The man who was planning to complete the boundary tunnel to the Demon Realm, causing the destruction of the Human Realm, was the former spirit detective Shinobu Sensui. The man who stood against him, attempting to put a halt to those plans, was Yusuke Urameshi, the current spirit detective. However, the difference in their strength was just too great. As Yusuke risked everything on a strategy to finally allow him to strike back, Sensui's personality changed! Sensui was possessed of multiple personalities, and carried seven different personas inside him. And after Sensui had changed to Kazuya, the most cruel personality among them, he was about to finish Yusuke off...

Primed With The Demon Seal Ring!

Sensui holds Yusuke at gunpoint, and as Yusuke says Koenma's name, Sensui tells him to shut up. Inside the Reverse Man, Kuwabara says isn't there anything they can do to help Urameshi? Itsuki tells him it's useless.

He reminds him they are in the subspace inside the Reverse Man, which he controls. They can't leave here until he lets them. Kuwabara is about to attack him, but Hiei stops him. Kurama tells him that it Itsuki dies, they'll never be able to leave this place. Meanwhile, Koenma tells Sensui not to compound his sins any further.

Sensui tells him his sins will be decided by the Spirit Realm court. If he were the chief of justice, he'd hand down a just decision. He points his gun arm at Yusuke's head and says no one can stop him now, but then notices something: Yusuke is ready to fire his spirit gun! He quickly kicks Yusuke in the head.

Yusuke ends up firing anyway, but his blast misses Sensui. As Yusuke falls to the ground, the blasts hits part of the cave, knocking Koenma back.

Outside, Genkai's group feel a rumbling, and Botan wonders what it is. Genkai says it's the aftermath of Yusuke having smashed the cave with his spirit gun. But she doesn't detect the slightest drop in Sensui's spirit energy. But Yusuke's spirit power has dropped. Back inside the cave, Sensui is surprised at how much power Yusuke still had left -that was a close one. Yusuke says he wanted to hit him with an extra large blast at point blank range. Sensui starts laughing, but then Koenma tells him he'll put a stop to his scheme, no matter what.

Sensui asks if he's thinking of trying to defeat him, when he doesn't even know who he is. Koenma asks Shinobu what he means, and Sensui says that he isn't Shinobu -Shinobu is now resting. He's Kazuya, one of seven multiple personalities that dwells within Shinobi Sensui. But this plan is something all seven of them decided on. Kurama realizes that earlier, when Murota read Sensui's mind...

...he thought that the seven possess those abilities, and Sensui had brought them together. "We'll dig a grave for all people. The seven of us will dig the hole." Kurama realizes these words were referring to Sensui's multiple personalities, and Hiei says this was his plan from the start. Itsuki says that Shinobu gave up hope on mankind as a whole, and lost his purpose. He then couldn't get over all of the brutal killings he had committed.

That was what caused the birth of Kazuya, the alternate, violent personality. Then, when trying to atone for the sins of all mankind began sprouting in Shinobu's mind, he became disgusted with himself over his brainwashing of others, like he was some kind of devil. This led to the birth of a new personality: Minoru. As time went on, more personalities were created.

Itsuki says that as a result of this, the original, pure mind of Shinobu has not been polluted. He says that there is one female personality, Naru, who is timid, pure of heart, and easily hurt. She tells him her trouble often, and he comforts her. She only ever shows herself in front of him. He likes her personality the most, next to Shinobu's.

Kuwabara asks him to stop talking, as his words are messing up his head! Koenma tells Sensui that he wants to talk to Shinobu. Kazuya tries to talk to Shinobu, but gets no response. He tells Koenma that Shinobu doesn't want to talk, as he doesn't like him.

Koenma says Shinobu should still be able to hear him, and says it's still not too late -he must put an end to this foolish stunt! Sensui says it is too late, and tells him to look closely -the hole has exceeded its equilibrium point, all they need to do now is wait for it to open. Koenma takes his pacifier out.

Mafukan (Demon Seal Ring): the most powerful, highest classed of all defensive spells existing in the Spirit Realm. Koenma, over many years, has discharged his own spirit energy into this pacifier, preparing it as a demon seal ring, an enchanting weapon of astounding hidden power. The demon seal ring, when released upon an enemy, or enemy territory, is capable of creating a powerful boundary zone. It is especially effective against creatures of the Demon Realm, and even S class demons are unable to move once within this zone.

Koenma says that with this demon seal ring, he can block this hole to the Demon Realm with a new, powerful boundary zone, and Sensui will be unable to move from it as well. He had been condensing his spirit energy into it in order to suppress the age of darkness that will befall the Human Realm in several hundred years, but now he has no choice but to use it here. Sensui doesn't believe he would do such a thing, as it would put the Human Realm in danger several hundred years from now.

