At Yojigen mansion, Yusuke and the others were challenged to an unusual battle by Kaito, Kido and Yanagisawa. These three young men, each possessing a strange ability, were being directed from the shadows by, surprisingly enough, Master Genkai! The information that Genkai told them next had everyone at a loss...

Genkai: It's the effect of a hole to the Demon Realm.

The Coming Terror!
The Gateway To The Demon World

Genkai explains that the tunnel is a subspace boundary, which connects the Human Realm to the Demon Realm. Kurama still finds it difficult to believe, and Hiei says if such a thing were possible, he would have returned to the Demon Realm a long time ago. Genkai asks them if they want to go and see it. Yusuke asks where it is. Genkai says it's in:

Mushiyori City

Ayame is already flying over the city, and she can see things are already starting. In the Spirit Realm, Koenma can't believe this is happening, and believes a demon must have taken control of some land to do it.

Ayame says it can't be that, as Japan will not reach the peak of its dark age for another several hundred years. She says it's unthinkable that a hole that size could appear naturally, so some artificial power must have created it. Koenma wonders who is doing it. He contacts Botan and the others.

He asks Botan if Yusuke is there, as this is an emergency. Genkai says they're all here, and correctly guesses he's contacting them about the boundary tunnel. She tells him its effects have already started to appear here in the Human Realm. In the last month, there have been about thirty people who have suddenly developed strange abilities, who've come to her to ask for help. People like Yana and Kido, and they and everyone else she's seen have all been from Mushiyori city. Koenma says they're lucky that the effects have not got any farther than Mushiyori. He believes they've now reached the second phase. Yusuke asks him what he means, but Koenma isn't sure if he should say. Some of the Spirit Realm's top secret information is included in this.

Yusuke tells him to stop acting so all-important, and tell them what he knows. Koenma decides he will, and says there are four phases you have to go through before you can completely open up a boundary tunnel. In the first phase, the Human Realm becomes stagnant, and lower life forms from the Demon Realm flourish -like the Makai insects. In the second phase, those who possess special abilities begin appearing among humans.

In the third phase, demons of class D and lower begin thriving in the Human Realm. These are usually violent demons, who are short on intellect. The fourth phase will happen when the hole's diameter reaches two kilometers, which is the final phase. Yusuke asks what happens then, and Koenma says it would be possible for C and B class demons to come and go on Earth.

He explains that in the Spirit Realm, demons are assigned ranks according to the strength of their spectral powers. As an example, Toguro would be a B class.

Yusuke is in disbelief that a guy like Toguro was only a B class. Koenma says that the Demon Realm is deep and vast. The Spirit Realm only manages a single fraction of it. He tells them to think of it as an incredibly vast, deep-reaching building. They only have control of half of the first underground floor.

He tells them all they can do is expand their position a little at a time over many years. Deep down within the Demon Realm, there are A class demons, and Super A class demons -these are called S class. S class demons are beyond the control of even the Spirit Realm. Genkai asks if he's saying the Spirit Realm has done nothing up until now to prepare for this situation.

Koenma explains that the subspace forming a boundary between the Demon and Human Realms is sealed within a powerful periphery field. Botan thinks if that's the case, they can relax, but then wonders how demons can still come and go.

Koenma says the periphery field is there to keep A and S class demons from getting out. B class and lower demons are capable of passing through the gaps, but they can't allow even one A or S class demon to break through. The field prevents them from doing so.

Yusuke asks if he's saying that all of the B class demons put together are preferable to even one of the A class or higher demons. Koenma says that suppose just one of the S class demons was allowed into the Human Realm... the results would be disastrous...

...for all of humanity. Kuwabara then asks them what's going on -as his spiritual power is gone, he can't hear Koenma or even see him! Everyone is quiet, making him wonder what's so bad.

Elsewhere, a man enters a building and walks into a room with a fish tank in it. He takes a seat.

Inside the tunnel, the head of elder Toguro appears. He asks the man how the tunnel is coming along. The man just smiles, and Toguro is pleased with the progress. But he warns there will be some interference with it, as there are some horrible people who would want to stop them... he asks Sensui to take vengeance on them. Sensui gets up and opens the curtains. He says he won't take orders from Toguro, but he won't let anyone interfere in something this enjoyable. Toguro says he'll leave it to him. Sensui thinks that humans, who destroy everything and consume everything to satisfy their boundless hunger... the time when they will be judged has come.

Back in the mansion, Kuwabara has been told about what is happening, and is panicking over what they should do. Genkai tells him to calm down, as first they need to return Kaito's soul to him. They go back to Kaito, and find him in the place they left him.

Genkai uses a technique, and Kaito's soul goes back into his body. He returns to normal, and says that it appears things have progressed just as Genkai had planned. Kurama tells him his introduction left quite a powerful impact on them. Kaito tells him he went at him like he meant it, as he wanted to beat him at least once. But he had him completely beaten. Yusuke asks him what would have happened if Genkai wasn't here, since he can't restore his own soul. Genkai says he would have died -that's the reason he came to her. He wasn't able to return a soul, and asked her for help. She explains that being in a state where you're just a soul is when you're most defenseless. If you're left in that state for a whole day, you'd be heading to the next world.

