As Genkai and Toguro star each other down, Genkai says she never thought that, half a century later, she would once again be a guest at this tournament. Now, she's been called here by someone who was her ally 50 years ago. She wants to know why he called on her, and he tells her it was to let her know how cruel the passage of time is.

Genkai Falls!
Settled After 50 Years

At the hotel, Kuwabara wonders where Urameshi is, and why he ran off so fast. Botan and the others then show up, and Shizuru asks her brother why he's here. Kuwabara is just happy that Yukina is here, along with her entourage.

Shizuru tells him to just try calling her an entourage again. He asks them if they've seen Urameshi, as he suddenly ran off somewhere. He also remembers that Genkai said something weird to him before she also left. He decides to go and look for both of them. Meanwhile, Yusuke is still running towards the place Toguro and Genkai are. Toguro says that Genkai must have passed on her spirit wave skills. She says she has, and that Yusuke has them now.

He tells her he has no further business with her, but then says it's more honest for him to say he can't put up with her any more. He doesn't want to look at her aged self any longer. As he starts to power up, Genkai tells him he really hasn't changed. Fighting is the only thing he thinks about. He's been like that, ever since that time...

Many years ago, Toguro and Genkai worked together to take down a group of demons who attacked their dojo. The demons were no match for the two.

Later on, they went on a boat ride. Toguro told Genkai that they are now at the height of their strength. He'd lately been thinking that it would be nice if time would just stop. As he stood up, he admitted that he was afraid. He was not afraid of someone coming along who was stronger than them. But the prospect of that person showing up, and him no longer being as strong as he was now due to age, is what he was afraid of.

As they got back onto dry land, he said that being a human was inconvenient. He wanted to acquire a body which would never grow weak, and that was now his greatest desire. As he dropped to his knees, Genkai thought that as he aged, she would as well. But to her, that was fine.

Back in the present, Genkai tells Toguro that she can't put up with him, either. He sold his soul in order to cling to a moment's strength. Toguro tells her they'll have to decide which one of them was right, and which one of them was wrong. Genkai thinks she will take her remaining strength, which is three spirit gun shots, and will blast him with all of her spiritual power. As Toguro charges, so does Genkai. Just as she gets in his range, she stops and leaps up.

She dives down and blasts Toguro with a direct hit to his arm. He comes back and hits her, but she just manages to dodge a direct hit. She still ends up being sent flying back.

Toguro has a hole in his arm, but he guesses she meant to gouge out his heart. It seems she's gotten better at closing in on her opponent. He asks her to excuse him for only using 45% of his power, but now he'll show her 80%.

The wound on his arm heals itself, as Toguro starts powering up further. Across the island, some can feel this change -Hiei wonders what this strange demon energy is.

Kurama says he's never felt demon energy like this before. Kuwabara is still looking for Urameshi, but then stops when he feels the demon energy. Toguro tells Genkai there are only four people still alive who have seen him like this: his brother, Bui, Karasu and her. But she will soon die.

He fires an energy blast at her, which she narrowly avoids. He laughs and says that pure strength, strength which transcends skills -that's what power is! As he goes to punch her, he yells that even the air pressure created by him thrusting his fist becomes a weapon.

Genkai jumps back, just as Toguro lands a punch which shatters the ground, creating a massive crater. She fires another spirit gun blast, but he simply catches it with his hand to stop it.

He asks if that's the extend of her spiritual power, and realizes he didn't need to wait for someone to come along and inherit the spirit wave techniques. He should have killed her back then, when she was still strong, and beautiful. He tells her she is not Genkai, she's just a worthless lump of skin and bones. She tells him that she is Genkai, and she's not about to be killed by the likes of him.

He tells her she'll die by his hand. He tells her to be grateful, and then starts running towards her. Genkai thinks that she needs power, power that's utterly different from Toguro's. She doesn't care if she dies... she needs at least enough power to open Toguro's eyes. As Toguro delivers his final punch...

