Having come back to life as the descendant of a demonkin, Yusuke went to the Demon Realm in order to settle the score with Sensui. The battle between the powered-up Yusuke and Sensui, enveloped in his sacred light aura, was ferocious. It transcended the hatred that each felt for the other, and became purely a contest of power and speed. Right in the middle of it, a change came over Yusuke's body. Yusuke was beginning his true awakening as a demonkin!

A Conclusion!
Death Battle in the Demon Realm!

Yusuke screams out, at a white light emits from him. As the light dies down, he walks forward. He now has much longer, white hair, along with tattoos all over his body.

Yusuke says he's sorry to have kept Sensui waiting. Kuwabara wonders if that even is Urameshi any more. Kurama says he's not sure what caused the change, but is appears Yusuke has now been completely awakened as a demonkin descendant.

Sensui calls Yusuke's change amazing. Kuwabara sees that Sensui is now smiling, and thinks he must be really sure of himself. Koenma says that's not the case -looking at him now, he feels Sensui has transcended everything else. When he was fighting in the cave, there were all kinds of different emotions coming from him. But right now, Sensui doesn't have that.

Kurama agrees, and says the harsh conflict surrounding Sensui has now disappeared. Sensui says Yusuke truly is a demonkin, and laughs. Yusuke asks him what's so funny, and he says nothing. He was just thinking of how lucky he is, as his greatest desire has been to fight a demon like him.

Yusuke says he'll change that feeling of desire into one of regret. He powers up, and then charges over to Sensui in an instant.

He lands a direct hit on Sensui's face, which sends him sliding across the ground. Yusuke is all over him, and after repeatedly stomping on him, he punches him up into the air. He then jumps up, and starts punching Sensui repeatedly. He then goes for a kick, which Sensui manages to block...

...but the force of it still enough to send him flying into a platform, destroying it. Yusuke flies over and throws him, and then starts headbutting him over and over again.

They land on another platform, where Yusuke starts rapidly punching Sensui. The platform ends up shattering to pieces, causing the two to fall. Kuwabara thinks Urameshi is now way out of Sensui's league, and Kurama says Yusuke's ancestor must have been a god at fighting. There's no way a human like Sensui has any chance of winning this.

Yusuke picks up Sensui by the throat, and tells him he won't be beaten by the likes of him. He decides to finish him, and throws Sensui high into the air. He then prepares to fire...

...his final spirit gun shot. But as he does, something within him changes again, and he doesn't know what's going on.

The voice he can hear within him tells him to keep quiet and watch. Yusuke can't sop himself from firing, and the blast heads straight at Sensui. Yusuke watches...

...as his hair color suddenly changes. He yells for Sensui to get out of the way, but Sensui doesn't respond. Sensui ends up taking the blast dead-on.

It sends him across the barren desert, and into a forest. Yusuke watches him go, and runs after him.

Kuwabara wonders what Yusuke is so upset over, as his attack hit the target. Koenma tells Puu to follow Yusuke, and they fly after the spirit blast. Kuwabara sees the track it left goes all the way to the horizon, and he doubts Sensui will still be alive after this. The group then find Yusuke trying to get Sensui to wake up.

He keeps yelling at him to wake up, but Kuwabara wonders why -he just scored a crushing victory! Yusuke explains it was not him who fired that shot -or, it was him, but it wasn't him. By the time he realized what was happening, he'd already blasted Sensui. Kuwabara asks what he means, but then Sensui coughs up some blood, revealing he's still alive. Yusuke asks Kurama if he has any medicinal herbs he could give to him.

Kurama says all he can do is give him something to soften his pain. Yusuke says to give it to him, and Kurama is about to, when someone says it won't be necessary. In front of them, a hole opens up, as Itsuki appears.

He climbs out and says to just let Shinobu die like this. Yusuke tells him to keep out of this, as no matter what, he wants a rematch with Sensui. He won't be satisfied if it ends like this. Itsuki then reveals something about Shinobu: he has less than half a month to live. He says that Shinobi has a malignant illness, which has decayed him on the inside. Doctor Kamiya confirmed this.

He says that a regular person would be in their grave, and Yusuke asks if he's serious. Sensui weakly says that it's true. He won't use it as an excuse for losing, as Yusuke was still several steps beyond his own greatest power. Yusuke says what he used wasn't his power, at the time, he wasn't aware of what was going on.

Sensui tells him he must have unconsciously mastered the power he couldn't handle, and fought that way. Yusuke doesn't think that's right,and then tells him that if he's still got half a month to live, that's plenty. He says he must take some painkillers, and then fight with him again. Hiei can't believe Yusuke still wants to fight, but then falls asleep, due to the aftereffect of the dragon he used on himself.

Puu picks him up and puts him on his back. Yusuke asks Koenma if there is anything he can do with his power. Koenma says that if he still had the spirit power he'd stored in the demon seal ring, he could save Sensui. But Shinobu blew all of that power away. He then reveals that a good portion of the demon seal ring's energy got consumed before he even reached Sensui. Back outside the cave, Amanuma suddenly wakes up.

