Mushiyori City, population 250,000. Here, due to the actions of some evil individuals, a dark hole connecting the Demon Realm with the Human Realm is being opened. Once this hole is opened, horrific demons will be able to freely enter the Human Realm. In order close up the hole, the spell caster at the center of the hole, the one who is distorting space, must be found and defeated. Yusuke and the others have decided to split up into two groups, in order to conduct an investigation of Mushiyori City.

Envoys of the Demon Realm!
Seven Enemies

Yusuke's group arrive in Mushiyori City. The first thing they notice is all of the Makai insects swarming around the place, but only they can see them -regular people are totally oblivious to them. Genkai says they don't have a moment to waste, they'll have to search every corner of this city.

Elsewhere, Kurama's group arrive at the place where the center of the hole is meant to be, but it just appears to be an empty field. Kuwabara says he can't see any spell caster, or anything like a hideout here. Kurama is certain it's here, and Kaito says if they're not above the ground, they must be under it.

Kurama then senses something, and runs off. The others follow him, but as he runs around a corner, there's nobody there. He tells them someone was just watching them from here. Kuwabara says he couldn't sense anything, but Botan has to remind him that his spirit sensitivity is still currently weak. Kuwabara tells her it'll recover soon enough! Kurama tells them they'd better join up with Yusuke's group for now.

As Yusuke's group walk through the streets, Kido asks Yusuke what his impressions of this city are. Yusuke says it's nothing special, aside from all the bugs. Kido says it's a run-down city, which is all gloomy and with no entertainment. They then all sense something -somebody's territory! They have just entered it, and Yusuke thinks it's coming from somewhere below. Genkai asks Yusuke if he's remembered, and Yusuke tells her he won't make the same mistake again.

The group head down and enter a small cafe. Including the two employees, there are six people in total, but they don't know who it could be who has an ability... maybe all of them do. But one of the people, Shigeru Murota, calls out to them, asking if there's something he can do for them.

He gets up and tells them they must have abilities as well. The manager notices the stand-off and says he doesn't want any trouble, but Murota tells him to shut up. He tells Yusuke's group he doesn't know what they've come here for, but he's not looking for any trouble. Yusuke says they're looking for a guy who's digging an incredibly huge hole.

Murota says he must mean a boundary tunnel. They're surprised he knows what they mean, but he tells them they've been talking about it for some time now... inside their minds, that is. Yana thinks this guy's ability must be the power to read minds, but Yusuke isn't certain. He thinks Murota may be pretending, and could have some other ability. He wonders if he could be friends with the guys they're looking for. Kido says he'll test him.

Kido thinks that either way, Murota shouldn't know what his ability is. If he's bluffing about reading people's minds, it should be easy for him to stand on his shadow. Kido extends his territory, and jumps forward.

However, Murota jumps back at the last moment, moving his shadow and causing Kido to miss is. Before Kido can do anything, Murota hits him with a barrage of punches, and finishes him off with an uppercut.

Murota says that's too bad for him -not being able to step on his shadow. Kido says Murota could tell what was on his mind. The other people in the cafe leave, whilst the manager starts to call the police.

Murota tells him not to bother, and then tells the rest of Yusuke's group if they still want to go at it. He says he's always wanted to be a pro boxer, and with his mind reading ability, he'll know what move his opponent is going to make. They'll be nobody who can stand up to him, and becoming the world champion will be more than just some dream! Genkai says it looks like he really can read minds. Yusuke says they won't know which side he's on until they can figure out his intentions.

He steps forward and says Yana's ability is being able to touch a person's head, and copy everything about that person. He can even copy their memories. He asks if Murota will give them his cooperation, but Murota says no way -he's not putting himself out for them. If they want to copy him, they'll have to defeat him first. Yusuke removes his jacket and tells him he just would have to make this hard. Yana asks Genkai if Yusuke will be ok, because if this guy can read minds, how can Yusuke attack? Genkai tells him not to worry, as Yusuke is tournament champion. If all Murota can do is read minds, then to Yusuke, he's the same as an ordinary human.

Murota tells Yusuke to come and get him. But Yusuke tells him exactly what he's going to do: send him flying with a right straight. He'll come straight at him, so he should prepare himself. Murota thinks he's bluffing, and reads his mind.

However, as he keeps reading Yusuke's mind, it's exactly as Yusuke told him: go directly at him, and send him flying with a straight right. Murota thinks Yusuke is just a moron, and this is going to be an easy win. Yusuke charges, but his speed is far more then Murota can deal with -he's right next to him in less than a second.

Yusuke throws out a punch that doesn't even hit Murota, but the shockwave from it does hit him, and sends him flying into a wall. Kido and Yana are amazed, but Genkai says that was about 30% of Yusuke's power. Yusuke says he stopped short, it was the shockwave that sent Murota flying. He asks Yana to copy Murota.

Yana goes over and uses his copy ability, and changes himself into Murota. He says that Murota doesn't know a thing about the guys they're after.

Genkai still thinks they can make use of Murota. In the Spirit Realm, Koenma and Jorge have seen what Yusuke's group are doing, but then Kurama contacts them. He tells Koenma that the place they thought the center of the hole would be doesn't seem to be the right place after all, but it looks like it could be underground. His group are now going to join up with Yusuke's. Koenma summons Ayame, and tells her to analyze the data on the hole once more.

