After 50 years had passed, Toguro and Genkai were reunited. They each denounced the way the other had been living, and fought. In the end, Genkai had lost. Toguro smiled contentedly as he said that the day had finally come when he could fight at 100% of this power against Yusuke, the successor to the spirit wave secrets.

Yusuke: I am going to make Toguro pay!

Before the Storm!
Overcoming Sorrow

Yusuke sits in front of the cave, the same cave he went in for his final training. He remembers what he went through, and what Genkai told him about it.

He passed the trial, and Genkai told him to sleep well, as his real battle would begin when he woke up. Back in the present, Yusuke thinks that if Genkai hadn't given him her spirit energy, she might not have lost to Toguro. Above him, Koenma watches.

Botan comes over and asks if Genkai really has died. He says it's as he's told her before -Genkai was destined to raise up a successor, and then vanish. Elsewhere, Hiei arrives at the place where Genkai and Toguro's battle ended. He sees the huge crater that Toguro made with one of his punches. He leaps up into the air...

...and strikes the ground, causing his own crater. But he knows it's not enough, and says he will master the black dragon wave by tomorrow. As he jumps back up, he sees the difference between his and Toguro's strength -the crater he made is far smaller than Toguro's.

Kurama thinks about what Karasu said to him. He starts doing some image training, and makes Karasu appear. He starts fighting with him, using his rose whip to attack. Karasu keeps dodging all of his strikes.

Kurama eventually hits him and splits him in two... or so it seems. Karasu suddenly appears behind him, and grabs his neck. Seconds later, Kurama explodes.

Kurama ends the image training, and knows it's no use. Karasu is stronger than him in everything, and he can't find a way to beat him. Kuwabara then runs over, and asks him if he's seen Urameshi. He says he hasn't, and Kuwabara wonders where Urameshi went. He explains that Urameshi suddenly took off the moment he woke up. And Genkai said she has some important business to take care of, and she hasn't come back either. Kurama remembers something Karasu told him -one of Urameshi team would die today. He realizes he must have meant Genkai.

He then hears someone nearby, and asks who's there. Suzuki appears, and is glad he's found the two of them. They ask who he is, and he says he's the beautiful demon battler, Suzuki. Kuwabara asks him if he's that Suzuki who got so horribly beaten by Genkai, the guy who was also Onji from the Reverse Bedtime Stories team.

Suzuki says that when they speak of him, don't forget to attach the word "beautiful" before his name! Kuwabara and Kurama are a bit surprised he's still going along with that, but he then says that now, that name only rings hollow.

He says he realized the error of his ways after his loss to Genkai, where the difference in their abilities was driven home to him. It reduced him to being an ordinary circus clown. Kurama thinks he was enough of a clown from the start, but then asks him what business he has with them. He says he's here to give them something.

He presents Kurama with the previous world's fruits, and Kuwabara with the sword of trials. He says that these are the items that he gave to Ura Urashima and Shishiwakamaru. The previous world's fruits is the fleshy part of the tokitadare blossom, which was recently discovered in the Demon Realm.

Ura Urashima used it in a mist form. But if Kurama was to drink it in liquid form, he believes he should be able to change to his fox demon form for a long time. He then tells Kuwabara that the sword of trials is made from leech cedar, and draws out the energy of whoever holds it in order to grow. Kuwabara is a bit concerned at this, and throws it back over to Suzuki.

Suzuki catches it, and says it's a shape-shifting spectral sword. The form it takes depends on the disposition of whoever is holding it. He tosses it back to Kuwabara, and tells them both that they should know these items are in the experimental stages. If they use them, he doesn't know what kind of side effects they might have. He tells them to either use them, or toss them away -it's up to them.

He then says he'll see them around, but before he can go, Kurama asks him why he's giving these things to them. He reveals that he once fought Toguro -but even though Toguro was only at 30% of his power, it caused him to be overcome with terror.

It caused him to fall apart and start begging for his life. Toguro told him that when someone goes beyond disgracing themselves like this, it makes him lose his will to kill them. He saw Suzuki as nothing more than scum. After this happened, Suzuki improved his skills, changed his name and appearance, and led the Reverse Bedtime Stories team to the tournament. But then, the Urameshi team defeated them. He tells Kuwabara and Kurama he's not asking them to take revenge for him, he just wants to believe that there's someone even stronger than Toguro. He's learnt he's not the one, but he wants to believe that someone will come along and destroy Toguro's sense of values.

Back at the cave, Koenma visits Yusuke. Yusuke tells him he's not in the mood for his joking around, but Koenma understands, and says Botan is in pretty poor spirits as well. He says she's given in to her emotions too easily, and her heart isn't in her work. He wonders why he bothered telling her all this time that Genkai's death was drawing near. Yusuke says if he had just been there sooner, Genkai could have beaten Toguro. Koenma tells him not to say anything so foolish.

