Knowing that Yusuke Urameshi had demonkin blood flowing through him, the Spirit Realm Special Defense Squad attempted to eliminate him, fearing that he would return to life. However, at that moment, the spirit beast Puu, who had metamorphosed into something resembling a phoenix, blocked their attacks, and Yusuke who had started to undergo an awakening, came back to life as a demonkin. Alive once again, Yusuke rushed to the Demon Realm, to settle his score with Sensui!

The Ultimate Battle!
Proof of Demon Kinship

Puu lands on the hill, and Yusuke says he's sorry he's late. Everyone is surprised to see him, but he's just glad he made it in time. He tells Kuwabara and the others they must have got the wrong impression -did they think he'd leave one of his fights up to someone else? Kuwabara doesn't understand, as Urameshi's heart stopped beating. And now, there seems to be demon energy coming from him!

Yusuke says that's right, but strangely, his heart is still stopped. Kurama and Hiei laugh, and Kurama tells Yusuke not to worry. He should have a "nucleus" functioning in place of his heart. Koenma comes over and explains a nucleus is a demonkin's heart.

Kuwabara asks exactly what is going on here, and Koenma says that Yusuke has demonkin blood flowing within him. Yusuke says that, in short, one of his distant ancestors was a demon, and that blood has brought him back to life. Sensui realizes this is demonkin grand atavism, and he also realizes that was the reason he felt uncertainly during his battle with Yusuke earlier.

Yusuke says it still hasn't really registered with him, as he hasn't changed at all. But it does means that he can settle things this time for sure. He tells Sensui he's sorry for keeping him waiting, but now they can pick up where they left off. However Hiei tells him to wait a moment -he'd like to take Sensui on himself.

Kurama and Kuwabara feel the same way, and Yusuke wonders what happened to them whilst he was dead. It's almost like they've had several years of special training. Kuwabara says he wants to fight first, as now he feels like he can win. Sensui thinks that by having Urameshi come back, those three's powers have also returned... or are even greater than before. He thinks Koenma has found himself some good people, it's enough to weaken his resolve. He then starts emitting his sacred light aura.

Yusuke tells the others he knows how they feel, but he wants to be the one who defeats him. The others nod their heads, although Hiei says he'll catch up both to Sensui and Yusuke's level right away. Yusuke starts to walk towards Sensui.

Back in the Human Realm, the Special Defense Squad have regrouped in the cave. The team want to know what's going on, as Yusuke was emitting tremendous demon energy. They'd always thought that they we the greatest warriors in the Spirit Realm, and that if they combined their forces, they would be evenly matched against even the greatest A class demons. But Yusuke had spectral power far beyond what any of them could imagine.

Otake tells them that they are the greatest warriors in the Spirit Realm, but there's always a bigger fish. He has never told them this, but within the Demon Realm, there are S class demons, whose powers greatly exceed the A class demons. The team realize that Yusuke must be the descendant of an S class demon. They wonder if it's the same case as Sensui, but Otake says Sensui is a human -however, he wields the same level of power as an S class demon. The team wonder if this means there's no one in the Spirit Realm who can stand against Yusuke or Sensui, but Otake tells them to calm down. The Demon Realm excels at attacking, whilst they excel at defending. That's why they were able to raise the periphery field that not even S class demons could pass through. Working together, they'll now seal up the hole to the Demon Realm, within 48 hours.

Yusuke and Sensui power up, then suddenly fly into the air. They clash, and then start rapidly punching and kicking each other.

They end up doing a great amount of damage to the hill, despite not being on it. But it's Sensui who lands the first hit. He follows it up with a flying kick, but he misses due to Yusuke moving out of the way.

Yusuke fires off a spirit gun shot, and Sensui realizes it's that fast, he can't dodge it completely. However, the blast misses, only causing some damage to his armor.

Yusuke thinks it's strange that he missed, and Kurama thought Yusuke was going to get him with a direct hit. Hiei says Yusuke has more power than he knows how to handle. But he thinks that knowing Yusuke, he'll get accustomed to it whilst fighting. Kuwabara tells Urameshi not to waste his shots.

Yusuke says that he only has one shot left, so he thinks he'll save the best for last. He then notices Sensui powering up, but what he does causes him to remove his armor.

Instead, he gains a different armor, and goes into a stance that Koenma says it purely offensive. Yusuke thinks this'll be interesting, and starts emitting his demon energy again.

Botan arrives back in the Human Realm, and sees the big hole that Sensui caused earlier. She also happens to see Keiko and Shizuru waiting at a bus stop, and heads down to them. Keiko explains that Puu turned into a gigantic bird, and flew off. She asks what's going on, but Botan blurts out that if Puu did that, Yusuke is still alive.

