A boundary tunnel is being opened up from Mushiyori City. Once it is completely opened, brutal demons will be able to enter the Human Realm. In order to prevent that, Yusuke and the others have come to Mushiyori City. However, there they were pulled into the territory of the Doctor, one of Sensui's men. As more and more of his friends fell victim to the Doctor, Yusuke finally overtook him! However, the Doctor, being unable to feel any pain, calmly withstood even Yusuke's spirit gun! What will you do, Yusuke?

Bring Down the Territory!!

Kamiya tells Yusuke that he now sees why Dark Angel said not to be careless with him. He picks up his severed arm and reminds Yusuke that his ability is "Doctor". He reattaches the arm to himself, and heals it with his ability. He says that he can even perform reattachment surgeries on a whim.

Elsewhere, Shizuru, Keiko and Puu are still being chased by Kamiya's insects. Shizuru starts swatting them away, whilst Keiko calls an elevator. It arrives just in time for them to get into it before the insects get them.

As the elevator moves up, Keiko wonders how Yusuke is. Shizuru is sure he's fine. A single insect has landed on Keiko's neck, and it injects her. She immediately falls and says she feels so cold.

Kamiya says the way he thinks about it, each person's ability is closely related to that person's likes, personality and environment. Whilst he has the abilities of a doctor, what he's doing is murder. To him, it appears he's more suited to doing this that he is as his real occupation. Yusuke says he must be one of the seven, which surprises Kamiya -especially when Yusuke goes on to name some of the others of the group. Kamiya is surprised he knows so much about their group. Yusuke wants to know who the other members are, and where their headquarters is.

Kamiya gives his answer by going on the attack. Yusuke avoids his strikes, and then counterattacks...

...by punching him in the face hard. Kamiya falls, but gets back up straight away. He says that, ordinarily, an attack like that would have hurt enough to knock him out. But thanks to the cerebral anesthetic that he controls, he feels fantastic.

Yusuke asks him to withdraw his territory and release everyone from his illness. If he does that, he won't kill him. Kamiya knows he won't let him go, and Yusuke says that's right -either way, he intends for Kamiya to go to prison. Kamiya refuses, and says his virus will continue to spread, so long as he's conscious. He then asks Yusuke if he really thinks he can kill him, as he's not a demon -he's human.

Yusuke runs forward and does a punch that the doctor barely avoids. The attack destroys a chunk of wall, and Yusuke tells Kamiya that if killing him is his only choice, he'll gladly do it. Kamiya thinks otherwise.

Elsewhere, Genkai takes down another batch of insects, and thinks there is no end to them. She then hears an elevator coming up, only to find Shizuru, Botan and Puu inside it. Shizuru starts explaining about what happened to Keiko, but Genkai has to push her back into the elevator...

...so she can blast another batch of insects. Shizuru asks if there is any safe place they can do, and Genkai believes this elevator is the safest place there is. Outside the hospital, Kurama's group arrive.

Kuwabara wants to go in, but Kurama tells him to wait. He thinks it's far too quiet here. Kuwabara thinks that's normal for a hospital, but Kaito explains that if what they saw earlier really was Yusuke's spirit gun, it's strange that there hasn't been any action since then. Kuwabara gets frustrated and asks him what he means, so Kurama explains that they can conclude that the inside of the hospital has become the territory of someone with an ability.

And whoever's territory it is, it must belong to an enemy. Botan says that must mean it would be dangerous to casually go in there, and Kurama says that's right -especially since Kuwabara doesn't have any spiritual power right now. Kuwabara tells him when he puts it like that, he can't argue. Kurama tells everyone to wait here, whilst he'll go in to check things out. As he runs in, he thinks it would be too dangerous to go in from the front.

He uses his rose whip to get himself up onto the roof of the hospital. As soon as he lands, he senses that he's just entered somebody's territory.

At the top of another building, Sniper sees Kurama go in. He tells Sensui that it appears their enemies are watching out for the trap the Doctor has set. Seaman thinks these guys are pretty sharp. Sensui is fine with it, thinking what lies ahead will be enjoyable. Sniper thinks this will be too much for the Doctor to handle, and Seaman suggests the three of them go in as well. Sensui says there's no need -he sees this as a good opportunity to get to know Yusuke Urameshi.

Kamiya says that in 10 more minutes, those who have been injected will all be dead. The only way to prevent this would be if he passed out. But he can't be knocked out, and asks Yusuke if he will really try and kill him. He knows that Yusuke must not have ever killed a human before.

Yusuke tells him he's a real bastard, and starts to charge up his spirit gun, causing glass to shatter in doing so. He says he won't miss this time -he's going to blow his head off! Back in the elevator, Shizuru asks Genkai what to do. Genkai says they're going down, as she's quite concerned about Yusuke and the others. She tells Shizuru that when she gets off, close the doors straight away. The bugs shouldn't come after them as long as they're in here. She also tells her not to worry about Keiko, as once they defeated whoever it is who's using this ability, her illness will be cured right away. The elevator comes to a stop, and Genkai runs out.

Shizuru shuts the doors, and wonders how this could be happening. Keiko then calls out Yusuke's name, and Shizuru tells her that Yusuke and Genkai will take care of this. Back in the corridor, Yusuke takes aim with his spirit gun.

