In the championship match, Toguro, who is at 100%, has demanded the same level of power as his own from Yusuke. To that end, he thought of killing Yusuke's friends. And so, Kuwabara became his victim, almost as if that is what he wanted.

Kuwabara: You're... more than just this, aren't you? Don't... disappoint me!

Death Battle Concluded!
A Final Full Power

Kuwabara has died, and Toguro asks Yusuke if that has motivated him a little -or is this not enough? If that's the case, should he kill another one of his friends? Yusuke stands back up.

He gets behind Toguro in an instant, and calls himself pitiful... he couldn't even save one of his own. A strange energy emits from him.

Jin says this isn't the same spirit energy as it used to be. Koto wonders what it is, and comments that Urameshi is putting out a spirit energy that is difficult for her to describe. Kurama says that something inside Yusuke's body is changing, and Koenma thinks Yusuke's will to fight has been reborn out of the depths of his grief.

Yusuke slowly walks forward, and thinks about Kuwabara's moments at the tournament. He confronts Toguro and tells him what he did was unforgivable. But he also says that for not being able to save his friend, he can't forgive himself. Toguro thinks about how he felt a cold shiver seeing Yusuke's spirit energy change like this, and that anxiety and anticipation are now equally controlling his body. He thinks this could be the first time he's been in a fight where he can't foresee the outcome.

He gets an unprecedented feeling of tension, and knows this was the fight he was hoping for. He thinks Urameshi should be grateful to him, as now he's indisputably strong. He runs forward, and says that his opponent is approaching the same level of strength that he has. Yusuke says he's not like him.

Toguro asks how they are different, and then punches Yusuke across the stadium, As Yusuke crashes into a wall, Toguro tells him to get up, as that shouldn't have hurt him that badly.

He says he used the same amount of power as before, but the damage done shouldn't be as great. Yusuke says it's true, his body doesn't hurt the way it used to. Hiei says Toguro and Yusuke's strengths are definitely getting closer. Kurama agrees, but says the two of them are decidedly different.

Yusuke starts emitting spirit energy again, and it keeps changing color from blue to red. Chu says he's not seen anything like this, the spirit energy seems to be in confusion. It feels so incredibly strong, but it terribly vague. Jin calls it a sorrowful breeze, it's making him feel like he's all empty on the inside. Toya thinks Urameshi is fighting with himself, as he's unable to forgive himself. But he wonders that no matter how strong the spiritual energy becomes, can Urameshi fight against Toguro?

Toguro taunts Yusuke by asking him if it pains his heart. He compares this to the measles, as once you get over it, you'll never suffer from it again. He believes Yusuke is being tormented by his feelings of powerlessness, and asks him if he wants to become stronger. If he does, he'll get to the same state he has, even it if means discarding everything else. To him, power is everything. Yusuke tells him he's different -he can't discard his friends. He was only able to make it this far because of everyone else being there.

Toguro calls him soft, and tells him all you need is yourself. He asks him if he understands, and Yusuke shakes his head. Toguro laughs and says that it appears he'll never understand unless he gets another one of his friends to die.

He's about to choose who to kill next, but Yusuke stops him by grabbing his arm. He says that on some level, he yearned to be like Toguro, as he wanted to be as strong as him. As he says this, the ground around them starts to crack. Yusuke says that despite what Genkai told him, he still wanted Toguro's kind of strength, even if it meant tossing everything else aside. Toguro tells him that's the way you have to be, but Yusuke says he can't do that.

Yusuke says he will not discard it like Toguro did, and the ground around them breaks apart. The spirit energy returns to normal, and Toguro tells Yusuke that he's Genkai's pupil alright, at that level. Yusuke tells Toguro that he won't let him kill anyone else, and will beat him.

Toguro says he doubts he can, but is then punched in the face. He's sent flying across the stadium, and bounces across the ground several times.

As he gets up, his neck has been broken. But he then sees a spirit gun blast heading his way, which hits him. The blasts smashes through the stadium...

...and blasts right through one of the walls. Toguro has survived, but Koto comments that after Urameshi connecting with a severe punch, he then fired a maximum power spirit gun shot without waiting. Toguro seems to have taken damage from it, and can't move.

Yusuke says the next blast will be his last, and he'll put all of his power into it. He tells Toguro to take all the power he received for discarding his soul, and use it to come after him. Toguro stands up and fixes his neck, seemingly having not taken any real damage from that last attack. Sakyo thinks that this is time for the true fight Toguro wanted.

Toguro notices the look in Yusuke's eyes, and says that he's beaten everyone who challenged him with that look, and has stepped over their corpses. At those times, no matter how weak his opponent was, he always used his full power. And now, he can use more power than ever before. He says they'll finish this, and to the surprise of everyone, seems to be powering up even more. Koto comments that it looks like Toguro is transforming again.

Toguro becomes even bigger, as his body changes form again. He says this is 100% of 100%, and to be the greatest at one thing, it means you have to toss aside everything else. He calls Yusuke half a man for not being able to do that. Yusuke says that's not true, and accuses Toguro of running away from it all. Yusuke says he won't run or toss them aside, and prepares to use his spirit gun.

He thinks he doesn't care if he dies, he just wants to shoot all the power he has into this one blast. As his shot powers up and becomes huge, Toguro starts throwing his demon energy out. Kurama says they're both going to hit each other at full power.

Botan says this is where the fight ends. Yusuke continues to power up his shot, and then releases it in an almighty blast.

Toguro charges, and takes it head-on. He attempts to stop it with one hand, but it pushes him back, forcing him to use both hands.

The remaining spectators cheer for Urameshi, urging him to blow Toguro away. Yusuke continues to fire out more spirit energy, but after a few seconds, he's out of energy.

Toguro continues to grapple with the blast. Hiei says it still has some force left, but Kurama says if this doesn't defeat Toguro, then Yusuke has no power left to fight back with. Toguro holds on, but parts of his body rupture, causing him to lose blood.

He grabs hold of the blast and crushes it, destroying it. He is left smoldering, but has survived. Yusuke sees what has happened...

...and collapses. Koto says it's over, and the spectators believe that Toguro will devour them all.

Toguro steps forward, and thanks Urameshi, saying that he's never been able to put out that much power. But then his entire body starts to crack. He thinks this must be what happens when going beyond 100%.

His 100% form shatters, leaving everyone, especially Sakyo, in complete shock. Toguro thinks that when Yusuke is fighting for someone else, he can put out 120% of his power... that is what his strength is.

He then also collapses. Koto thinks this means the fight has ended in a draw. Juri goes to take a look at Toguro...

...and sees that he is dead. However, Yusuke is now standing up. Everyone is happy to see that...

...Yusuke was won. Koto jumps down and heads over to Juri, and the two of them declare Urameshi as the victor. The Dark Tournament is over.


(Koenma is speaking)

Yusuke, well done! Bravo! I'm sure that Genkai can now be at peace. Now then, Sakyo, it appears that I have won our bet. Huh? What are you trying to do?! I don't want your life! Stop being so rash! Next time: The Scheme Vanishes, Together With the Stadium. Wah, I just don't get this guy!

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