He gets up and sees Genkai and the others. He asks what happened, and Genkai tells him he's been saved by Koenma's power. Earlier on, her group met Koenma inside the cave. Kaito placed Amanuma's body down.

Koenma then used a technique involving the demon seal right, which could return the spirit of a dead person back to their body, and revive them. Back in the present, Genkai believes it's about time this came to a conclusion.

Yusuke realizes that to save Amanuma, Koenma used some of his power. Sensui laughs, and says he'd taken the demon seal ring into account. It was the last barrier for him to get through, and he needed Koenma to waste some of his spirit energy before using the demon seal ring on him. That way, he'd be able to open the tunnel, and come to the Demon Realm. Koenma asks him why he went through all of this, just to open the hole to the Demon Realm -why did he want to come here so badly?

Sensui says the Demon Realm is the home of the demons he killed, without knowing why he was killing them. Ever since he was little, it always seemed strange that there were creatures only he could see. He wondered why they hated him, and why they were trying to kill him. While not knowing the reason, his fighting skills became sharper. He believed he was a warrior for right, and the demons were the villains, here to bring harm to mankind. He had no doubts about such simple duality. But he was wrong -the humans he sought to protect were the very lowest of creatures.

He started having doubts about what he had been doing, and wondered about what happened to all the demons he'd killed up until then. He was overcome by a feeling of helplessness. When he learned that he was out of time, his feelings erupted. Once that happened, he wanted to come here, no matter the cost. He was glad he was able to come to their home, and his true purpose was to die in the Demon Realm -and to be killed by a demon, at that. He knew it wouldn't let the demons he'd killed rest any easier. He then tells Urameshi that he seems to greatly enjoy himself whilst fighting. For the first time, he also enjoyed fighting, if only for a moment. He thanks him for that.

He then takes his last breath, and dies. Koenma approaches Sensui's body, but Itsuki tells him to stay back. He says that Shinobu has had enough, so let him rest in peace. Shinobu's desire was to be killed by the strongest demon in all of the Demon Realm. It turned out his opponent would be Urameshi, who had been reborn as a demonkin.

Knowing Shinobu, he must have been happy about that. Shinobu overcame those seven personalities that he created to withstand his self-contradiction, and in the end, he returned to the pure, young Shinobu that he was. He thinks that perhaps Shinobu's soul has been partly saved. He then creates a dimensional hole behind him, and picks up Sensui's body.

Koenma asks what he will do with him. Itsuki says that Sensui told him that when he died, he didn't want to go to the Spirit Realm. He says he will not let Shinobu to be judged by Koenma's rules, or let him have Shinobu's soul. He tells them to go and find another opponent, and continue to fight. They have had enough. He and Sensui then enter the hole.

He says the two of them are now going to spend some quiet time together, and then disappears along with Sensui. The hole he created then also vanishes. Yusuke says that somehow, it feels like Itsuki took the money and ran on them. Kurama says he accomplished his goal. Kuwabara says to never mind Itsuki. He's more concerned about Urameshi, and asks him how he feels about his body.

Yusuke says something has been bothering his back for a little while, and then realizes what it is: hair! And what are all these patterns over his body?! He hadn't even noticed until now! Koenma says that Yusuke's ancestor was apparently an S class demon. And he's probably alive, somewhere in the Demon Realm. Yusuke thinks this ancestor of his must have been the one who took over his consciousness in the middle of the fight.

He explains to the others that, during the fight, he heard a strange voice. The voice said it would show him how to use his power. After hearing the voice, he lost consciousness. When he regained consciousness, he had fired his spirit gun. The kind of power he used then, there's no way he could use it now. Whoever this guy is, they're deep within the Demon Realm.

Yusuke says he's going to go and look for the guy who controlled him. Kuwabara asks him what is he talking about -just let it go, already! Yusuke says he's not gotten any satisfaction from this, and his ancestor cut in on a sincere fight he was having... he'll make him pay for that. However Koenma tells him to think hard about this. He's sure that the Special Defense Squad is hard at work trying to close up the tunnel, and thinks they could have it closed in two days.

If that happens, they won't be able to return to the Human Realm. Kuwabara says that's bad news! Koenma tells Yusuke he can either go back to the Human Realm, or stay here in the Demon Realm. He tells him he'll give him some time to think it over, but Yusuke says he doesn't need any time. He's decided that they can all go home, back to the Human Realm.

The score has been settled with Sensui. However, it was not in a way that gave Yusuke any satisfaction. And so, the people who had dealings with Sensui each faced their own epilogues.


(Yusuke is speaking)

*Yawn* It has been a long while since I've been able to skip class and have a nap like this. A lot happened this time around, but it looks like everyone is getting along okay. In any case, I guess we're all living happily ever after. Although, coming from a monster like me, that doesn't sound very convincing. Next time: Epilogue! Towards Tomorrow! Now then... why don't I take another nap?!

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