Kamiya tells him to think hard about this -if he does go through with it, he'll be heading to prison. Yusuke says what happens afterwards doesn't concern him. Kamiya turns around and starts to run.

However, as he does, a nurse opens a door and staggers out. Kamiya immediately turns back around and takes her hostage, and Yusuke now can't fire. Kamiya tells Yusuke not to move, or he'll cut her head off. He thinks Yusuke should feel relieved now, since now he has an excuse not to kill him.

In the Spirit Realm, Ayame finds Koenma standing around outside, and asks him what's the matter -the hospital situation seems to be terrible. Koenma says he has some things on his mind, and asks her what is she here for. She reports that the hole is definitely getting bigger, and there is probably a spell caster of considerable ability at its center. Koenma knows that no matter how many ordinary spell casters they put together, they wouldn't be able to open a hole on this large a scale. It was why Sakyo spent such a huge sum of money trying to do it. Ayame says that the spell caster must also be aware of the periphery field that the Spirit Realm placed there, and whoever it is must be thinking of destroying it. Koenma says he understands.

In the elevator, the power keeps going on and off, and Shizuru can hear some insects above her. The insects manage to get in, and she starts swatting them to keep them away. Keiko tells her to leave and run away, as she's already been stung. Shizuru tells her they've made it this far, so she's sticking with her until the very end.

The doors open and Shizuru drags Keiko out, but then the insects behind them all explode: Kurama has arrived. He wonders what kind of bugs these are.

Back in the corridor, Yusuke asks Kamiya if he's even aware of what he's doing. The demons that will come through the hole he and his allies are trying to open will kill them, what they're doing is suicidal. Kamiya says that's right -all his life, he's been wondering about the way he wants to die. He's not going to let himself be killed by disease, or by time. But he wouldn't mind being killed by a demon. If they're going to kill all of mankind, then he's chosen to die atop a pile of countless dead bodies.

The nurse tells him if he wants to die, he should die by himself. She throws some acid over his face, causing him to stumble back. He manages to slash her...

...and as she falls back, she changes into Yana, who tells Kamiya to take that. Kamiya realizes Yana has an ability too, but wonders how he can still be even moving around.

He attempts to flee, only to run into Genkai. She tells him to stop his pointless struggling. Yusuke tells him this is his final warning, and demands he releases everyone from their illness. If he doesn't, he'll kill him. Kamiya says he's beaten, and says he has a serum. He reaches into one of his pockets, and brings out a small case.

He explains that if they inject everyone with this, they'll be saved. Yusuke asks him if he's telling the truth, and he says he is. He admits he doesn't really want to die here. As Yusuke starts to walk forward, Kamiya thinks he'll use the moment he'll get when he hands over the case to kill Yusuke.

However, someone yells out to Yusuke to not be fooled. Yusuke turns around and sees Murota behind them. Murota says he read Kamiya's mind, and his vials of serum contain nothing but glucose. Kamiya realizes he's been found out, and throws the case to the floor.

Yusuke says there is no saving him, but Kamiya tells him to shut up. He charges forward, but Yusuke hits him in the face, and then follows it up with more punches. As he's getting hit, Kamiya thinks it's fine -as Yusuke wastes time, all those who are sick will die. Yusuke delivers one final, powerful punch to his face...

...and he's sent crashing through a window. He lands outside, and seconds later, Yana's skin color returns to normal, and he says the spots that were all over him have disappeared. He thinks this must mean Kamiya died.

Everyone else in the hospital returns to normal, including Keiko. Yusuke thinks that killing Kamiya was the only thing he could do, but he's not happy about doing it.

However he sees Genkai outside. She revives Kamiya by punching his heart, and he starts breathing again. She says what she just did was like an electric shock, and there's no reason for Yusuke to be saddled with this guy's death.

Kuwabara's group then arrive and wonder what's going on. Genkai tells Botan to see to Yana and Murota, and then Puu flies over to Yusuke. Kurama, Shizuru and Keiko all arrive, and see that everything has been taken care of. Yusuke knocks Puu out of the way, and says he shouldn't have brought these guys here.

Keiko tells him not to get mad at Puu, as she came here because she was worried about him. They then hear a lot of sirens in the distance, and Genkai tells everyone there's no use in them staying. Kaito says he'll stay here and have Kido admitted.

Everyone else heads off before the police get there. Later on, Kamiya is taken into questioning by the police. He asks one of the inspectors if they've ever felt like they've wanted to kill somebody. He didn't want to kill somebody, he wanted to kill everybody. He wants to do this because there are no uglier creatures than humans around, who have no limits to their greed. They consume and destroy, and his disgust toward humanity became hatred. He says he intended to kill, but it wasn't directed at any individual -it was directed at all of mankind, himself included. The inspectors don't know what to say to him, but Kamiya thinks to himself that all their lives have been extended by just the slightest amount.

Yusuke and the others have barely defeated the Doctor. However, there are still six more enemies remaining. Further, the time when the boundary tunnel connects is drawing steadily closer.


(Yusuke is speaking)

Hey, Kuwabara! What are you thinking?! With the hole to the Demon Realm nearly completed, what are you acting like my rival for?! Tch, you're such an outrageous bastard! I'm not going to be responsible for you, what with the enemy after you now, and you not having any spiritual powers. Go on, I'm not going to worry myself over you! Next time: Seaman: A Trap Lurking in the Rain. We're in for some nasty weather!

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