Before the final round of the Dark Tournament, Yusuke lost Genkai, his master. Elsewhere, Hiei, Kurama and Kuwabara were desperately trying to refine their techniques. As they did Suzuki of the Reverse Bedtime Stories team appeared, carrying with him some items of darkness that he had created. Right now, everyone's thoughts are fervently turned toward overthrowing the Toguro team.

The Turbulent Final Round Begins!

Kuwabara sits and stares at the sword of trials. He remembers what Suzuki told him: demon energy and spirit energy, like fingerprints or voiceprints, are different from person to person. The sword of trials takes that energy and makes it into a blade. It'll become a sword made from his energy, the only one of its kind in the world. But Suzuki also warned him of it potentially having terrible side effects. Kuwabara pokes it with a stick a few times, and then decides he'll just have to do it. He picks it up and thinks he'll have to think of the hilt as an extension of his hand, and concentrate his energy.

He gives it a try, and as energy swells around him, he thinks it feels like all of his strength is being sucked out. But when he looks at the blade, he sees how much better it is than what he could do previously. He rushes off back to the hotel.

He calls out to Urameshi, telling him his new sword is his awesome secret weapon. But he then notices a blue aura not far away, and thinks Urameshi must be the one doing it. As he heads over, the whole place briefly shakes, as the blue aura increases in size and power.

He then sees Urameshi standing in the middle of the aura. Yusuke is in a stance, as a mass of spirit energy surrounds him, expanding in size. He then draws it all back into himself, just before Kuwabara slides down to where he is. Kuwabara wonders just how much spirit energy does Yusuke have stored up. It explains how he was able to fire that cannonball-like spirit gun blast he and Kurama saw earlier.

Yusuke asks him what he's mumbling about. Kuwabara says energy is different from person to person, as he's about to demonstrate with his super dynamic strong spirit sword! But before he can show it off, Hiei suddenly appears, calling him as noisy as ever. Kuwabara tells him not to startle them by showing up out of nowhere like that.

He then notices that Hiei's right arm is bloody, and asks him what happened. Hiei says it just wouldn't listen to what he told it to do, so he had to beat it around a little. Kuwabara thinks this is ridiculous... what kind of guy is Hiei? He then says all they need now is for Kurama to come along. Kurama says he's already here, and suddenly pops up out of nowhere. He claims he's been here a while.

Kuwabara thinks that he didn't sense Kurama's presence at all. He then says the only one left now is Genkai, but Yusuke tells him she won't be coming back today. He can't bring himself to say any more, as in his mind, he still thinks that come tomorrow, Genkai may still unexpectedly show herself if he was to say something spiteful about her.

And, as everyone entertained their own thoughts... the final round finally came.

The Urameshi team head out, and leave the hotel. As Botan watches them go, Koenma and Jorge show up. Koenma asks her if she's taken Genkai over, and she says she has. She also says that she's never found her job of escorting people to the Spirit Realm as painful as it was this time.

Koenma asks her what she is talking about, as he told her about Genkai's fate a long time a go. He tells her to cheer up, as Genkai has entrusted everything to Yusuke. Jorge then says they need to go, and Koenma tells Botan he'll see her around, as he's going to be quite busy today. Meanwhile, outside the stadium, Juri reports on the line of spectators waiting to get inside to see the final round. There's a long line of people trying to get into the general admission seats. Inside the stadium, Koto says that the final round of the Dark Tournament is about to get started, and she feels a heightened anticipation over what kind of battles are about to unfold.

The Urameshi team wait next to one of the team entrances. Kurama asks who'll take the place of Master Genkai, and Yusuke tells him the replacement is probably here already. Kuwabara asks if Genkai really couldn't come, and Yusuke says she can't. Kuwabara heard she entrusted everything to Urameshi, but he wonders what this means -did she use up all her power in that last fight against the Reverse Bedtime Stories team? Hiei wonders how he can be so naive, as Kuwabara asks him what did he just say?

Juri then apologizes for keeping everyone waiting, and announces that the Urameshi team will now enter. The doors open, and the Urameshi team step out. The demon spectators scream abuse at them, and want them all to die.

Juri then asks everyone to quiet down, as she announces that the Toguro team will now enter. The Toguro brothers, Bui and Karasu step out, and the spectators all cheer for them. Kuwabara tells them to shut up.