...Genkai unleashes her final spirit gun blast. Toguro hits it, with so much force that it destroys it. His fist continues on, and hits Genkai.

Koenma is about to eat, but then senses something has happened to Genkai. Botan also realizes something is wrong, but doesn't tell the others. Yusuke arrives, but he sees that he's too late.

Genkai has been defeated. Toguro tells Yusuke that time is without pity. Her final blow, which had all of her power behind it, was unable to even break his skin. Yusuke moves over to where Genkai is in an instant, and Toguro thinks he's fast.

Yusuke tells her to hang on, and he's here. She opens her eyes, and he tells her he'll take her to where everyone else is, as he's sure Kurama can do something for her. But she says she is going to die. She's known ever since then...

A few months ago, Genkai was visited by someone who said she has a message from Lord Toguro. The message was an invitation for Genkai to be a guest at the next Dark Tournament. Genkai told her that her wish when she won the previous tournament was that she would not have to enter the tournament again. She told them to go back and tell that to Toguro. The messenger then told her that Yusuke Urameshi had also been invited to the tournament as a guest. Toguro is waiting for the day when opponents worthy of fighting him come together. She also said that Kurama and Hiei have also been chosen to be guests. Toguro had said the most powerful figures since they were guests 50 years ago were coming together.

Back in the present, Genkai says that once she knew she'd see Toguro again after 50 years, she realizes she would die. Yusuke realizes Genkai and Toguro once fought alongside each other. She thinks back, and remembers when her team won the previous dark tournament.

Toguro knew what he wanted: he was reincarnated, from human to demon, in order to preserve his own strength longer. Back in the present, Toguro says that was his wish after winning the Dark Tournament 50 years ago. All of his friends were fiercely opposed to it.

Genkai tells Yusuke to listen to him. Everyone must fight against time, but Toguro ran away from that fight. He threw away his pride, his soul and his friends. She tells Yusuke not to make that mistake, and not to forget who he's become strong for.

Those are her last words, as she dies in Yusuke's arms. Hiei and Kurama can sense that Genkai's spiritual energy has disappeared.

Koenma says that Genkai has left them. Botan hides in a bathroom and starts to cry. Yusuke holds onto Genkai.

Toguro tells him that if only he, the successor to the spirit wave secrets, had been born earlier. That way he wouldn't have had to see Genkai become this ugly. There are only two paths to follow for those who live to fight: become stronger, or die. The moment Genkai chose the path where she would spend her remaining years in idle depravity... at that point, she was already dead. Yusuke tells him to close that filthy mouth of his, as he's going to kill him, right now! Toguro says he'll say it as many time as he wants -the woman lying there is nothing more than a rotting, beaten dog. Yusuke charges towards him, and readies a punch.

Toguro blocks the punch with his hand, and then counters with a punch of his own. It hits Yusuke in the face, and the force of it sends him flying back hundreds of feet. He smashes through part of a forest.

He eventually hits a large tree, and comes to a stop. Toguro looks at the now mangled hand he used to block Yusuke's punch, and is pleased. That was the best punch Yusuke has done yet, and he thinks that soon, the day will come where he can fight at 100% -he can't wait!

At the hotel, Keiko notices the sad face Puu is making. She also wonders why Botan has been acting strangely as well. Botan stays in the bathroom. Meanwhile, Kuwabara still wonders where Urameshi has gone, and what that enormous demon energy was earlier.

Yusuke remembers what he went through with Genkai -the training he did with her, and how she pushed him to become much stronger. Yusuke then gets up.

Before the finals, master Genkai has had her life taken from her by the hand of Toguro. The time when Yusuke, who is burning with rage, confronts Toguro is drawing near.

"I am going to make Toguro pay!"


(Koenma is speaking)

Yusuke, what are you so depressed about? Everyone else it polishing their moves in preparation for the finals! But what's going to happen with you, their captain, like this? Going into the finals without Genkai is going to be a lot tougher. You don't have time to be grieving! Become strong, Yusuke, and win! Next time: Before the Storm! Overcoming Sorrow. I believe in you!

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