Keiko is distraught to find out Yusuke might have died, but Botan says she doesn't know what's going on. She's sure Yusuke is ok, but says they should all go over to where Genkai is, and wait. Back in the Demon Realm, Yusuke tells Puu to take everyone else and fly someplace high... it looks like this fight is about to get wild. Puu takes Kuwabara, Hiei and Koenma with him, whilst Kurama uses one of his plants to give himself wings again. Meanwhile, Sensui suddenly rushes over, and punches Yusuke in the face...

...and follows it up with an uppercut. Yusuke crashes into the hill, destroying a large chunk of it. But he immediately gets back up, and flies over to Sensui.

The two grapple, and explode in a large, white light. As they let go of each other, Sensui's personalities talk among each other. Kazuya wants to kill everyone, and bury all of mankind in a grave.

The others mention different things -one says he has nearly become a god, and destroying the Human Realm would be like smashing an anthill. Another disagrees, saying he loves the Human Realm more than anyone else. Another says he only loves the Human Realm when there aren't any human existing on it. Another wants to stop, but Kazuya says this is the part where it gets interesting. However Sensui gets snapped out of it when Yusuke attacks him, kneeing him in the face. The two end up crashing through the pile of demons, who are still trying to reach the hole.

As they land, the demons try to attack them, but get ripped apart by their aura. Yusuke then punches a few out, whilst Sensui tells them to keep out of this. He fires a projectile beam upwards...

...which vaporizes any demon it touches. Yusuke says it doesn't matter, there is no Human Realm or Demon Realm where their fight is concerned. He tells Sensui they'll settle this. Sensui laughs, and tells him it must be nice to be so simple. He's fine with that though, and the two resume fighting.

Sensui again lands several hits on Yusuke, but Yusuke is alright. The ground around them has been completely blown away though.

Yusuke says they should do this someplace more spread out, and points to a tall mountain in the distance. It looks like the area around it is nothing but rocks and sand, and Sensui tells him it's almost like he must have been there before. Yusuke thinks he probably has -or at least, his ancient ancestor has. As they head off, Koenma tells Puu to follow them. Kuwabara is surprised that this is Puu, and Koenma explains that Puu is synced with Yusuke -Puu transformed, together with Yusuke. Kuwabara says Urameshi hasn't changed a bit, but Koenma says he hasn't changed as far as they can see. As he flies, Yusuke suddenly feels something odd, like a heartbeat. But he doesn't know what it was, and thinks it doesn't matter.

He and Sensui arrive at the mountain, and resume fighting. The mountain gets destroyed a few seconds after they start, and they then again grapple with each other. Their energy creates a tornado around them.

Koenma says it's too dangerous to get any closer, as those are two S class powers down there. If they get caught in the middle, they'll be wiped out in one shot. Sensui kicks Yusuke, sending him flying away. Yusuke seems to disappear, but Sensui tells him to come on out. He can try and hide in the sand, but unless he conceals his demon energy, there's no point.

Yusuke reveals himself, and says he can't quite control this demon energy of his yet, but he's getting accustomed to it. He asks Sensui if he's planning something, and he says he's not -at least, not anything terribly interesting. Yusuke wants to know what it is, but Sensui says he can't say right now. Yusuke thinks he doesn't actually have anything, and Sensui says he may be right.

Kuwabara asks how do they size up Yusuke and Sensui's powers. Kurama says that even if you overlook the fact that Yusuke can't use his full power, Sensui has a slight edge. Koenma thinks that Sensui's style of fighting has changed, it now almost looks as if he's enjoying himself. Kurama thinks Sensui's dark hatred that he has shown up until now is disappearing. Hiei thinks he now has the face of someone who has finally come up against a worthy opponent.

Yusuke says they'll fight this thing out, as he and Sensui power up. But Yusuke suddenly feels that heartbeat again, and wonders what's going on.

He then hears someone speaking to him, who tells him he can't let him have such a hard time with his opponent. He'll show him how to use his power...

A massive white light emits from Yusuke, as he changes form. As he starts to walk forward, Kuwabara asks what's going on -the guy down there can't be Urameshi!

As if guided by the mysterious voice, Yusuke Urameshi suddenly undergoes an unusual transformation. Is this his true awakening as a demonkin? The score between Yusuke and Sensui is about to be settled!


(Kuwabara is speaking)

What is that?! That monstrous guy has come forward! Is that really Urameshi?! His power makes me shiver so much, I feel like I'm going to wet myself! Sensui! It looks like your evil deeds have finally met their end! Go on and say your prayers! Next time: A Conclusion! Death Battle in the Demon Realm! Let's finally settle this thing once and for all!

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