Having won their way through the intense fighting of the Dark Tournament, the Urameshi team at last faces their confrontation with destiny against the Toguro team in the final round. In the first match, despite dealing an absolute knockout blow to Karasu, Kurama suffered a ten-count defeat. In the second match, Hiei used all of his spectral energy, and after a fierce battle, he defeated Bui with his ultimate secret technique, the immolation black dragon wave. This brought the score to a one-to-one tie.

The Eerie Shadow of Elder Toguro

The stadium is in a mess, and Yusuke says that Hiei and Bui did a good job in smashing up the place. Kurama says they've again been made aware of the power of Hiei's black dragon wave. Although, as Yusuke points out, the guy who used it is sound asleep here.

Yusuke wonders about the ring, which has been broken up. Kuwabara says who cares -with the momentum they've got now, he'll fight next and bring them another victory. However he suddenly feels a chill, and sees elder Toguro staring at him. Kuwabara sees Toguro as a massive monster, and wonders what the deal is with this chill he's feeling... it's making him tremble.

Yusuke tells him Toguro is just trying to provoke him. Koto gets passed a note from the tournament's main office. She tells everyone that there will be a break, in order for repairs to be made to the ring. Jorge then comes over and asks her if she needs a play by play assistant. He's bored, so he asks if he can help her out.

He decides to do a mic test, but this quickly turns into him singing a song. Koenma wonders why he even brought Jorge along. Kuwabara says if there's a break, there's nothing they can do, and decides to go back to their waiting room.

But then elder Toguro tells him his intuition is sharp. Toguro is suddenly right there, and says Kuwabara clearly just had a premonition that he was about to die. He tells him that whilst he's become stronger in the last few months, there is still too great a difference between their powers. He also believes Kuwabara must already know this, therefore he knows he will die. He thinks he should spend this intermission time making sure that's he going to leave no regrets behind in this world. Toguro then laughs and walks off.

Later on, in the waiting room, Kuwabara can only think about what Toguro told him. He looks at the time.

Koenma asks why he's so restless, and he says that with the break lasting this long, he thought that maybe Genkai would be coming back. Koenma thinks he must be afraid of fighting elder Toguro, and Kuwabara admits that he is -just a little bit. He asks if Koenma would like to fight him instead, and Koenma says when it comes to fighting, he's ready at any time... to run away! Kuwabara wishes Genkai was here, because if she was, he could fight Sakyo instead.

Yusuke tells him to not go counting on Genkai, as she won't be coming back today. Shizuru and the others then walk into the room, but Shizuru wants to know what her brother is backing away from. Kuwabara says he's not backing away, he's just a little bit nervous, that's all.

Botan asks Shizuru if something's wrong, but she says there isn't really. But as she lights up a cigarette, she thinks that her brother's spirit energy is different than the way it usually is. Yukina says she wanted Kazuma to do his best in the next match, so she got him some stamina drinks.

Kuwabara tells her she didn't need to go to all that trouble -he'll have the elder Toguro beaten in 0.5 seconds! He tells her that her affections have definitely reached him! Shizuru thinks she's over-imagining things. The group then hear a rumbling side outside.

Yusuke, Kuwabara and Koenma go to check it out, and they see it's younger Toguro -who is carrying an entire ring on his back. Koto comments that Toguro has carried over the ring from the other stadium.

Kuwabara thinks the mood he was in from Yukina's encouragement just got blown away all at once... what kind of monster is this guy? Back in the waiting room, Hiei wakes up and asks how long he's been asleep. Kurama says 6 hours. Hiei wants to know what happened in the tournament, and how Yusuke and Kuwabara are, but Kurama says the two still haven't fought yet. He explains that younger Toguro carried over the other ring, and the matches should be starting again soon.

They then hear an announcement over the intercom, with Koto stating the stadium maintenance is now complete. The matches will reconvene 30 minutes from now, and she asks for the spectators to return to their seats. At the ring, Juri apologizes for the delay, and says they'll now start the third match. Kuwabara still can't believe Genkai hasn't come back, but then Hiei calls him an imbecile.

Kuwabara and Yusuke see that Hiei is awake. Kurama asks Yusuke why he hasn't told Kuwabara about Genkai yet, but Yusuke doesn't answer. Koenma tells Kuwabara he's looking pale, and wonders if he's going to concede the match and run away. Kuwabara says he's not like him, and taking care of his opponent will be a piece of cake.

Kuwabara stares at the Toguro brothers, and thinks there's no way he's about to lose, not with his special sword. Koto comments that the final round will now be resumed, and thanks to the extraordinary performance of Toguro, the spectators are back on the Toguro team's side. The spectators yell for Kuwabara to be a good boy and get killed.

Kuwabara and Toguro step onto the ring, and Kuwabara thinks if he can make the first move, he'll win. Juri tells them to begin, and Kuwabara immediately uses his sword of trials. There is a large crackling of energy, as his new sword emerges.

He asks Toguro if he's nervous, but Toguro just smiles. Koto says Kuwabara's spirit sword isn't like one they've seen before, and his spirit energy is enveloping him like a barrier. Kurama thinks that Kuwabara's powers of recovery have become even more heightened. The spirit energy coursing through his sword is several times stronger.

Kuwabara says he'll settle this right away, and charges forward. Toguro says to himself that that sword is definitely trouble... so he'll have to use that one trick of his. The ground beneath him suddenly starts to crack in places.

Kuwabara doesn't notice this, but lands a direct hit on Toguro, who doesn't even move. Toguro gets split in half!

