Hagiri.
One week later, Kuwabara finds Yusuke resting under a tree. He tells him he received a letter from Mitarai, stating that he and Amanuma are going back to school. Amanuma gets the attention of some other kids when he plays well at an arcade game, and when they tell him how much they dislike their parents, he realizes everyone's the same, and thinks how nice it is to live. He invites them over to his place to play games, which they are happy to do. As they run off, another man walks by, and laughs at a wanted poster of Kamiya. The man is Kamiya, who altered his face using his own ability. He tells a policeman he thought he recognized the guy on the poster, but it was just a coincidental resemblance.
Elsewhere, Hagiri and his sister find a dead cat, which has been shot with arrows. His sister has the ability to view the memories of things, even if they are dead, and shares the memories of the cat. They see that cat was shot by three teenage boys, and Hagiri recognizes them as some of his classmates. He decides to hunt them down. Meanwhile, Mitarai decides to take an exam to get into the school of his choice, and promises his teacher that he can make a comeback after his poor grades this year. Later on, in Mushiyori City, Kido, Kaito and Yana say their goodbyes to Genkai, and promise to use their powers as little as possible.
Kurama finds Hiei with the Black Chapters tape, and tells him he could use it as a trade with the Spirit Realm, in return to let him return to the Demon Realm. Hiei instead destroys the tape, calling it worthless. In another place, Itsuki cradles Sensui, and tells him to go on sleeping like this, as no one will ever bother them again. In the Spirit Realm, Enma receives a note from his son, stating he will not return to the Spirit Realm. Surprised at his son defying him, he wonders when Koenma suddenly grew up.
Everyone seems to have returned to their normal lives aside from Yusuke. He hides out on the school roof, ignoring Kuwabara when he comes looking for him. All Yusuke can think about is his ancestor, and how he controlled him... that doesn't sit well with him.
-In the manga, Keiko and Shizuru are not present at the cave when Yusuke's group walk out.
-In the manga, the Special Defense Force head back to the Spirit Realm after Yusuke threatens them. In the anime, they head back into the cave.
-The scene where Kuwabara mentions to Yusuke that he received a letter from Mitarai isn't in the manga.
-In the manga, Kamiya does not talk to a policeman.
-In the manga, Genkai is not present during the part where Kido, Yana and Kaito say their goodbyes.
-In the manga, Hiei is not seen destroying the Black Chapters videotape.
-The scene at the end with Kuwabara looking for Yusuke isn't in the manga.
-The recap sequence for this episode doesn't have the narrator say anything.