As Sensui was scheming to open a doorway of darkness connecting the Demon Realm and the Human Realm, to bring about the Human Realm's destruction, he finally launched a full-scale war against Yusuke and the others. Sensui, a practitioner of the spirit light fissure kick fist fighting style, adeptly avoiding Yusuke's attacks and blew up the apartment that Botan, Shizuru and Mitarai were in. Yusuke chased after Sensui, who had fled through a crowded street. However, this was part of Sensui's strategy! His true objective was to capture Kuwabara.

Yusuke's Mad Dash!
Save Kuwabara!

Gamemaster drives through the streets at top speed, although Kuwabara thinks he's an idiot for driving in the wrong lane. Gamemaster is ok with it though, and thinks a red light isn't so scary when they all go through it together.

His driving causes all kinds of accidents, and as this is going on, Yusuke is still in hot pursuit on his stolen bicycle. As he chases after the truck, Sniper moves out after him, but keeps his distance.

Genkai and Koenma run back to the apartment, and see the damage is more serious than they thought. Genkai wonders why Sensui aimed for this place rather than Yusukei, and Koenma thinks Sensui must have wanted to kill Mitarai. They enter the apartment and see smoke everywhere, but Genkai uses a technique to blow it all away.

They enter the room and see it has been badly damaged. Botan is trapped under a fallen bookcase, whilst Mitarai is huddled up in a corner.

Genkai lifts the bookcase back up, and she and Koenma see Botan got hit pretty hard on her back. Genkai asks Mitarai if he's been sitting there without even trying to help. Mitarai says that he is their enemy. Genkai has Koenma lay Botan back down, as she uses her powers to heal her injury.

Mitarai says he's in league with Sensui, but Koenma tells him Sensui doesn't think that. Outside, Kurama and Keiko arrive back at the apartment building, but Puu suddenly flies off.

He leads them to Shizuru, who has been badly injured and collapsed nearby. As Genkai finishes healing Botan, Keiko runs in and tells Genkai something terrible has happened, but then notices Botan. Genkai tells her Botan will be fine in no time. Kurama then walks in, holding Shizuru, and tells Genkai he has another one for her to heal.

Botan wakes up and wonders what happened. Koenma asks her if she's alright, and Genkai tells her she sure is happy go lucky, for someone who's been out cold up until now. Koenma explains to her she got pinned under the bookcase, and Botan sheepishly says that's right. As Genkai tells her she has such dull reflexes, Mitarai says she was trying to help her. He says the bookcase was falling towards him, but she pushed him out of the way.

He says he doesn't understand how both her and Kuwabara would help him, as he's their enemy. Botan says the explosion happened so suddenly...

...she just moved without thinking. She's not the sort that thinks about things too much. Kurama tells Mitarai that's what it's like when people help each other -it's best not to think too much about it. Mitarai says about the video.

Koenma tells him he was shown the Black Chapters video to brainwash him. Kurama tells him he can understand how confused he must feel, having only had one unbearable aspect of humanity shown to him. But there are many people who aren't like that. Koenma then asks what happened to Yusuke.

Elsewhere, two morons are out driving around recklessly, but then notice a truck behind them. The truck flashes them, but the guy refuses to let them pass. However the truck then does easily pass them.

The guy says he doesn't understand how that could have happened, but then he and his passenger notice Yusuke passing them on a bicycle. Yusuke thinks that if Sensui thinks he'll get everything his way, he's mistaken.

Gamemaster is having fun driving, and thinks the real thing sure is different from what it's like in the game center. Kuwabara grunts and Gamemaster tells him he's being too loud, but Gourmet explains it's because he's tightening his grip on him. He wants to heighten Kuwabara's ability quickly, and the more he suffers, the more his ability is raised. Sensui finds it grating on his ears, and tells Makihara to stop.

Kuwabara asks Sensui why he doesn't just kill him. Sensui says he doesn't intend to kill him, he wants him to join their side. He knows of Kuwabara's new ability, and it's something they have need of. Naturally Kuwabara refuses, but Sensui tells him his will has nothing to do with this. They can just have his ability join their side instead, just like they did with elder Toguro. Kuwabara says he's meant to be dead, but Sensui says he lived -and then Makihara ate him. Kuwabara remembers one of Toguro's techniques...

...and realizes it is being used on him right now. Sensui tells him not to worry, he won't be eaten until his ability has become perfected. Kuwabara thinks otherwise, but Gourmet then tightens his grip on him to shut him up. Gamemaster then notices that they're being followed.

Yusuke is closing in, and Gourmet thinks he's unbelievable, chasing them on a bike like that. He asks Sensui if they're just going to leave him, but Sensui tells him he's already taken measures.