Koto comments that this is a surprise, as with a lightning-speed attack, Kuwabara has cut Toguro clean in half! Botan and the others think Kuwabara has done it, whilst the other spectators are in utter disbelief. Yusuke asks if Kuwabara really has won, but Kurama isn't sure.

Kuwabara says he did it -he beat elder Toguro. Juri is about to announce Kuwabara as the winner, but then, from behind, Kuwabara gets impaled.

It's Toguro's doing, and Kuwabara falls to the ground, dropping his sword of trials. Toguro reveals that he had gotten behind Kuwabara, and bursts out of the ring. Koto comments that Toguro has implausibly appeared behind Kuwabara, even though the severed body of Toguro is also still in the ring.

Jorge thinks elder Toguro must have a twin, but Koto says she has no data on that. Jorge wonders if they are triplets. Toguro says he's pleased Kuwabara is so naive. He drags his severed counterpart out, revealing it is part of his arm. He says that the thing Kuwabara sliced was a living doll he made out of his own body. He did feel pain when Kuwabara attacked him, but it's nothing compared to what Kuwabara is experiencing now.

He shows that not only can he change his shape, but he is also capable of relocating his internal organs, brain and more into his arms or legs. He moved his entire self behind Kuwabara through the soles of his feet, by drilling his way through the floor tiles. He then takes the sword hilt, and asks if it was a memento from Genkai.

Kuwabara wonders what he means by that, as he goes on to say that leaving a memento to a pupil as foolish as him will mean she won't be able to rest in peace, now that she's dead. Kuwabara asks him what he just said, as Toguro realizes Kuwabara doesn't know Genkai is dead. He confirms she has died, and was killed. Kuwabara can't believe it.

Kuwabara looks over at his team, but all Yusuke does it look down. Kuwabara says this can't be, but then thinks about what Yusuke told him before about Genkai not coming. He realizes everyone else knew, he was the only one who didn't. Before he can think any more, Toguro impales him again.

He tells him he'll join Genkai soon, as he could pluck his heart right out. He decides not to kill him just yet, and tells him his friends are all so cold for not telling him about Genkai's fate. He says he'll explain what happened with a puppet show, and changes one of his arms to resemble Genkai. He says that once upon a time, there was a young man and a young woman. The woman's name was Genkai, and she was a beauty without equal. The man was his younger brother, who went by the name Toguro. The two were friends who worked to master the martial arts, but...

...as the months and years went by, the woman grew hideously older. The man used the power of the Demon Realm to better his martial arts, and keep his youth. And so, the old woman became envious of the man, still in his youth, and challenged him to a duel. As heartbreaking as it may be, she met her defeat in her challenge.

He then stabs through the Genkai doll. Koto comments that it seems Genkai was killed by younger Toguro before the finals began. Keiko asks Botan if this is true, and she says it is.

Elder Toguro says Genkai was killed by his brother, and has gone to heaven, where she lived happily ever after. As he starts laughing, Yusuke says he's wrong, Genkai didn't fight out of envy. Sakyo thinks elder Toguro is being asinine, and younger Toguro says it's his brother's bad habit.

Kuwabara gets back up, but Toguro says he may be full of spirits, but he has his trump card right here: the sword of trials. He knows Kuwabara can't cut through him with his spirit energy alone. Kuwabara tells him to shut up.

Toguro tells him he'll be the one who is silenced, and turns his hand into a drill. It hits Kuwabara, but it fails to penetrate his skin. Toguro wonders why he can't stab into him, as Kuwabara's spirit energy gets higher and higher. He screams that he'll make Toguro pay, and throws out several energy projectiles out of his hand.

These slice Toguro up, and he crashes back onto the ring. Koto comments that the tables have been turned, and elder Toguro has been sliced into pieces. Shizuru tells her brother that was nicely done.

Juri begins her count. Koto thinks it's pointless, as Toguro has clearly been defeated. It means the Urameshi team now leads with two wins and one loss, and they are only one step away from winning the Dark Tournament. Jorge says Yusuke will have this practically wrapped up, but his comments anger the crowd.

Jorge suddenly changes his tune, and says the matches aren't over yet, as younger Toguro still remains -who's stronger than strong. Juri continues her count, as Kuwabara tells elder Toguro what's happened here is his fault -for making fun of Genkai's death. As he starts to walk away, Toguro tells Juri to stop, and he starts to pull himself back together. He tells Kuwabara he was surprised by that attack, but his injuries are preventing him from releasing his spirit energy how he usually can.

Toguro says that attack did no damage to him, and he gets back up. Koto announces that Toguro has not been defeated, and hasn't even taken damage. Toguro tells Kuwabara that as long as his heart and brain aren't crushed, it doesn't matter. And since he can move his heart and brain around at will, there's no way for Kuwabara to be able to tell where they are!

Toguro then attacks, and impales Kuwabara from behind again. He lifts him up into the air and tells him to rot in hell, before bringing him back down.

The furious Kuwabara confronts the undying elder Toguro. Kuwabara is in a desperate situation. Can he escape from this crisis?


(Yusuke is speaking)

Elder Toguro... just who the hell is that guy? Cut him again and again, and he just returns back to his original form! There's no way to stop him like this! Isn't there any way to defeat him? Kuwabara, I'm begging you, get up! I don't want to have to avenge your death as well. Next time: Explosion of Anger! Kuwabara's Counterattack. We haven't made it to the finals for nothing!

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