Koenma tells him that if this boundary tunnel opens now, the Human Realm will not exist in another ten years, let alone a few hundred years. He'll end this here, unless Sensui kills him and takes the demon seal ring from him. Sensui sees he really means it, and Koenma tells him to discuss it with his other personalities. Sensui closes his eyes.

Koenma thinks that he doesn't want to use the demon seal ring on Sensui if he doesn't have to. He thinks how Sensui was born with a strong spiritual force, and how he desperately fought to protect the Human Realm from demons. Sensui then saw something which changed his views on mankind. He thinks what good will come of him hating all of mankind now, due to him seeing one dark, atrocious segment of the Human Realm.

Sensui had been thinking of whether or not mankind should continue to live, or if it should become extinct. Koenma thinks what happened to Sensui is his responsibility, and if he decides to continue this fight, he will join him -as part of the boundary zone. They will experience the hell of not being able to move for eternity together. Sensui then says they've reached a conclusion.

All seven of them agree that this game will go on -right after he's killed him! He points his gun arm at Koenma, so Koenma prepares to use the demon seal ring. But before he can, someone strikes Koenma's arm, causing him to drop the ring.

It was Yusuke who hit him, and he catches the ring. Koenma asks him why he's interfering, and Yusuke tells him he doesn't appreciate what he's doing -he shouldn't be butting in like this. He then comments on how gross this ring is, as there's still drool on it!

Sensui remembers that Yusuke is the successor to the spirit wave, which would explain his considerable recuperative powers. Yusuke wants to get this fight started again, but Koenma tells him he can't stand up to him. He wants the demon seal ring back, but Yusuke wants Koenma to leave him alone. Koenma asks him if he realizes what he's doing, but Yusuke tells him to stay out of this, and punches him.

He then tells Sensui that one of the guys inside him said they didn't care about what happened with the hole. He now feels the same way, and as long as they settle this once and for all, nothing else matters. He doesn't care what comes afterward. Kurama and Kuwabara think Yusuke hasn't snapped, it's like he's steadily recovering everything about him that makes him who he is.

Yusuke wants Kazuya to switch to someone else. He wants to fight the guy who he was up against earlier, and tells Kazuya to bring him out again. Kazuya doesn't want to, but Yusuke tells him he's not up to the task of fighting him. Kazuya tells him not to mess around, and points his gun arm at him, but Yusuke instantly makes a quick dash...

...and hits Kazuya several times in an instant. Kazuya falls to his knees, and Yusuke stumbles, but he convinces himself he's not hurt, and stands back up. He asks Kazuya if he understands now, and tells him to send out the strongest one from inside himself.

Sensui slowly starts to stand up, and once he has, it's clear his personality has changed to someone else. Yusuke asks him who he is, and he says he is Shinobi -it's nice to meet him. He says this is the first time he's spoken to them all, or to be more clear, its been a few months since he's appeared before others.

He walks up to Yusuke and offers him a handshake, and again says he's pleased to meet him. Yusuke tells him to stop messing around and goes to punch him, but Sensui grabs his wrist and throws him with ease.

He then stomps on him, before jamming his gun into his face. However he doesn't shoot, and instead gets that handshake he wanted.

Yusuke gets up and goes to punch him, but again, Sensui easily evades his attack. Sensui asks Itsuki to provide his spare arm and clothes. Mitarai says he's never seen Sensui like this, and Kurama says that this Sensui is a step or two removed from the others they've seen up to now. Itsuki tells them that when Shinobu appears, Sensui's menace, composure and sense of awe all come together.

He says that it's because of his purity that Sensui suffered and despaired so much, and he saw him through all of it. He likes Shinobu the most of all. Kuwabara tells him they're all fragments of the same Sensui, and in the end, Sensui is still the same single person he was at the start. He tells Urameshi that it doesn't matter if Sensui is Shinobi or anyone else, he's still the same guy he's been facing up until now. Yusuke watches at Itsuki tends to Sensui, and thinks that from the moment he first saw him, he felt that eeriness of his. He still believes that Sensui has some other hidden tricks he hasn't shown yet.

But now, finally, he's about to reveal everything. This Sensui is incomparable to any of the others, and he thinks this should be interesting. Sensui asks him if he has any strength left to fight with, and Yusuke says he does. Right now, there's nothing else he's thinking about other than defeating him.

Sensui is amused that Yusuke thinks he can defeat him, and starts to laugh. His eyes glow, and the entire cave shakes, causing the ground to crack. As he continues laughing, his entire body starts to glow with a golden light.

At last, the true personality of Shinobi Sensui faces Yusuke. Is there any chance of him winning against such bottomless power? The boundary tunnel will open in mere moments!


(Yusuke is speaking)

Awesome... so this is the real Shinobu Sensui? He does indeed have a far greater spirit energy than anyone else up to now! But I'm still not giving up like this! Listen up, Koenma! Don't you go meddling in this! I'm going to be the one who settles this! Next time: Sensui: Sacred Light Energy Unleashed! The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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