Yusuke manages to pull up right alongside the truck, and tells them he's going to overtake them. Gamemaster thinks this guy must be Koichi Nakano or something, whilst Makihara says that, at this rate, Yusuke will be with them all the way to the cave. But then someone else shows up: Sniper.

Sniper closes in, and takes out another die. He uses it as a projectile to blow apart Yusuke's bike, and Yusuke is sent rolling over the ground, his shirt ripping to pieces in the process.

He leaps towards the truck on a last-ditch effort to grab onto it, but just misses. The truck speeds away, and all he can do is watch it go.

However Sniper isn't done with him yet, and extends his territory. He places several marks on Yusuke, which disappear. He drives by Yusuke and comes to a stop, and Yusuke asks him what he thinks he's doing. Sniper says he can no longer escape from him.

He raises his hand and summons his death crest cross spots. Four targets appear on Yusuke's body, and he wonders what they are. Sniper explains that now, no matter where Yusuke tries to run, his attacks will not miss those targets. He decides to give him an example, and places some energy into a few stones. He throws them up into the air...

...and they home in on Yusuke. Yusuke manages to grab them all before they hit him, and Sniper tells him well done -but now he'll need to pay constant close attention to his surroundings, and stay on edge like that. He also tells him to remember the name of the man who's killed him: Kaname Hagiri, ability name: Sniper.

Kaname Hagiri, ability name: Sniper. Territory: 200 meters in radius. By using his own energy to affix death crest cross spots to his opponent's body, he has the ability to shoot his targets with absolute certainty.

Sniper tells Yusuke he can send anything he wants at Yusuke, whenever he feels like it. Yusuke won't even be allowed to sleep safely any more. He the rides off, as Yusuke runs after him. Back at the apartment, Shizuru wakes up, having been healed by Genkai. She asks where Kazuma is, and Kurama explains Sensui has taken him. He apologizes for them not being able to stop Sensui, but she says he has nothing to apologize for. She's just frustrated for not having told anyone that the enemy was after Kazuma, and how she got herself injured.

Koenma wonders why Sensui is after Kuwabara. Mitarai explains it's because he's necessary for their plans -Kuwabara's ability to cut through dimensions was awakened during his fight with him. Sensui had been searching for someone with such an ability. Koenma realizes that with Kuwabara's ability, Sensui could cut through the periphery field over the hole to the Demon Realm. If that happens, A and S class demons could freely enter the Human Realm. Genkai says they can't leave this all to Yusuke, and Kurama says he'll go. Genkai says they should contact Kaito and Yana as well, whilst also telling Keiko and Shizuru to handle things here. Mitarai wonders what he should do, and Kurama tells him to choose the path he wants to follow. If he wants to oppose them, he can, but the next time they meet, it'll be as enemies, and they'll show him no mercy.

As Kurama, Genkai ,Botan and Koenma leave, Mitarai wonders what he should do. Shizuru tells him he should make up his own mind... if he's a man. Outside, Genkai's group decide to avoid the onlookers by using the emergency exit out back.

Before they can go, Mitarai appears, asking them to wait for him. He asks them to let him walk the same path they're on, and then stumbles due to his injuries. Kurama asks if he needs a hand, which Mitarai accepts. Elsewhere, Yusuke is trying to track Sniper down, but has lost sight of him. He ends up in a forest.

He hears something, but then realizes it's just the wind. He then hears something else, but it's just a bunch of birds flying away. He runs off, screaming for Sniper to show himself. As he does, he doesn't notice that Hiei is watching him.

Yusuke wonders where Sniper could have gone, but then sees several blades of grass shoot towards him. He hits most of them down, but one manages to cut his shoulder.

He then looks over and sees Sniper's bike parked nearby. He looks up and sees something in the sky, which moves towards him. He realizes that Sniper has sent a bunch of rocks after him. He runs off...

...but has to stop to confront them. He spins around and punches them all to pieces. There's a few moments of silence, as Yusuke tells Sniper to come out -those kind of attacks won't work. He then notices another bunch of objects in the sky, heading right at him.

But as they get closer, he sees that these objects are a lot more dangerous than some rocks. Numerous knives and other sharp objects are coming right at him!

Kuwabara must be retrieved from Sensui in order to save the Human Realm. However, even while faced with that problem, Yusuke has been turned into a target by the Sniper, Hagiri. Unless Hagiri is defeated, Yusuke's life is in danger!


(Yusuke is speaking)

That bastard! Stick funny things to other people's bodies, will you?! I'm not a shooting gallery target here, you know! And having the projectiles seek out the targets on their own is cheating! Damn, I have to defeat this guy soon! There's no telling what Hagiri is going to send after me next! Next time: Hagiri's Targets! Death Crest Cross Spots. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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