Sensui and company have captured Kuwabara, who possess the ability to cut through dimensions. Yusuke desperately gave chase, but was himself being pursued by the Sniper, Hagiri. Yusuke found himself in a pinch, but in the nick of time, he was saved by Hiei! Then they joined up with Genkai and the others, who were following after them.

Genkai: It appears the cast is all here.

The Game World Inside the Cave

Kurama reviews the situation the group are in. Their enemies, including Sensui, are seven in total. Of these, Doctor and Sniper have been defeated. Seaman, or Mitarai, is now here with them. Botan says this means there are four left. Kurama says the enemy has captured Kuwabara, and they are meant to be in Irima cave now. Sensui told them the hole to the Demon Realm would be fully opened within the next two days. Botan says that's four whole days sooner than what was estimated by the Spirit Realm.

Yana asks how could the hole to the Demon Realm be opening up so much faster than anticipated. Kurama believes it's because Itsuki's ability is gradually growing stronger and stronger. Mitarai says he recalls Itsuki saying that things were going faster than expected. Kurama says they'd best head into the cave now, given the situation -especially as Kuwabara now has the power to cut through dimensions. Mitarai also mentions Gourmet, who can literally eat the abilities of others -he's seen him do it.

He explains Gourmet swallows the person's body whole, and his territory is inside himself. Yusuke wants to head in, but Genkai says they'd best limit the number of people who go. She tells Hiei, Kurama and Yusuke to go in first, whilst the rest of them stay here to monitor the situation. Mitarai says he should go with Yusuke's group, as the cave is like a giant maze. Hiei asks if they can trust him. Mitarai says he wants to at least help Kuwabara.

Yusuke stares into Mitarai's eyes. Yana asks Yusuke if he should use his copy ability to confirm what Mitarai is saying, but Yusuke waves him away. Yusuke looks at Mitarai again...

...and says he trusts him. Genkai asks Yusuke if this reminds him of anything, and he says it reminds him of when he was caught by Kaito and the others. Genkai says that's right, and tells him not to lose his cool. Yusuke says when they come back out of the cave, they'll be bringing Sensui out with them, all beaten up to a pulp! He and his team head off.

Back at the apartment, Keiko is telling a police office about the explosion, in an over exaggerated manner. The officer says they have some witnesses who say that they saw some youths fighting in the area, but Keiko says fighting wouldn't cause a balcony to explode. She instead thinks it was caused by some natural disaster -the ozone hole is expanding, after all! The officer says once they know the cause of this, they'll be in touch. He then leaves, leaving Keiko to tend to Puu.

Yusuke's group arrive at the entrance of the cave, and see Sensui's truck outside. Mitarai tells them it will take about two hours to get to where Itsuki is. They head into the cave. As they walk, Kurama starts dropping seeds into the ground, which turn into weeds that light up. Kurama says they'll mark the way back, although he intends to memorize the route.

They continue to walk through the cave, with Mitarai leading the way. Yusuke thinks this place really is like a maze, and says if it wasn't for Kurama's markers, they'd never get back out of here.

They keep on going, and Mitarai says once they reach a large cavern up ahead, they'll be halfway there. But he then tells them all to wait -pointing out a large door, which he says wasn't here before. They move up to it, and Kurama wonders if this door belongs to Gatekeeper. Mitarai says it can't be, as they're only about halfway to the center of the hole. Yusuke swears he's seen this door somewhere before.

A voice behind the door then calls out to them, welcoming them to Devil City. It calls them the seven chosen warriors, and to restore peace to the city, they must now defeat the evil mayor, Game King! Kurama and Yusuke then realize what this is: it's the opening to Game Battler! Hiei asks what that is, and Kurama explains it's a video game. The game has players facing the Game King, who challenges players to different types of games -including sports, fighting, quizzes and puzzles. Players must win at least four of the seven battles against the Game King.

Yusuke wonders what Game Battler is doing in a place like this, and Mitarai thinks it must be Amanuma's doing... or Gamemaster, as he's also known as. A different voice then calls out to them, welcoming them to his territory. Mitarai says that's Amanuma's voice. Gamemaster tells the group that they must follow the game's scenario. Mitarai explains that in Amanuma's territory, he can take any game and make it materialize in life-size form. What's more, anything that doesn't have anything to do with the game can't enter the territory. Gamemaster then tells them that there must be seven chosen warriors.

Yusuke says the four of them is enough, but Mitarai says that to enter Amanuma's territory, they must obey his rules. Kurama says this means that they can't go any farther unless there are seven of them. Gamemaster confirms this, and says that unless there are seven, the door won't open. Yusuke says he'll go back and get another three people, but Kurama says they'd best all go together, despite the time loss. They head off and come back with Genkai, Yana and Kaito.

