As innumerable demons, sufficient to destroy the Human Realm, lie it wait for the boundary tunnel to open, Yusuke had finally drawn Shinobu Sensui out to fight. However, Sensui, who was wrapped within an aura of sacred light aura, possessed an overwhelming level of power. Koenma attempted to lay both himself and Sensui to rest with his last-ditch demon seal ring technique, but it ended up a wasted effort before the power of the sacred light aura.

When Everything Comes to a Halt

Koenma falls to his knees, and thinks this is the end. But Yusuke says it's still too early to give up. Koenma tells him to stop, as it's hopeless. Sensui then remembers he was going to finish Yusuke off. Kuwabara says Yusuke looks confident, so he must have a plan in mind.

However Kurama believes he knows what Yusuke is about to do. He tells Kuwabara to remember how he sacrificed himself to younger Toguro, at the Dark Tournament. He believes that Yusuke is about to do the same thing Kuwabara did then. Kuwabara thinks that can't be. Kurama says that with the power he has now, Yusuke cannot beat Sensui. Even if he faced him preparing to die, he's still no match. So instead, Yusuke is risking everything over their fury at his death.

Kuwabara screams out to Urameshi to not be an idiot and stop. Koenma tries to stop Yusuke, but Yusuke pushes him away. He tells Koenma that he doesn't care of the tunnel to Demon Realm opens, and the demons come through. All he wants now is to settle things with Sensui.

Sensui believes that Yusuke is telling him to finish him off. Yusuke tells asks him what's wrong, and tells him to hurry it up. Kuwabara keeps yelling for Urameshi to not do this, as he doesn't have to. He thinks back to the fights they used to have. Urameshi told him he'd never heard of him, despite having beaten him up before.

Kuwabara told him he'd make it so Urameshi would never forget his name again. Urameshi punched him, and then remembered he was the guy he pummeled behind the gymnasium.

Back in the present, Kuwabara says there's no way he'll let Urameshi do this. He thinks back to another time he fought Urameshi and lost, and swore that next time, he'd kill him for sure. Urameshi told him to come and get it anytime, as the outcome will always be the same. Another time, he caught Urameshi skipping school. Urameshi asked Kuwabara why he's here again.

Kuwabara was pleased Urameshi had actually remembered his name. The two fought, and as usual, Kuwabara lost. Later on, Kuwabara's friends told him he couldn't win, but Kuwabara said he knew that already. He may get beaten every time, but when he and Urameshi fight, his heart gets so excited! He was going to fight him again.

Back in the present, Kuwabara wonders why he's suddenly only thinking about the past. In the city, Keiko and Shizuru have gone to the top of a building. Keiko asks Shizuru what's wrong, and she says she can feel that her brother is unusually worked up about something. She has a terribly bad feeling about all of this.

Back in the cave, Sensui hesitates. He thinks that he's certain Urameshi doesn't have the strength to defeat him. But for some reason, he feels so uncertain. Itsuki wonders why Shinobu doesn't finish Yusuke off. Hiei then tells Itsuki to let them out of here, right now. If he's going to die anyway, he wants to die fighting against Sensui.

Kurama says that with himself, Kuwabara, Hiei and Yusuke, it will be a four on one fight. Itsuki says no. Even if the four of them were to join forces, it's unlikely they could beat Shinobu. Kurama says if that's the case, then what does it matter to keep them here. Itsuki says if they joined forces, they might be able to escape. He thinks they could carry off Urameshi and run away, whilst blocking Shinobu's attacks.

He says he won't underestimate them, as he knows that Hiei and Kurama were at one time both A class demons. Due to various reasons, they aren't as strong now. If he was to let them go here, they would both certainly become stronger that they are now. He then tells them they will die, one at a time. Hiei thinks Itsuki read his mind, and then tells him he's really something else. Mitarai then says he's been thinking about something for a while.

Kuwabara tells him that if he's got something to say, then say it. Mitarai tells him that when he had him and his friends closed up inside his territory, he was able to cut through it with his ability. If he could release that kind of power now, he should be able to cut through any dimension. Kuwabara attempts to summon his dimensional sword, but he still can't summon it at will. Itsuki tells him that if he could summon it at will, they would have had him cut through the tunnel to the Demon Realm a long time ago.

Kuwabara continues to try and summon the sword, whilst Itsuki tells Shinobu to finish Yusuke off. Sensui tells Yusuke that it appears that the opening ceremony has come. Yusuke gets ready.

Outside the cave, Genkai says she can feel an incredible vortex of spirit energy, which is rising up in a strange way. It seems to be Yusuke, Sensui and Kuwabara's spirit energy, all jumbled together. Back inside the cave, Yusuke tells Sensui if he won't bring it on, he'll take the fight to him. He emits spirit energy from his body, and then starts running.

He does a jump kick, which Sensui blocks. Sensui tosses him aside, but Yusuke runs back towards him, and kicks him.

As Sensui gets knocked back, Yusuke quickly moves in and hits him with a barrage of punches. He goes to do one more, but Sensui dodges it, resulting in Yusuke falling over.

Yusuke says if he can just keep going a little longer, he'll figure something out. However Sensui then jump kicks him, and follows it up by battering him with punches.

Kuwabara wonders why, at this most critical time, he can't summon his dimensional sword. Urameshi looks like he's just about had it, yet he still can't summon it.

And for this to happen after all they fought together for. He thinks back to all the events they've been through, such as the battle against Rando, or when he saved Urameshi by giving him some of his own spirit energy.

He also remembers when he hit Urameshi for not telling him about what happened to Genkai, and what he did to bring out Urameshi's true potential -by letting Toguro "kill" him. Back in the present, he thinks about how he told Urameshi not to disappoint him after Toguro had struck him. He then summons a great deal of energy into his hands.

Sensui emits his sacred light aura, and tells Urameshi that this is farewell. At the same time, Kuwabara finally summons his dimensional blade.

Itsuki turns around and yells for Shinobu to hurry and kill Urameshi. Sensui starts to charge forward, and as Itsuki look back, he sees Kuwabara running towards him.

A streak of green light cuts over one of the Reverse Man's eyes, creating a gap that Kuwabara has sliced open. Kurama, Hiei and Mitarai jump through. They land, just in time to see Sensui about to strike Yusuke.

Yusuke turns to look at them, as Sensui delivers his final strike. Elsewhere, Keiko notices something is wrong with Puu -he won't respond.

Yusuke falls back and crashes onto the ground. Kuwabara and the others see they've got there too late.

Outside, Genkai falls to her knees, and says that Yusuke's spirit energy has vanished. Elsewhere, Botan suddenly almost falls off her oar. As she lands, she wonders what's wrong with herself. She then has a vision of Yusuke, and thinks it couldn't be...

Back in the cave, Kuwabara thinks Urameshi is just joking around, and tells him to get up. But when he checks his heartbeat, he realizes he no longer has one.

As he, Hiei and Kurama look at Yusuke's body, Sensui tells them that the movie is now over. He got so caught up in the fight, that he missed the chance to listen to the ending, and it had such a beautiful requiem. It would have been perfect for Urameshi. He then tells them that Urameshi may be dead, but there's no need for them to miss him, as they'll be following him. As the tunnel to the Demon Realm cracks open, he says the real finale is just getting started...


(Koenma is speaking)

Right now, one fight has reached its end. The young ones will put everything they have on the line, struggling and suffering to oppose it. They know all along that it is a fight that they cannot win, but still they press on. And damned if I'm not painfully envious of them! Next time: Carrying On Their Friend's Will! Each and every one of them!

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