Yusuke Urameshi has achieved victory after a terrible battle with Toguro. Recognizing his defeat, Sakyo pressed a button which caused the stadium to blow up with him inside. After narrowly escaping, Yusuke and the others looked upon the crumbling stadium, and realized that everything was over. However, there was no consoling the emptiness in their hearts over the loss of Master Genkai.

Toguro's Atonement -
His Greatest Desire

Genkai has had a grave made for her on the island. At the hotel, Yusuke asks if everyone is ready. He says that now he thinks about it, they didn't even have the time to just stare out at the sea.

Kuwabara thinks that, somehow, it feels like they've been fighting for a whole year. Yusuke then sees Puu flying around outside, and lets him. He thinks Puu is ok and all, but when he saw him with Genkai's face, it sure was startling. He thinks Puu must be some kind of phone to the Spirit Realm. He asks Puu to call up Genkai again.

Kurama says that's probably no longer possible. The Spirit Realm is like a station between life and death. Whilst people who die go there, it's just a relay point on the way to death, and you don't stay there for very long. From there, everyone starts on a different journey. And Genkai will have now left on it.

Botan and the others are paying their respects at Genkai's grave, and then decide to go back to the hotel. Back at the hotel, Yusuke says what's done is done, and people ought to live whilst looking forward. Starting tomorrow, he'll be back to goofing around. As he leaves the room, Hiei says the strain Yusuke is under is so obvious, he's embarrassed just watching him.


Koenma and Jorge arrive back at the gate. Koenma uses the intercom, but the person who answers doesn't know who he is and tells him to go away, as they're busy here. Jorge thinks they've been forgotten about, so Koenma has to yell at the ogres that it's him: Koenma! They eventually get in, but when they try to enter Koenma's office, they find that the room is full of paperwork.

Paperwork which falls all over them. Koenma wonders what is going on, as he'd told his underlings to care care of business whilst he was gone. Two other ogres explain they did, but then King Enma found out what they were doing. And he ordered them to have Koenma do the work once he came back. They suggest he gets started now.

Koenma says he's got other work to do first. A little later on, Toguro is sent into his office. Koenma explains that this is the judgment gate, and here, his sins will be judged.

Toguro doesn't think that will be necessary, as he's already decided on things. He wants to go to the Realm of Darkest Hell. Koenma questions why he'd want to go to that realm voluntarily, as it's the most severe level of Hell there is. It will put him through agony for ten thousand years, and then repeat that for ten thousand times! And after that, all that awaits at the end is utter nothingness. Toguro says he understands. Koenma tells him that in light of his achievements as a martial artists, he could get off going to a Hell for lighter sins!

Toguro says he's decided, and doesn't intend to change his mind. Koenma says in that case, there's nothing left to say. He stamps his paper, and tells Jorge to take Toguro away.

Ayame, who is another Spirit Realm guide, appears. She says she has found what Koenma had been looking for. She tells Koenma that he was right, the incident that led to Toguro being reborn as a demon occurred 50 years a go. Around 3 months before the Dark Tournament from 50 years ago, all of Toguro's pupils were killed by a demon, right before his eyes. Koenma says he knew it...


Ayame says that Kairen was the demon who was the number one favorite to win the tournament for that year. Kairen entered Toguro's dojo, and started slaughtering everybody. He invited Toguro to be a guest at the tournament, all whilst killing all of Toguro's pupils, just to show off how strong he was.

Kairen then soundly beat up Toguro. Toguro had been sure he was the strongest there was up to that point, but then he lost everything. For three months, nobody heard from him. The day before the tournament, Toguro appeared before Genkai and the other guests, and it appeared that his heart had already hardened.

In the finals of the tournament, Toguro killed Kairen. As the winner, Toguro's wish was to turn into a demon.

