At the end of his fight with Sensui, Yusuke Urameshi had died. The Spirit Realm, which was on full alert as a result of the boundary tunnel being opened, has mobilized the Special Defense Squad under orders from King Enma. Elsewhere, Kuwabara had cut through the subspace periphery field with his dimensional blade sword, and headed toward the Demon Realm with Hiei and Kurama, in pursuit of Sensui. However, having been clad in energy steel combat armor, Sensui's power was all too great.

A Time of Awakening!
The Battle Commences Again

Sensui tells his opponents that it's a shame their strength is so half-hearted. They unconsciously try to defend themselves. He regrets to inform them that they will not die easily. Kuwabara says he's not trying to die easily, all he wants to do is avenge Urameshi. Even if that means taking that high-and-mighty face of Sensui's, and slicing it up.

He summons his dimensional sword, as Kuwabara summons his rose whip. Hiei also summons an energy blade, and the three attack.

They all go to strike Sensui. Kuwabara gets there first, but Sensui avoids his attack. He counters by kicking him, and then punching him in the gut.

He then manages to stop Kurama by grabbing his rose whip, and kicks him. Hiei dives down, but Sensui uses the rose whip on Hiei's blade, and then kicks him across the hill.

Back in the Human Realm, Keiko still can't get Puu to respond. Suddenly, Puu starts to glow, and Keiko can't keep a hold of him. She eventually has to let go, as Puu floats off into the sky. Shizuru and Keiko rush off to follow him.

Back in the cave, Koenma notices something strange. Yusuke's heart has stopped, but his spirit hasn't risen up. Usually, when you die, your spirit automatically rises up out of you. Mitarai asks if this means Yusuke isn't dead, but Koenma says there's no question about it -Yusuke is definitely dead. That's why it's so strange. The two then notice a blue light heading their way. It enters the cave, and stops before the hole to the Demon Realm.

The light transforms into nine people, who stare at the hole. Koenma knows who they are -the Spirit Realm Special Defense Squad.

Spirit Realm Special Defense Squad

He says that of all the forces in the Spirit Realm, these warriors are the best of the best. In this emergency situation, with a hole connecting the Human Realm and the Demon Realm, the Spirit Realm has dispatched its finest elite warriors. That's how critical the situation is now.

Captain Otake tells Ohou, Sorai and Saito that the three of them will close up the hole to the Demon Realm, and asks them how long it will take. Saito believes that if it will take the three of them about 10 days. Otake tells them to do it in one week, so they head over to the hole, and start using their powers to seal it up.

Otake then tells Ryohi, Rinpai and Shunjun that the three of them are to stand by in subspace, and deal with any demons who try to come through.

The three of them head off through the hole. Otake and the other two members head over to Koenma, and Otake asks him if he's hurt. Koenma says he's fine, so Otake tells him to return to the Spirit Realm, and get some rest. Koenma says he can't do that, as he's going to go to the Demon Realm now. Otake tells him he has used up all his spirit energy, and now lacks the strength to make rational decisions. King Enma has ordered for him to return to the Spirit Realm. Koenma says that even if his father did order for that, he can't. He wants to take complete responsibility for his actions. Otake warns him he'll have to see something that will be hard for him.

Otake explains that he met with King Enma earlier. Enma told him that he was authorizing special measures for the preservation of the Human Realm. His order was: eliminate Yusuke Urameshi! Otake asked why, as Yusuke is a spirit detective, who Lord Koenma appointed. Yusuke has carried out many duties for the sake of the Human Realm. Enma told him there's no choice, as Yusuke had the demonkin blood flowing through him.

Back in the present, one of the SDS members tells Mitarai to get out of the way, and blasts him. Koenma asks them what are they doing, and Otake says they are going to eliminate Yusuke Urameshi.

He tells Koenma that Yusuke Urameshi is a descendent of demon kin. Back in the city, Keiko and Shizuru are still chasing Puu, but then see him come to a stop. They wonder what's going on, but then suddenly, Puu glows very brightly.

When the light dims down, they are covered by the shadow of a large creature, but they can't tell what it is. Back in the cave, Koenma can't believe Yusuke is a descendant of demonkin, and he tells Otake that Yusuke's parents were human. Otake says that's correct, as were his grandfathers and grandmothers. And those before them, and before them, were also human. Koenma realizes it must be demonkin grand atavism. Otake says that's correct, and that it means genetic hybridization with a human that only A class demons or higher can achieve. Yusuke has demonkin blood, which he inherited through demonkin grand atavism, flowing through him.

Atavism: when one person's genetic information is not passed along to their children, but does get passed down to their grandchildren, skipping a generation. Demonkin grand atavism is an extreme example of atavism, where a descendant dozens of generations later inherits the unique characteristics of demon kinship. Demonkin are capable of intentionally causing this to occur.

Otake says Yusuke's ancestor's lineage was also very cleverly manipulated. When Yusuke died the first time, he still had neither the ability nor the capacity necessary to withstand being reborn as a demonkin. By bringing him back to life a s a spirit detective, they've inadvertently assisted him in becoming a demonkin. If King Enma hadn't noticed that Urameshi shared a trace wavelength with the boundary tunnel, it probably would have been too late already.