Yusuke jumps up and grabs him, asking him who he's calling a fool. Koenma tells him if he's not a fool, then he's an idiot who's missing the point. Even if he had gotten there sooner, did he really think he would have been able to interfere in a fight to the death between Genkai and Toguro -would he have dared to interrupt them? Yusuke doesn't respond, so Koenma asks him to takes his hands off of him. Yusuke shoves him back.

He then resumes sitting in front of the cave. Koenma wonders if Genkai's trial also included overcoming this sorrow.

At the stadium, Juri is with some of the spectators, who are all getting excited for the final. She says that, via the Demon Realm's satellite triple-six, they can bring the viewers at home an exclusive Satanism TV broadcast of tomorrow's final round. The TV set them gets turned off, as some of Sakyo's business colleagues state how much of a great success this has been for all of them. If Sakyo's team win, the tournament will have made roughly 8 quadrillion, 45% of which will be given to Sakyo. In other words, Sakyo will receive around 4 quadrillion yen. They know that in the past, the owners of winning team use their money to become dictators of whole countries, or seek eternal life. But they want to know what Sakyo is planning to do with his winnings, as he hasn't said anything yet.

Sakyo says he wants to open up a hole. A big hole would be nice. It'd be a border tunnel, connecting the Demon Realm and the Human Realm. He finds things so inconvenient right now, because except for those momentary distortions that happen by chance, neither side can cross over. It currently costs 200 billion yen to artificially warp space just once, and even then, it only gets you a fist-sized hole. This means only minor demons can enter the Human Realm. The hole is too small, and that's not fair, how can they not let those larger, more powerful demons come in? Sakyo's plan is to be able to create a much larger hole, which would allow demons, no matter how evil they are, to pass through.

He says that would make the world even more chaotic and enjoyable, and by using the prize money from this tournament, his dream will come true. Having heard this, Sakyo's colleagues ask what the hell is he thinking?! Up to now, the demons have barely stayed in their own realm as it is, which is why the tournaments are held at all. They know if that if demons are given free passage to the Human Realm, their lives are in danger, and so is Sakyo's. But Sakyo says they don't get it -that's what makes it so interesting to him.

They think he's completely insane, and decide they'll manage the tournament from now on. They bring in some demons, who confront Sakyo. Sakyo tells them he thought they might want to take over, so that's why he kept quiet about his plans until now.

Toguro suddenly appears. One of Sakyo's colleagues tells his forces to attack, and the demons charge towards Sakyo and Toguro.

Toguro slaughters everyone within seconds. Sakyo asks Toguro what he thinks about him. Toguro doesn't know if he's insane or not, but he'll cooperate with what he's trying to do. Toguro believes he's now far too strong for the Human Realm. But with demon energy as large as he has, he can't go to the Demon Realm through the small deformations that occur naturally. Once he's defeated Urameshi, he wants to go to the Demon Realm via the hole Sakyo will create. There are no opponents left here for him to fight. Sakyo says that's a nice answer, and offers him a drink. Toguro says he doesn't drink alcohol, so he'd like some orange juice. But then he changes his mind and decides he'd like some oolong tea.

Later on, Yusuke is still outside the cave. He thinks he can see Genkai walking towards him, but then she disappears.

Koenma comes back, and asks him how long he intends to keep this up. He then remembers he has a message from Genkai. The message is that Genkai really had to struggle, because Yusuke was such a poor pupil. She doesn't want to see his face for a good long while, so he's not to cross over here. But there was one last think in the message: win.

Yusuke calls Genkai an old hag and cries, but then gets up. He thinks about what Genkai told him before -about not giving up and controlling himself after going beyond his limits. He then prepares to fire his spirit gun.

He tells Genkai that this is his reply, which he's going to send all the way to the Spirit Realm. After charging up for a few seconds, he fires an almighty blast to the heavens. Everyone sees it, and Kuwabara can't believe that's Yusuke's power.

Hiei can't believe it either, whilst Suzuki also thinks it's an incredible force. Botan just speaks Yusuke's name, whilst Puu gets all excited.

Toguro watches it whilst saying nothing, as Sakyo just smiles. The blast continues for a few more seconds.

It then shoots off, and Yusuke asks Koenma if he thinks it reached Genkai. Koenma is sure it did. Yusuke has gotten over his sorrow over the death of Genkai, and tomorrow, he faces mortal combat with the Toguro team. As Yusuke looks at the sky, one star briefly shines brightly.


(Yusuke is speaking)

Auntie Genkai, the finals are upon us. I won't grieve any longer! Auntie, you've entrusted everything to me. For your sake, there's no way I'm going to lose to Toguro! Let's go, everyone! We're going to crush those guys! Next time: The Turbulent Final Round Begins! I'm going to settle this once and for all!

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