Gourmet, Gamemaster, Seaman, Doctor, Gatekeeper, Sniper and Dark Angel... these seven, with their unique abilities, are attempting to open up a hole of darkness between the Demon Realm and the Human Realm. Yusuke and the others, having come to Mushiyori City, engaged in a desperate battle with the Doctor, Kamiya, who was lying in wait to eliminate anyone who would stand in his way, and defeated him. However, there are still six enemies remaining. Further, all this time, the hole to the Demon Realm has been growing larger!

Seaman: A Trap Lurking in the Rain

Yusuke and Kuwabara talk about Kamiya, and how he knew that opening the tunnel to the Demon Realm would put all of mankind -including Kamiya's own life -at risk. Neither of them understand why the seven are trying to do this, and Kuwabara says just because they hate humans doesn't mean they need to drag them all into this. Botan then runs in,saying she has terrible news. Yusuke tells her she looks pale, and she tells him that there's only one more week left before the hole to the Demon Realm is finished!

She tells them to listen to what Koenma has to say, and opens up her briefcase. Koenma says they've discovered the time limit is now only one week, and Yusuke asks why that is -he'd said before that they had three weeks. Koenma explains that at the time, they'd misread where the center of the hole was.

After receiving the report from Kurama, they analyzed the spatial distortion and learned that the center of the hole was actually a point 550 meters underground. The hole has actually reached a diameter of 1.7 kilometers, and there's only a short time left before it opens up to 2 kilometers. Their enemy has been creating a spherical spatial distortion from a vast open area, deep underground. Kuwabara asks Urameshi to tell him what's going on, as he can't see what's on the screen. Yusuke says that... it's so complicated, he doesn't understand it!

Botan has to explain instead, and says that there's only one week left until the hole is completely open! Yusuke thought Koenma meant it was in the sewers when he said it was deep underground. Koenma says they have found the real location, and says there's an entrance to a large cave on the outskirts of Mushiyori City, with an underground system of waterways.


Yusuke says now they know where they are, they can go and deal with them. He tells Botan that they'll have to get Kurama and the others, and then go straight to the enemy hideout. Botan shuts the briefcase before Koenma can say any more, and then the three leave school. But Kuwabara heads a different way.

Yusuke asks him where he's going, as Kurama's school is the other way. Kuwabara says that he can't make it today. Yusuke asks him if he has an upset stomach or something, but Kuwabara says it's something else. Yusuke doesn't understand what he means... is he having a heavy flow day? Botan punches him and calls him an idiot.

Kuwabara shows them a ticket, and says the truth is... that the gods of heavy metal, Megallica, are holding their first live concert in Japan! Yusuke and Botan don't know what to say.

Kuwabara's friends show up and say to go, as they'll be late for the concert otherwise. Kuwabara says this is what he meant by the thing, and starts to walk off. But Yusuke stops him and punches him down, and asks him if he's an idiot -he's trying to skip out for some concert?! Kuwabara is offended at him calling it "some concert", and if he's making fun of Megallica, he'll kill him! He punches Yusuke back.

The two of them start fighting, and Kuwabara's friends say a fistfight between them sure does pack a lot of force. Botan asks how they can be admiring this. The two stop fighting, and Kuwabara asks Urameshi what he would do if he had a ticket to the final round of the World Fighting Series Sports Championships -would he be able to give it up?

Yusuke realizes he couldn't, and Kuwabara says he's been looking forward to this for over a year now. Even if the Earth were to be turned upside down tomorrow, he's going to this concert today! Yusuke tells him to go and do what he wants, but if some enemy comes and attacks him along the way, he won't be coming to help.

Kuwabara says that he, Kuwabara the man, may be rusty, but he still has guts! And he doesn't need any help from Urameshi. As they head off in separate directions, Botan thinks this could be the end of the Human Realm. Meanwhile, at the cave...

Itsuki continues his work, as Sensui tells him he saw a low-level demon in Mushiyori City. It seems that the hole to the Demon Realm is opening faster than they had planned. Itsuki says he feels a strange sensation, as whilst he's supposed to be the one opening it, the hole is starting to accelerate all on its own, as if it were alive.

He says they now just need to find someone with the ability to break through the sunspace peripheral field. Sensui says the guys are out looking for such a person, whilst also eliminating anyone who would get in their way. Sensui feels they'll find the person they're looking for in an unexpected place.

At Yusuke's apartment, Yusuke has met up with Keiko, Botan, Genkai, Kaito and Yana. Yusuke finds out Kurama wasn't at school today, which puts him in a worse mood -what's with everyone today? He decides to go after the enemy by himself, and crush them, but then Genkai throws a glass at him. She tells him to calm down, as they know where they are, so they don't need to rush after them sloppily. Yana says she's right, they'd better be well prepared before going into that cave. Kaito says that cave is famous for being a place where people commit suicide from, and normal people won't go near it. Going to it without thinking up some sort of strategy would be reckless.

Yusuke says it doesn't matter to him, and walks off. Keiko asks where he's going, and he says the game center -he's had it for today, so he's going to do and do what he wants. Keiko asks Genkai if he's really going to face the bad guys by himself, but she tells her not to worry -if Yusuke really is stupid enough to do that, he'd be better off dead. She thinks really, he's worried about Kuwabara.

In the Spirit Realm, Jorge reluctantly takes Kurama to the top secret research room, where Koenma is. Koenma asks why Kurama is here, and he says he has something he wants to ask him. Kurama believes Koenma knows who the mastermind behind opening the hole to the Demon Realm is. Koenma waves him away, saying if he knew who he was, he would have had him attacked long ago.