A voice welcomes them to Devil City, and calls them the seven chosen warriors. The doors then finally open up, and the group head inside. They see the inside of Gamemaster's territory looks nothing like the cave, and Gamemaster welcomes them -he was getting tired of waiting. Yusuke is surprised to see that Amanuma is just some little kid.

Gamemaster asks him what the problem with that is, then asks them if they should get started right away, with some fun games. At the hole, Itsuki is still surprised at how fast things are going, and can't believe it himself.

Sensui tells him not to overexert himself, as Amanuma went to play with the others. Itsuki says he's not overexerting himself, the hole is now expanding on its own. Kuwabara calls them a bunch of idiots, as Urameshi and the others have come now. Urameshi will be here before they know it, and he'll then give them the absolute beatings of their lives! And once he's out of these ropes, he'll use his spirit sword to cut them all up!

Sensui says it won't be possible for Yusuke to come and save him, as Amanuma is the Gamemaster. There isn't a person around that can beat him at Game Battler. Kuwabara wonders if Urameshi is any good at games. Inside Gamemaster's territory, Yana asks how to play Game Battler.

Yusuke explains there is a slot machine over there, which is used to pick the game type and level. Kurama says you play one game at a time, against an opponent. Whoever wins four games first, wins. Gamemaster asks them if they're ready, and asks them to hurry.

Yusuke thinks he's a brat, but Kaito says if the real Game King were a child, this is what he would act like. Kurama asks if anyone else has played this game. Yusuke has, and so has Kaito, and so has Mitarai. Kurama says he has, so that makes four. Genkai then surprises everyone be saying she has, as she doesn't have all that free time for nothing. Kurama asks who's made it to the end, and Yusuke says he got stuck partway through. Genkai surprises him by saying she's made it to the end, although only once.

Kaito says he can beat the game seven or eight times out of ten, although that's assuming he's playing against the regular Game King. Kurama says he fares about the same, but believes Kaito has a point: Amanuma has to be a lot tougher than the actual Game King. He thinks they should try and win three games in a row before facing him. Gamemaster then tells them time's up. Kurama tells Mitarai, Genkai and Yusuke to go first, and win the first three games. After that, he and Kaito will do what they can. The slots are spun...

...and the first game is selected: It's a sports game, tennis, and it'll be on the level 7 difficulty. Mitarai says that's something he's good at, so he'll go first. His opponent, a cheery genie, appears.

Outside, Botan complains at how she's been left alone out here. They told her to go and tell Lord Koenma, should anything happen. A crow then bursts out of a tree, startling her. She hopes Koenma comes back soon.

In the Spirit Realm, Koenma talks to his father. He wants to talk to him about something, but Enma already knows what is is: the actions of Sensui, the former spirit detective. Koenma says that's correct, and he wants to obtain his father's permission for something in regards to that matter.

Back in Gamemaster's territory, Mitarai steps up. Gamemaster says it's nice to see him again, although Sensui was right: sure enough, he's betrayed them. Or maybe he's pretending to betray them, but in reality is deceiving Yusuke's group. That's quite admirable, if that's the case. Mitarai ignores him, and goes over to his controls. His virtual opponent goes up to him.

The genie explains the rules: singles matches, first to three sets wins. He says they'll have some good matches, and shakes his hand. The game then starts.

As it does, Amanuma's territory expands, and a virtual stadium appears. A virtual version of Mitarai also appears, that the real Mitarai controls. The game starts.

Mitarai scores first. But as the game continues, Amanuma starts heckling him. He says earlier, they talked about how they were both outcasts at school. But after he talked to Sensui, he told him the reasons they were like that were completely different. Sensui claimed he was alienated because he was so strong. But Mitarai was alienated because he's so weak.

As the game continues, Amanuma claims he separated himself from all the people around him because he found them to be such fools. Yusuke thinks he should shut up, but Kaito explains the Game King can heckle players in various ways. It's letting him get to you that makes you lose.

The game goes on, with Mitarai taking some sets, but the genie also winning some. Amanuma thinks Mitarai is the complete opposite of him, but Mitarai ignores him. He eventually wins the game, and things return to normal.

Mitarai says he is weak, because he didn't have the courage to admit that he cursed the people around him. He was also weak for allowing himself to have a hand in their horrible plans, but he will change. Amanuma doesn't say anything in response.

The game battle has begun in the cave. Unless the Gamemaster, Amanuma, is defeated, they cannot reach the location where Sensui and the others are. What sort of game battle will unfold next?


(Yusuke is speaking)

It's just a little bit further until we reach the enemy hideout, but it looks like we've entered some strange world instead. It's no use complaining, though. In order to get through here, we have to win these games! But why is Amanuma so composed? Don't tell me he has some kind of dirty trick up his sleeve! Next time: Gamemaster's Fearsome Aptitude. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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