He then says it wouldn't have been surprising if, under other circumstances, instead of Sensui, Urameshi would have been the one who attempted to open a hole into the Demon Realm. Koenma wonders how this could have happened, and Otake says that, 44 generations before Urameshi, back when there was no periphery field between the Human and Demon Realms, a demonkin implanted his abominable power within a human, and it now dwells within Urameshi. Mitarai thinks he's wrong, as Urameshi has been fighting for both the Human and Spirit Realms up to now. They should be giving him a proper burial, instead of saying that they're going to eliminate him. He doesn't think it matters that Yusuke has the blood of demonkin within him.

One of the SDS shocks Mitarai, taking him out. He tells him that's the most serious thing about this, as if this isn't dealt with now, Urameshi will become even more difficult and dangerous than Sensui. Koenma doesn't want them to destroy Yusuke, after they brought him back as a spirit detective.

They of the Spirit Realm were the ones who made this all happen. And what's more, Kuwabara and the others, who worked alongside Yusuke, are still in the Demon Realm with Sensui. He tells Otake he won't allow him to just leave them there. Otake apologizes, and uses a technique to shock Koenma, knocking him down. He says he's sorry for his lack of courtesy, but his team's actions have been decided upon as the will of the Spirit Realm.

Someone then points out something strange is happening to Yusuke's body: it's glowing red, and starts floating. Otake says this is bad, as Yusuke is not emitting demon energy, and his awakening has begun. He orders for two of his men to start firing, but before they can something crashes through the ceiling.

The two start firing, but the creature flies down and protects Yusuke's body. Ohou, Sorai and Saito also start joining in...

...but their blasts have no effect. As the smoke clears away, Yusuke tells Puu that's enough -he's alright. Yusuke is alive once more, whilst Puu has undergone quite the transformation.

Yusuke tells Puu that even though he was gone for just a little while, he went and got huge. He then tells everyone else that he heard the last half of what they were saying -he is the descendant of a demonkin. That would explain why he feels so invigorated now, as it means he's been reborn. He then sends out a lot of his new demon energy.

The SDS say that with their level of spiritual power, there's no way they can stand against Yusuke now. Yusuke asks them who do they think they're talking to, and tells them to bow before them. He then asks them if he should show them his true form.

He then starts laughing, causing the SDS to run away in fear.

But then he tells them he's just kidding, idiots! He says to Koenma that Kuwabara and the others must be in the Demon Realm by now, and Koenma says they are. Yusuke says they'd best hurry, as they must be having a hard time against Sensui. Otake asks him what he's planning, but Yusuke tells him to shut it, or he'll gobble him up. Even if he has been brought back to life, or reborn, he's still Yusuke Urameshi. He doesn't care if his ancestors were demonkin or aristocrats, it doesn't change the fact that his big goal right now is to defeat Sensui.

Koenma says he's going to, but Otake tells him he can't, he must not disobey King Enma's orders any further. Yusuke kicks him in the face, and tells him to leave them alone. As the SDS surround their captain...

...Yusuke and Koenma board Puu. Koenma tells Otake to tell his father that he can fire him or disown him. Yusuke sees Mitarai, and tells him that they'll be back for him later. He then tells Puu to go, so he takes off and heads through the hole.

As they fly through subspace, Koenma warns that they may not be able to get back to the Human Realm if they do this. Yusuke says they'll worry about that after he's defeated Sensui. At the field, Ryohi, Rinpai and Shunjun are waiting, but no demons have come through yet. Rinpai says the demons are sensing their spirit energy, and are turning back.

He says that not even A class demons can come away unscathed against them. Shunjun thinks he's bragging about the time he deal with that spirit fox, but then Ryohi says she can sense tremendous demon energy coming from behind them. They look back, and see Yusuke, Koenma and Puu heading right at them.

They fly over them, and head straight through the tear Kuwabara created in the field. None of them can understand what they just saw, but they do realize that the rest of their team failed to eliminate Yusuke. Meanwhile, in the Demon Realm, Sensui tells his opponents he sorry he's had to make them suffer so much.

Kuwabara thinks he's sorry to Urameshi, as Sensui is incredibly strong. Sensui tells them he'll put them out of their misery, but then senses something, as does everyone else. A terrific demon energy, coming from the hole. They all look up, and see Yusuke, Koenma and Puu.

Yusuke tells Sensui that he's sorry to have kept him waiting. As Sensui stares at him, Yusuke tells him they can now pick up where they left off.

Sensui, the human who controls the ultimate battle aura, and Yusuke, reawakened as a demonkin... what will be the outcome of their battle?


(Yusuke is speaking)

Whether I'm a human or a monster, it doesn't matter to me! Right now, he stands in front of my eyes. That's good enough. No problem! But there's something inside me -someone who isn't me, that's getting in the way! Who the hell are you?! Next time: The Ultimate Battle! Proof of Demon Kinship. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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