Later on, Yusuke's group are back out in the city, and have Murota with them. Yusuke asks him how big his territory is, and he tells them it has around a 30 meter radius. He can hear the voices of people within that area. The stronger the thoughts of the people around him are, the louder their voices sound to him. Yusuke says that means he can listen to the thoughts of anyone passing by here, and Genkai tells him to let them know if anyone it thinking anything strange. But if he does find someone, he shouldn't show it on his face, or make eye contact with them. The enemy have abilities too, and they will realize they are in his territory.

Murota then says he can sense something -that girl over there. She's thinking of getting it on with her teacher! Yusuke and Genkai punch him out.

Yusuke grabs him and says he's going to kill him. Murota tells him he's seriously thinking of killing him! Yusuke says he doesn't need to be reading his mind for that! Genkai asks Murota how he can joke around at a time like this, and he says he's sorry. He resumes reading people's minds. Some time passes, but then he says he can hear someone.

He says this guy is terrible, this guy is thinking about killing everyone -kids, women, the elderly... kill them all, and fill up this entire world with graves! Murota screams out, and Yusuke tells him to hang on. Murota says this voice is louder than anyone else's, yet at the same time, is darker and quieter than anyone else's. He's never heard a voice as murky and bloodthirsty at this. Yusuke tells him to say who it is, but also tells him not to point them out -give a direction and description. Murota says the man is to the right, the tall man with black clothes. In the crowd, Sensui can be seen walking.

Sensui turns and stares at them, but as soon as he does, Murota is shot in the head with a bullet. Yusuke looks back...

...and sees Sensui just standing there. Sensui thinks that's his way of saying hello, and he then leaves the scene. An ambulance is called, and Yusuke's group head to the hospital in it. Murota is still alive -Yana says they must take the bullet out of him quickly, or he'll die.

However Genkai already has the "bullet". It's a chunk of a pencil eraser, which was used to split open Murota's head. Yusuke takes it and can't believe it, and neither can Kido or Yana. Meanwhile, Keiko and Shizuru arrive in the city.

Keiko asks Shizuru if she thinks Yusuke and the others are in this city, and Shizuru says she thinks so. This was the direction that Puu flew towards, and there are all these strange bugs. Keiko doesn't understand what she means by the bugs, and Shizuru tells her it's probably for the best that she can't see them. They then see an ambulance head past them.

They also see Puu following the ambulance, and realize that it must have something do with Kazuma and the others. They head after it. Meanwhile, Sensui waits on the top of a building. Sniper appears behind him, and is surprised that Yusuke's group didn't chase after them. Sensui says he was surprised at how cool-headed Yusuke was. Sniper says that Seaman is following Kurama's group, and Urameshi's group are heading to a hospital, where Doctor will be waiting for them.

Sensui says it's only a matter of time before the hole connecting the Demon Realm and the Human Realm extends far enough. However, at the border, there is a powerful peripheral field in place. They need someone who has the ability to cut through that field, and such a person could be among Yusuke's allies. He'll make sure they find them, whilst he's dealing with those who get in their way. They'll dig a grave for all people... the seven of them will dig the hole. Meanwhile, at Daikyo Hospital...

Murota is conscious again, and says he can hear what Sensui is saying: they'll dig a grave for all people, and the seven of them will dig the hole. Dark Angel, Gatekeeper, Sniper, Gourmet, Gamemaster, Doctor and Seaman -those are the names of the seven. Yana thinks those must be the seven who are trying to open the hole to the Demon Realm. Murota isn't sure, that was all he could get out of the voice from that man's mind. Other than that, all he could hear from him was nothing but an extraordinary bloodlust. Kido thinks the names could just be nicknames, and Genkai says the names probably have something to do with their abilities.

Genkai tells Yusuke he did well not to go after him, it seems he has grown a little bit. But Yusuke says he couldn't go after him. He felt something dangerous about him, and that look he saw in his eyes... it was like he was biding his time until his enemies were caught in his trap. If Toguro was like a fastball pitcher, then this guy felt like he threw knuckleballs. Genkai thinks this guy would only show his own ability when he's about to finish his opponent off. The fact that he wasn't the one who shot Murota backs her theory up. Murota and Yana ask her what she means.

Genkai explains that the bullet came from directly ahead. When that guy stared at them, he was giving a signal to the sniper. She shows the eraser bullet, and says there's still some demon energy from the person who shot it remaining on it. Whoever shot it probably placed a coating of his demon energy on it, making it as hard as a BB gun pellet, and then shot it using his mind.

She'd tried to look for the shooter, but couldn't see anyone. Whoever shot it must have been over 500 meters away. The shooter must have quite a substantial ability to be able to do something like that. Murota says he doesn't want to die, but as he says this, nobody realizes that one of the doctors is watching them.

Once again, a new opponent appears in Yusuke's vicinity. What sorts of abilities do these even evil men possess? A ferocious battle is about to unfold in the once-peaceful streets of Mushiyori City!


(Yusuke is speaking)

Are you serious? That man is the leader of the enemies that we have to defeat? He has those critical eyes, filled with bloodlust! But it doesn't look like this is any time to be thinking about that! It appears we've already entered into somebody's territory! Next time: The Stalking, Demonic Hand of the Doctor. Its been a long time since I let loose on someone!

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