Convinced that all mankind is evil, Seaman, who is known as Mitarai, displayed anger towards Kuwabara, who was risking his life to safe his friends. Without any spirits powers, there was no chance of Kuwabara winning. However, on the verge of dying, he exhibited a new power, that of slicing through dimensions, and defeated Seaman! Awakening in bed the next morning, Mitarai was bewildered as to what to do. He then told Yusuke and the others that the reason for this was a top secret video from the Spirit Realm. And so, pressed for answers by Yusuke, Koenma revealed some unexpected information.

Koenma: The ringleader's name is Shinobu Sensui... he's a man who was once a spirit detective.

The Dark Past of the Spirit Realm Detective

Yusuke asks Botan what's going on, as she must have known Sensui during his spirit detective days. But she says she's not heard anything about him. She tells Yusuke that the's the first one there's been since she started this job, so when it comes to Sensui, she knows nothing. Genkai says that Koenma should be here soon, so they can discuss this then.

At the Spirit Realm, Jorge finds out that Koenma intends to go to the Human Realm. Koenma says he has little choice, because if their foe is Sensui, he has to go. Sensui took the Black Chapters video, which is something that should be here -just think what would happen if he made that public in the Human Realm. Jorge thinks Koenma would receive spankings from his father, but Koenma yells at him that if that's the worst he'd get, he wouldn't be so worried. Jorge wonders what to tell King Enma, but Koenma tells him to make something up. Jorge then says he wants to go with him, and even comes up with a disguise, but Koenma tells him he'll stand out too much in the Human Realm.

Koenma tells him in any case, he has to stop Sensui. He tells Jorge he's leaving things here to him, and if anything happens, he should let him know immediately. He then hops onto a cloud, and heads off to the Human Realm. Back on Earth, Shizuru is tending to Mitarai's wounds, but they use all the bandages.

Keiko says she'll go and buy some more, and leaves with Puu. In the room next door, Koenma has arrived, and the group talk about Sensui. Kuwabara wants to know what kind of guy he is, whilst Kurama points out that, as a spirit detective, Sensui should be defending mankind. Koenma explains that Sensui was born with strong spiritual powers.

Because of this, he survived constant attacks on his life by evil spirits and demons since he was a child. As Sensui grew older, he was able to easily take down and defeat large demons with little effort. He said the very existence of these demons is evil, and wanted to return them all to nothingness.

Koenma says he had a strong sense of justice, but there was one incident that made him reverse himself and distrust humanity. It was to do with an order Koenma gave him, the last order he would give him. The order was to close up a tunnel that connected to the Demon Realm. Everyone realizes that's the same thing as what they're trying to do now, but Koenma says it was on a different scale. The entrance to the tunnel back then wasn't the large-scale one that it is now. It was a small-scale tunnel, 10 meters in diameter which could summon low level demons. It was created by a illegal trade organization that saw living things as commercial objects, called the Black Black Club.

The demons summoned in it were caught, and then trafficked in for a great deal of money. Yusuke and Kuwabara know that the Black Black Club as the ones who captured Yukina. Koenma says that, at the time, they had a up and coming specialist in capturing demons: Sakyo. Yusuke realizes Sakyo was doing this sort of thing whilst he was still in kindergarten.

Koenma says that Sakyo came up with the system of having demons as bodyguards, or capturing demons in order to sell them. He then says that they'd received some information that a large trade in demons was taking place in a villa deep in the mountains. He had sent Sensui, along with his partner Itsuki, in to deal with it. At the time, Sakyo had employed a weak group of demons, that were nothing in comparison to the Toguro brothers. Sensui and Itsuki were able to enter the villa easily.

But once Sensui reached a certain room, he opened the doors and was shocked by what he saw -something Koenma calls what you might say was the ultimate in the evil workings of mankind. It was an orgy of wickedness, where demons that had been summoned by humans were being made sport of, and then finally slaughtered.

Sensui saw this carnival of lust, held by humans who were thirsting for blood, and steeped in hedonism. And at that point, he found them to be even more brutal and ugly than the demons that he had detested for so long.

Sakyo was on a balcony above along with a few other guys, and he moved away and shut the doors. Sensui just screamed. Koenma says that Sensui saw something there that was completely contrary to his sense of values.

Kuwabara says this sounds a lot like when he and Urameshi stormed Tarukane's mansion. Koenma tells them there was one additional thing that was different from what they experienced. Sensui went on to kill all of the humans there.

As Itsuki arrived, he found Sensui stood in the middle of a pool of blood. Sensui told him that there were no humans here... not a single one.