In other words, you'd die. Kurama realizes Kaito must have tried it on himself, and he admits he did. He wanted to know what would happen if he said the taboo word. He introduces himself again, and says his name is Yu Kaito. His ability is taboo. Asato Kido says his ability is shadow.

Finally Mitsunari Yanagisawa says his ability is copy. Genkai says these three are all residents of Mushiyori city, and they all became aware of their abilities about a month ago. Kurama says that's not long after the Dark Tournament. Yusuke says that supposing that was the second phase of the tunnel, the tunnel started opening immediately after the tournament.

Koenma then contacts them again, and says that the hole leading to the Demon Realm is widening at a terrific speed. At this pace, it'll reach the final phase in three weeks at the latest. Yusuke asks if there's some way to stop it and close up the hole. Koenma says the only way would be to defeat the spell caster.

The spatial distortion is currently at 1.3 kilometers. Once the hole grows to 2 kilometers, it can't be closed. He believes there must be a spell caster at the center of the hole, where space is being distorted. Yusuke wants to go there right now, and beat up the guys who are opening this hole. Genkai tells him to wait, but Yusuke tells Kido and the others to lead the way -they must be familiar with the area.

Genkai uses a move to flip Yusuke over. He gets up and asks her what she did that for, but she shouts back if he even knows the meaning of the word "reconsider". She thinks he should have his brain sent out for cleaning. If he rushes off to after the enemy without knowing what their abilities are, he'll end up making the same mistakes as he did here. Yusuke says if they just sit around, that hole is going to get bigger, and Kuwabara agrees with him. Genkai says they will have three weeks.

Genkai asks some basic questions -how many enemies are there, who is their boss, and what are their abilities? They need to learn these three things before anything else. Hiei then interrupts by asking Koenma a question -he wants to know what class he is. Koenma tells him that right now, he's ranked among the middle of the B class demons. Toguro was an upper B class demon.

Hiei thinks he's being underestimated. Koenma tells him that when he fought Yusuke, he was only ranked as an upper D class. To have improved his rank this much in just half a year is impressive. Hiei isn't impressed at Koenma's attempts at flattery.

He goes to leave, and says whatever happens to the Human Realm is no concern of his. They can do whatever they want from here on out, but he has no intention of interfering with them, nor helping them. Kuwabara asks him if he really means it, and he says he does, and he plans to go back to the Demon Realm. He then leaves, and Kuwabara thinks that was typical of him. Yusuke says Hiei will come around.

Kurama says Hiei is just unsure over what to do. It's not as though the Demon Realm drawing near is only having an effect on humans, after all. Koenma thinks that maybe they should have placed Hiei in the upper-middle of B class, or maybe they should have placed him extra high... Jorge thinks Koenma shouldn't be thinking of this like he's ordering eel or something.

Back in the mansion, Genkai says they won't take any action until daybreak, and they'll need the help of Kido and the others. Yusuke asks them if they're ok with that, and Yana says they are -they aren't just going to watch on as their city turns into some horrifying spectacle. Kaito says now they have these abilities, they've chosen to use them to protect the Human Realm. Genkai says for now, they all need to get plenty of sleep. Tomorrow morning, they'll split into two teams, and gets a sense of how bad things are in the city. Kuwabara says he can't sleep unless he has his pillow, and asks Botan if they can sleep together. Botan slaps him.

At the tunnel, Sensui calls out to Itsuki. Itsuki is sat in a small boat, and is the spell caster. He tells Sensui there is one obstacle. Within the subspace acting as a border between the Demon and Human Realms, there is a powerful peripheral field in place.

With his ability, he is able to open doorways to other dimensions. But he cannot bring down the peripheral field. They need someone with the ability to cut through the peripheral field in subspace. Sensui says he understands, and will make sure he finds someone. Five other people wait behind him.

Elsewhere, Keiko wakes up from a bad dream, and sees Puu waiting outside her room. She goes to let him in, but when she tries to pick him up, he flies off. She gets up and goes after him.

Shizuru happens to see Puu fly by, and then also sees Keiko. She gets up and goes down to her. Keiko tells her that she heard Yusuke didn't come home last night, and Puu was just trembling. Shizuru says her brother didn't come back either. She suggests they follow Puu, as he might know where Yusuke and the others are. As the two are about to head off, Shizuru sees something in the distance, and says she has a bad feeling about this. She's got the sense that there's something incredibly dreadful in store for them.


(Yusuke is speaking)

Thanks to the effects of that hole to the Demon Realm opening up, there are folks springing up all over town with unique abilities. Damn! There's no way of telling who is a friend who is a foe like this! In any case, we have to close up that hole fast, or there'll be nothing but monsters around! Next time: Envoys of the Demon Realm! Seven Enemies. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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