Kurama says if he knew that the enemy was stronger than them, he wouldn't go carelessly ordering any attacks on them. Koenma tells him he's talking nonsense, but Kurama thinks he's guessed right.

Meanwhile, everyone at the Megallica concert is having a great time, especially Kuwabara and his friends. Outside, Seaman arrives at the stadium.

He takes out a small knife and gently stabs it into the tip of one of his fingers, causing it to bleed. Sensui appears and gives him an umbrella, and asks if he thinks today will be a good day. Seaman says it probably will, and Sensui starts to walk off. Seaman calls out to him...

...and tosses the umbrella back. He says he won't need it, as he likes the rain. Sensui resumes walking off, and tells him he'll be waiting for good news. A little later on, Kuwabara and his friends leave the stadium, and thought the concert was the greatest.

Kirishima suggests they go do some karaoke, and Kuwabara decides they will -they'll sing until they lose their voices! They start to walk off, but as they do, Sawamura thinks he saw something behind him, and stops.

He waits a few seconds, and then something appears before him, which looks like a hand. The others notice he's gone missing, and call out to him. The watery creature appears again.

It points at Kirishima and then extends one of its fingers at him, but Kuwabara blocks the strike with his own hand. Okubo wonders what that thing was, and where Sawamura went. Kuwabara tells for whoever is there to come out.

Seaman appears, and says he's been waiting for a rainy day. A day with really heavy rain, to maximize his ability. Kuwabara notices that the water creature has Sawamura. Seaman tells them rather than worry about others, they should pity how fleeting their own lives are. He says to allow him to introduce himself, as they should know the name of the one who's going to kill them.

Kiyoshi Mitarai = Seaman

At Yusuke's apartment, everyone hears the door open, but it's Shizuru who comes in. She asks if they know where Kazuma is, and Botan tells her he went to a concert. Shizuru says she heard him say something about that, and Keiko asks if something's the matter. She says she has a bad feeling, so Kaito suggests to Yana that they go and look at the place where the concert was being held.

Genkai tells them not to go -after how hard Yusuke had to work to defeat the Doctor, the next enemy will be too much for them to stand up to. She says to leave it to Yusuke -he might have said he was going to the game center, but she thinks really he was concerned about Kuwabara. Unless he's an idiot, he went to the concert. Keiko asks what if he is an idiot? Genkai has no response.

Unfortunately Yusuke really has gone to the game center, and is playing a game of Game Battler. He gets a game over pretty quickly.

Seaman says it doesn't look like anyone is coming to help them. He's been following them for a while, and has been waiting for his chance to kill Kuwabara. He thinks it was a bit careless of Kuwabara to separate himself from the rest of his friends. He decides to show them how he creates his water monsters, and opens up the wound on his finger, causing a drop of blood to fall onto the wet floor. A few seconds later, a small monsters emerges.

Seaman says that by combining his own blood with a liquid, he can create liquid creatures. The more blood that gets mixed in, the bigger and stronger the creature will be. Okubo can't believe what he's seeing and thinks he's gone crazy, but Seaman tells him he's not. This is no dream, or illusion -this is reality. He asks Kuwabara which creature he prefers, and then yells at him to say which one he wants to be killed by.

Kuwabara tells him that first Kamiya, now him -they're more warped than he expected. Seaman tells him not to lump him in with Kamiya. He thinks about what Sensui asked him -he'd seen the true nature of humanity, so all of mankind should be exterminated.

He'd told him to remember how things had gone for him every day, how everyone enjoyed bullying him. There was no one to help him, and everyone is only out for themselves.

Seaman questioned why everyone ignored him, and then thought they could all just die. Back in the present, he says this is why he's going to kill anyone who gets in his way -starting with Kuwabara. Kuwabara says he doesn't care if he comes after him, but before he does, he should let Sawamura go. He's the only one he has to kill, so they should take care of this man to man.

Seaman says they're going to kill all of humanity, which causes Kirishima to charge at him. But the smaller water creature punches him before he can get to Seaman.

Kuwabara kicks it and it breaks apart, but it then reforms. Seaman tells him it doesn't matter how much he hits the creature, it'll go back to normal.

The creature then strikes Kuwabara repeatedly, knocking him down. Okubo then charges, but the creature jumps over his punch, and then strikes him down.

Seaman tells them it looks like they're no match, even when they all gang up. Kuwabara gets up, and sees that the larger creature now has all three of his friends.

Kuwabara tells him to just try and do anything else to his friends -he won't leave here alive. Seaman takes his knife out and stabs Okubo in the leg with it. He tells Kuwabara he was going to let them live, if they'd run away in tears. But now he's really upset.

Kuwabara tries to attack him, but the smaller creature knocks him around easily. Seaman says this will be fun, he'll keep hitting him until he shows his true self, and breaks down in tears. As Kuwabara falls, he thinks about his missing spirit powers. Seaman just starts laughing.

Seaman is able to control water at will! Kuwabara has his back to the wall against Mitarai's cold-blooded attacks! With his spirit powers still absent, will be be able to overcome this crisis?


(Kuwabara is speaking)

I don't care if you are Seaman or whatever, that is a dirty trick! It's true, right now, I don't have and spirit power or nothing! But I'm no coward, and I'm not about to go running away with my tail between my legs! I'm going to make sure I save the other guys! I'll show you what Kuwabara the man is made of! Next time: Kuwabara Restored?! A Power Awakened. Don't underestimate the power of a man restored!

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