Ayame says she doesn't understand Toguro, as his behavior is logically inconsistent. Koenma agrees, saying that even though Toguro was triumphant, and avenged the deaths of his students, he must not have been able to purge the guilty conscience he felt within himself. He wasn't able to protect his own students, and probably couldn't forgive himself. From then on, he went on ahead and chose a path of suffering for himself. Koenma and Ayame head out and look down...

...and see Toguro leaving. Toguro heads out the doors, and walks on alone.

Before he reaches his destination, he sees someone waiting outside of it: Genkai. Genkai remembers about how Toguro told her that being human was an inconvenience, and how he wanted a body that would never grow weak. Back in the present, Toguro says he's impressed that she knew he would choose this path. She says she had a hunch.

She asks if he's really going to go down this path, and he nods. She tells him he's atoned enough already, and there wasn't anything anyone could have down about Kairen when he first appeared. She tells Toguro that it wasn't his fault. He's been blaming himself ever since.

She thinks that's enough, but he says it's not. He'd snapped -after defeating Kairen, and being reborn as a demon. After that, all he could do was pursue becoming stronger. He'd found out what true strength was after Kairen killed his pupils. If anything, he's grateful for what happened. Genkai tells him he's lying.

Toguro tells her not to concern herself over him any further. He walks on, and says that she still has work to do. Yusuke is definitely going to get stronger, but if he slips up, he could end up like him. He tells her to look after him a little longer. Genkai tells him this is the very end, and the only words he has are of concern for the one who defeated him? He really is an idiot... not even his death could alleviate him of that.

Toguro stops, takes off his sunglasses, and turns around. He tells her that he's been nothing but trouble for her. He then puts his sunglasses back on, and resumes walking towards his Hell. Genkai really thinks he is a fool...

She then returns to Koenma, and has changed to her older form. Jorge asks what's going on, and Koenma says the wish of those who win the tournament must be granted, no matter what they wish may be. He recalls what Toguro had said to him just after Genkai's death. Toguro had told him any wish could be granted, and he must know pretty well what Urameshi's wish would be if he won. You never know what may happen, so he told him to keep Genkai's body carefully preserved. Back in the present, Koenma thinks that it's like they've been controlled by Toguro from start to finish.

Back on the island, Yusuke's group are waiting for the last boat to arrive, so they can go back home. Kuwabara wonders what the girls are up to, and how they can take so long with their makeup -especially his sister. Shizuru then suddenly appears and asks him if was talking about her, but he claims he was just saying how pretty she always is. She gets him to carry her bags, and tells Yukina to get him to carry hers too. Kuwabara is glad to do that, but not so keen when Botan tells him to carry hers as well. Yusuke tells Keiko to carry Puu, as if the champion of a martial arts tournament was seen carrying him, he'd be made a laughingstock.

The group head out to the dock. Yusuke is glad they can finally say goodbye to this island, and Kuwabara says it sure has been a while. Botan is about to say so much has happened, but Kuwabara takes her aside and tells her not to say anything that will remind everyone of Genkai. They then look out at the sea...

...and see that their boat is on the way. Yusuke says they can get going, and they'll be returning home in triumph. Botan and Kuwabara cheer with him, but then they hear someone calling out to them, telling them how coldhearted they all are.

They turn around and see Genkai walking towards them! She asks if they're planning on leaving an old woman behind. Everyone runs over to her, and are glad to see she's back to life. She says to not go digging people's graves without them asking.

The group get onto the boat, which then leaves the island.

The curtain falls on the Dark Tournament, with the Urameshi team as the victors. However, there was no way for Yusuke and the others to know now that there was one person remaining on the island, who was planning to take over Sakyo's evil scheme.


(Kuwabara is speaking)

Hey, Urameshi! Here you've just finished with the Dark Tournament, and you could be taking it easy, but as soon as you get back, you're fighting again? But these guys aren't any ordinary students! They're a different type of foe than any other we've had up to now. This looks like it could be a problem! Next time: A New Prologue. The curtain is rising on a new battle!

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