Hagiri's Targets!
Death Crest Cross Spots

Yu Yu Hakusho episode 80
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Yusuke must find and defeat Sniper.
Original Japanese broadcast date: May 7th, 1994


1) Synopsis
2) Manga differences


Yusuke uses his shotgun technique to take out the majority of sharp objects being sent his way, and then runs off, trying to get out of Sniper's territory. In the city, Kurama calls Yana and Kaito, instructing them to meet up with his group. Mitarai tells them Sensui's group would have gone to Irima cave, as it's the place where Itsuki said the hole would soon be opened. As they head off, Koenma tells Botan he's going back to the Spirit Realm, to prepare countermeasures in preparation of a worst-case scenario. At the cave, Sensui's group arrive, and head inside.

Yusuke makes it back onto the road, where he sees a truck heading his way. He then realizes it has no driver, meaning it must be one of Sniper's projectiles. Yusuke has no choice but to run, and heads back into the forest. The truck crashes off the road and also heads into the forest. Sniper shoots the tanker with a gun, causing it to explode, taking Yusuke with it.

Back in the city, Kaito and Yana arrive, and Kaito brings a map Genkai wanted. He shows them where they are in relation to where the cave is, and the group move out. Back at the forest, Yusuke has been saved by Hiei. Hiei confronts and defeats Sniper, stabbing him in the chest.

Yusuke is about to head off to save Kuwabara, but Hiei attacks him. The two fight it out, but Hiei reveals he was just testing Yusuke, to make sure his spiritual powers haven't weakened. He also tells him that he'll need to fight these enemies with a cool head. Yusuke is amused Hiei would say a thing like that to him, but asks him to help them. Hiei initially refuses, but Yusuke tempts him by offering him the Black Chapters tape.

Two demons then appear, and Hiei says Mushiyori City must have entered the third phase. He tells Yusuke now he does have another reason to help him -he doesn't like the idea of having to constantly deal with low level demons like these all the time. The two demons attack, but are both killed easily. Later on, Yusuke and Hiei meet up with Genkai's group. There is little time until the hole is opened -a storm of terrible intensity is about to break!

Manga differences

-The scene where Yusuke hears a noise, only for it to have just been a bird, is not in the manga.

-The part where the truck stops and waits for a few seconds next to Yusuke, before going after him again, was not in the manga.

-In the manga, Sniper does not fight Hiei. Hiei attacks him from behind before he even realizes Hiei is there.

-Hiei stabs right through Sniper in the manga, his sword entering Sniper's back and piercing out of his chest. In the anime this was toned down so Hiei only stabs Sniper's chest, but does not go right through him.

-The scene with Genkai's group in the city, where Kurama calls Kaito and Yana, and Koenma tells Botan he's going back to the Spirit Realm, are not in the manga.

-The scene where Kaito and Yana arrive, and meet up with Genkai's group, isn't in the manga either.

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