As the two teams stare at each other, some of the demons notice that something is wrong: each team only has four members, instead of five. They know the rules of this tournament state each team should have five members. Juri takes a look at her rule book, and sees that the final round is to be fought one on one. It will be based on five battles, and whichever team first wins three matches will be the victor.

She says that as long as neither team has any members who have died as a result of fighting, they must both produce fifth team members. Kuwabara asks where their fifth guy is, and Yusuke says he's just hoping the guy doesn't run out on them. Koto comments that already, it appears an incident has occurred. A lot of the demons watching don't care about it, and yell to just start the matches.

Outside, some demons are still trying to get in, but are turned down by security. Botan, Shizuru, Keiko and Yukina are also outside, as Botan forgot to get their tickets from Koenma. Shizuru suggests they just force their way in again, but Keiko isn't too keen on that idea. Even Yukina thinks they'll have to fight, but then they notice a certain demon nearby.

It's the scalper they met before, and he recognizes them, too. He sees they seem to be in quite a fix, but Shizuru claims otherwise. He says if that's so, maybe these tickets he has will go to waste. For them, he'll sell them for a mere 50 million yen each. Shizuru snatches the tickets in the blink of an eye, and claims those are their tickets -she had them all along! Keiko and Botan say she's right.

The scalper thinks this is a bad joke they're pulling, but Shizuru says the tickets have their names written on them. He sees that the tickets do have names written on them. The other demons tell the ladies nice work, as they head off inside. They thank the scalper for his help.

He realizes he was no match for them. Back inside the stadium, the spectators are getting restless. Some complain they paid a lot of money to be here, so they want the matches to start now. Juri tells the two teams that if they don't produce fifth members soon, they'll both be disqualified.

Younger Toguro says it looks like they have no choice, so decides to call in their fifth member. The door behind them opens again, as the fifth member walks out. Just as he does, Botan's group arrive in the stadium.

The fifth member of the Toguro team is Sakyo, and Shizuru recognizes him straight away -he was the one who saved her before. One of the demons yells out if Sakyo can even fight, and Sakyo says he's not here to fight. He just wants to watch the deaths of the Urameshi team from the best vantage point. There's zero chance of him needing to get onto the ring.

Juri tells the Urameshi team to bring their fifth man forward. Yusuke doesn't know what to do, and Juri is about to declare the Toguro team the victors by default, but then someone tells her to wait -he's the fifth man. After a trumpet fanfare is played, out steps Koenma. The demon spectators wonder why the rule of the Spirit Realm would come here. Koenma says usually this wouldn't happen, but given the situation, he's had to participate.

Botan realizes this must have been the business that Koenma told her about earlier. Nearby, Jorge pops up and tells Koenma to put up a good fight, and cries with how much pride he feels for his leader. Kuwabara asks Koenma if he can really fight, but Koenma tells him not to worry. If, by some remote chance, his turn to fight comes up...

...with these booster rockets he has on his back, he's prepared to escape at any time! Jorge thinks Koenma really does look stupid...

Juri then points out that, as long as Genkai is around, they won't permit an alternate for her. Yusuke is about to explain what happened to Genkai, when Sakyo says he and his team don't mind. Karasu says that they can't sense any spirit energy from Koenma, so he must just be a placeholder.

Koenma tells him he sees things quite well. Kuwabara tells him not to act so big. Koto then says that the required 10 contestants for the final round have at last been established -will the victory go to the Toguro team, or the Urameshi team? She believes that right now, a historic battle is about to get underway!

Karasu steps onto the ring, and will be fighting first for his team. Kuwabara says he'll deal with him, but Kurama stops him and says he'll go.

At last, the final round of the Dark Tournament begins. In the first fight, Kurama's opponent is Karasu, who controls a mysterious power. Will the winner turn out to be Kurama? Or will it be Karasu?


(Yusuke is speaking)

That Karasu bastard carries some incredible demon energy! What's more, he uses some weird techniques, like making his opponents blow up without even touching them! Kurama will be powerless before him at this rate, won't he? But if at some point, he can regain his demon energy... if Kurama can return to that other form... next time: Explosion! The Demon Fox Awakened. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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