The boundary tunnel into the Demon Realm will be completed shortly. No sooner had Kuwabara, who had been captured by Sensui, been rescued, than Kurama and the others were sealed inside subspace by a Reverse Man, a demon that Itsuki had tamed. The fight between Yusuke and Sensui had finally begun!

Sensui tells Yusuke the first reason he can't win is because he can read his attacks. Which is to say, there's the difference between their careers. Yusuke yells that when it comes to the number of fights he's been in, he doesn't have him beat. He rushes forward, and lands several punches on Sensui, sending him crashing into a wall. He falls down into the water.

Yusuke's Tough Battle!
A Decisive Difference

Yusuke tells Sensui to get out of there. Sensui appears out of the water, and says his shirt got all ripped up. Sensui's body is covered with scars, and Kuwabara says Sensui wasn't kidding about all of the battles he's been in.

Sensui hears him and says he has the wrong idea. These scars were brought upon himself during his training, not one of them was given to him by an opponent. Yusuke thinks Sensui is well-built, as it felt like he was hitting a thick tire when he was punching him. Sensui then calls up his energy projectile, which appears out of the water.

Kuwabara sees that Sensui can remotely control his energy, and Kurama says this'll be trouble. Sensui yells, as his entire body is surrounded by an aura. Suddenly, many projectiles appear around him.

Kuwabara says that if you put all of those together, it'd be about the same size as one of Urameshi's spirit gun blasts. Kurama thinks it'd be even greater. Sensui says he'll briefly get serious, and the spheres all form together into one projectile. Sensui kicks it towards Yusuke.


(Fissure Kick Violet Blaze Shots)

His kick causes the projectile to splinter into hundreds of small blasts, which bombard Yusuke. He attempts to avoid them, and even punches some out. More blasts destroy the rocks he jumps away from.

But one blast hits him in the face, causing him to take several hits. Sensui then jumps up and kicks him.

He crashes into the ground, where more energy blasts strike down around him. Meanwhile, outside the cave, Botan says it sure is quiet. She wonders if there really is a hole to the Demon Realm being opened in this cave, and Yana asks if perhaps Urameshi has defeated Sensui. Kaito thinks that might be the case, and maybe he's managed to close the hole. However Genkai says the hole is definitely expanding, faster than ever. She can smell it -the sinister, evil odor which is coming from deep within this cave. Botan asks how much longer until the hole is completely open, and Genkai says probably less than ten minutes. Botan wonders if Koenma will make it in time.

Elsewhere in the cave, Koenma sees that the weeds Kurama had left here have been scattered by an explosion, and thinks that there must have been quite a fight here. He knows he'll have to make his own way now, and senses where Yusuke and Sensui are. He heads off, and tells Yusuke to hold on. Meanwhile, Sensui's attack finally ends.

Kuwabara and Mitarai are worried Yusuke has died, but Kurama tells them not to worry -it'll take more than that to finish off Yusuke. But he thinks to himself that if Sensui used that kind of attack a few more times, even Yusuke won't survive. Yusuke gets back up, and says he's not through yet. Sensui calls him tough, but he still won't be able to beat him. Reason number two why Yusuke can't win: he's weak against attacks from multiple angles. This is because he's too used to one on one battles. Whilst Sensui says that he always fought alone against large numbers of opponents.

He uses the same move as before, and says he created this technique as a result. Yusuke is surprised that even though Sensui only just released so much spirit energy a moment ago, he can still use the same technique again straight away. Kurama thinks this is really bad -who would have thought there was that much difference between the two?

Sensui then says the third reason why Yusuke can't beat him -the difference in how much spirit energy they have. If he were to rank Yusuke's level at 10, then his own would be 100! Kuwabara thinks Sensui is trying to say he has 10 times the spirit power of Urameshi, whilst Mitarai thinks there is too much difference between their levels -Yusuke can't win! Sensui then uses the violet blaze shots technique again.

Yusuke avoids a few of the blasts, but then starts taking a lot of hits. Sensui tells him he can't avoid this attack, and as Yusuke gets up, he claims he's fine. He tells Sensui he doesn't care if he has 10 times the spirit power he does, as his attack is nothing.

Sensui says in the case, he'll hit Yusuke with it as much as he likes. He then performs the violet blaze shots for the third time, but this time, Yusuke runs right at it.