Koenma says that after that, Sensui showed an unusual amount of interest in the Black Chapters tape, and apparently started having doubts about mankind as a whole. He thinks that perhaps Sensui had an overly strong sense of duty, and sensed evil in the very existence of humanity. Since then, Sensui sought to have all mankind atone for their sins. Yusuke says this is why those ultra serious types are so hard to deal with, as they always go swinging from one extreme to the other. Koenma says that's right, which is why he chose such a frivolous guy to be the next spirit detective.

Kurama exclaims that makes sense, to which Yusuke tells him he doesn't have to go along with Koenma's reasoning. Koenma says he doesn't know why Sensui has waited for ten years to only act now, and there's no way to know what he's been doing for these ten years, either. All he can say is that once Sensui has started, there's no stopping him, not until he achieves his objective. Kurama and Yusuke then sense something, and turn around... see Sensui and Sniper waiting at the top of the opposite building. Sniper has some dice on his hand, and takes aim.

But he aims at Mitarai. Kuwabara quickly runs over and pushes him out of the way, and the dice are shot through the window and get embedded into the wall.

Shizuru asks what's going on, and Kuwabara says Sensui has come here to attack them. He tells everyone to keep low and stay under the window. As Mitarai gets up, he finds something on him.

Botan says it's a a listening device, and can't believe Sensui would plant that on one of his own guys. Sensui tells Mitarai that his frailty was part of the equation -he knew that he would go over to their side. He's been checking in on everything he's been saying and doing. Yusuke says Sensui appears to be grumbling about something, but Kurama is able to explain what Sensui is saying.

Yusuke is surprised he can hear him, but Genkai tells him it's lip reading. Sensui says who would have thought that the person with the ability they're looking for was among their enemies. Kuwabara isn't impressed that Sensui would kill one of his own, and heads off.

Mitarai tells him to wait, but Kuwabara is out of the door in a flash. Yusuke goes after him, telling him his still needs some rest, and his powers still haven't recovered. Kuwabara continues and says that, thanks to Mitarai, he's been powered up and returned to normal. He doesn't understand it himself, but his sword has changed, and to him that means he's powered up.

Sensui says Kuwabara now has a dimensional blade. With his ability, they can break down the peripheral field, and once that is done, demons will be able to come through to the Human Realm.

He tells Sniper to seize Kuwabara, and if he has to kill any of the others, he may. The two head down, and are already waiting just as Yusuke and Kuwabara appear. Sensui puts two of his fingers up and says it's two more days until the hole is completely open.

He tells Yusuke he has a surprised look on his face -did he thinks it wouldn't be opened until later? Yusuke thought they had another week, but Sensui says that's how much the speed of the tunnel's opening has increased. Kurama, Genkai and Koenma then arrive. Sensui tells Koenma it has been a while.

Back in the apartment, Mitarai thinks about what Sensui told him, including how they needed someone with the ability to cut through dimensions. He also remembers what Kuwabara did to defeat him. Back outside, Keiko returns, but Yusuke tells her to stay back. She hides behind a wall.

Kuwabara wants to fight them, but Yusuke tells him to stay back as well. Kuwabara wants to know why, and Kurama tells him he's still recovering, so he should stay out of this. Koenma warns Yusuke to not get any closer to Sensui, as he can also store up his spirit energy and shoot it out as a projectile. He used to have considerable force, and he doesn't know how much he's changed over the last ten years. Yusuke says it sounds like fun, and starts walking forward.

He stops just short of Sensui, and tells him he's heard that he's gone around the bend. Sensui says that's a misunderstanding -he's been awakened to the truth. Yusuke says he'll stop him, but Sensui tells him he won't. The two summon a great deal of spirit energy around themselves.

Botan says it's starting, but Mitarai tells her to bring him back here. She wonders if by "him", he means Kuwabara. Meanwhile, the fight begins. Yusuke and Sensui both run off, and Yusuke thinks he's going to see with his own eyes just how much power Sensui has.

Yusuke changes direction and goes right at Sensui, and does a last second dodge to get behind him. He goes to punch him, but Sensui bocks his strike with one arm... Yusuke sees he's about to be hit back...

At last, the battle between Yusuke and Sensui has begun! However, Yusuke and the others still do not know that Sensui's objective is Kuwabara and his ability to cut through dimensions! Who will win the battle between Yusuke and Sensui? And what will be Kuwabara's fate?


(Yusuke is speaking)

Finally, their all-out attack has begun! Damn it, it turns out we were just being manipulated by these guys, weren't we?! Only a short time remains before the tunnel to the Demon Realm is opened. There's only one measure remaining... and that's to lay out the guy in front of me with my fist! Next time: Charge! Dark Angel. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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