He starts letting them hit him, or punching them out of the way, and tells Sensui that they don't hurt. If he can't evade it, he'll just put up with it! Kurama says that Yusuke must have decided that the attack power of those projectiles is weak, and has gone on a complete offensive.

Yusuke makes it over to where Sensui is, and starts using a rapid punch move. He asks Sensui what's wrong -he'd said earlier he was going to hit him as much as he liked. He thinks he's wrecked Sensui's earlier statement about him begin weak against multi-angle attacks. He then reminds him about what he said about being able to read his moves -can he read this one? Yusuke suddenly jumps up and away...

...and lands in the water. Nobody quite understands what he's doing, but Yusuke asks Sensui how's this -can he read what action he'll take next?

Kuwabara calls him an idiot -what's he swimming around in there for?! As Yusuke gets back out, he says that swim was refreshing, but now it's back to his strategy. He runs towards Sensui.

Sensui asks if this is going to be his usual punches again, and thinks his swim was just to buy time to recover some strength. However, as Yusuke goes to do a punch, he suddenly rips his shirt off, and wraps it around Sensui's wrist.

Kuwabara and Kurama see that Yusuke tore his wet shirt off to keep Sensui from using his techniques. Yusuke says he's caught Sensui at last, so now he can't run away.

He hits Sensui several times, and smashes him into the ground. He then follows it up by hitting him in the face a lot, over and over again.

He's about to land one more strike. but suddenly, out of nowhere, Yusuke gets shot by Sensui. As he gets blasted back, his shirt rips, freeing Sensui.

Yusuke lands hard, whilst Sensui reveals what he did: he transformed one of his arms into a gun. Kurama says who would have thought he would have something like that hidden.


(Energy Hardening Gun)

Sensui speaks, but suddenly sounds completely different. He calls Yusuke a dirty brat, who shouldn't get so full of himself. Kuwabara thinks he's finally snapped, but Itsuki says he hasn't. He's been replaced, as the one who uses that gun is his arm is Kazuya.

Kuwabara wonders what he's going on about -who's Kazuya? Itsuki explains that Sensui has seven different personalities living inside him, including his primary one, Shinobu.

Mitarai says he never knew that. Itsuki tells them that there are seven alternate personalities that Sensui himself created, during his endless battles. As Sensui grew up, he fought many demons...

...and saw many terrible things. Itsuki says that the one fighting up until now was Minoru. Apparently, Minoru was so shocked by the unexpected counterattack from Urameshi, that he switched out with Kazuya. Back at the fight, Sensui mocks Yusuke, and starts stomping on him repeatedly. Itsuki says Kazuya is the killing specialist.

Sensui kicks Yusuke across the cave, and asks if his attacked surprised him -this gun is what he truly has hidden up his sleeve. Kuwabara summons his spirit sword and tries to cut his way out of the Reverse Man, but his attacks do nothing. Sensui says he'll continue talking from where Minoru left off. The fourth reason why Yusuke can't beat him is because he, Kazuya, showed up!

He starts firing shots all around Yusuke, missing on purpose. Meanwhile Hiei tries to cut his way out, but he can't do anything either.

Itsuki tells them it's futile, they must know they can't just slip out of the subspace of a Reverse Man using those sort of attacks. Sensui continues to mock Yusuke, but then says he doesn't like the look in his eyes. He starts firing again.

Sensui is pleased with himself, whilst Kuwabara asks if there's anything they can do. Yusuke has been shot in his arms and legs.

Sensui likes the crying noises Yusuke is making, and says it's starting to move him. He picks Yusuke up, and points his gun arm at his neck. He tells him this is where they part, but before he can fire, someone tells him to hold it. Koenma has arrived.

He asks him to stop. Sensui stares at him, whilst Yusuke can only say Koenma's name.

At the last second, Koenma arrives in time to interrupt Yusuke's desperate predicament. However, is there any way to stop this ferocious version of Sensui? The dark doorway to the Demon Realm is now just about to open. A time of terror and confusion is imminent!


(Yusuke is speaking)

What will you do, Koenma? This Sensui is like a completely different person from the one you know! It's a totally different, made-up personality that he came up with! This isn't the simple sort of situation where you can just stroll on in and settle everything! Damn it, isn't there anything left that we can do stop stop him?! Next time: Koenma: Primed With The Demon Seal Ring! The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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