In the first round of the semifinals, the Urameshi team fought against the Reverse Bedtime Stories team without Yusuke, managing to advance to the finals, thanks to the actions taken by Genkai. Elsewhere, Yusuke, who had taken damage from the trial given to him by Master Genkai, was still unable to awaken himself. And so, their greatest foe, the Toguro team, was about to appear in the second round of the semifinals.

Confrontation of Destiny!
The Shadow of Toguro

At the stadium, Juri announces the second round of the semifinals will be the Gorenja team -which consists of Akarenjya, Aorenjya, Momorenjya, Kirenjya and Midorenjya -against the Toguro team. The teams come forward, and Koto comments the Toguro team are getting a deafening amount of cheers. She says the names of the three who've appeared: Karasu, Bui and the elder Toguro.

The teams meet on the ring, and Jorge says he can't see the younger Toguro brother. Koenma wonders if he's gone to the bathroom or something. The elder Toguro says that his brother had some important business, so it's just the three of them who will fight. He also offers to take them all on just by himself.

Akarenjya thinks they're being mocked, but Momorenjya tells him this is a chance to beat the Toguro team that'll never come again. Koto says this is a surprise -it appears the Toguro team will be fighting in the semifinals with only three members. Meanwhile, at the hotel...

Yusuke is still sleeping, which concerns Kuwabara -the finals are happening the day after tomorrow, will Urameshi really be alright? Genkai tells him to let Yusuke sleep, as he'll wake up once the matches start whether he wants to or not. She then gets up and heads out. She tells Kuwabara she has important business to take care of.

Before she leaves, she tells Kuwabara not to lose. She then leaves the room without saying another word, leaving him a bit confused.

Back at the stadium, Juri announces the first match will begin. It's Karasu against Midorenjya, although the latter thinks his team is being greatly underestimated if the Toguro team is facing them with only three members. He then generates a green aura, and forms a projectile.

Juri is commenting on what it is, but then says it has a fiercely acidic odor to it. The smell displeases every spectator in the stadium, although Karasu doesn't react. Midorenjya throws out the acid ball, but Karasu easily avoids it by dodging at the last second.

The acid ball hits a wall, melting it along with several spectators. Koto comments that the spectators hit by that have disappeared without a trace.

Midorenjya prepares another acid ball, and says this time he'll vaporize Karasu. Karasu walks forward towards his opponent, but Midorenjya throws out the acid ball at him.

This time Karasu leaps right over it, and lands right next to Midorenjya. He touches his shoulder, and then jumps away. As he lands, Midorenjya's shoulder explodes, severing his arm.

Before he can even try to do anything, Midorenjya then has his other arm severed by another of Karasu's explosions. Karasu wonders what he should blow away next -the belly, a leg, or maybe the head? Midorenjya asks for help and runs away, but Karasu calls him a disgrace. He leaps up and touches Midorenjya again, and this time his entire body explodes.

Juri declares Karasu the winner. Kurama has been watching, and says what a fearsome technique that was. He thinks Karasu must force his demon energy into his opponent's body, and then destroys it from the inside. Kurama fears that as long as he stays in this form, he's not sure he can compete with Karasu or Bui, let alone the Toguro brothers. He then thinks about what Genkai had asked of him -she told him and Hiei to watch how the Toguro team fights.

But now he thinks Hiei was right to not come here to watch. Elsewhere, Hiei thinks that he doesn't have time to watch opponents fight. He starts to train in perfecting his black dragon wave technique.

Elsewhere, Genkai thinks back to some time a go, and remembers a certain man.

But she then snaps out of it when she hears Botan calling her name. She turns around and sees Botan along with the rest of the group. Yukina asks her if she's sure she's alright in not getting any rest after those incredible matches she was in. Genkai says she just wanted to feel the wind out here for a bit. As she turns around, Shizuru notices something odd with Genkai's spirit, but doesn't say anything about it.

Genkai says they should go and cheer for the Urameshi team. Botan asks her what she's talking about, as Genkai is a member of the Urameshi team after all, Genkai then addresses Keiko, and tells her she's leaving Yusuke in her hands.

She then says she'll see them around, and walks off. Shizuru thinks something strange is going on, but Botan says they should head back to their hotel room. Back at the stadium, the next match is about to begin: Bui versus Kirenjya.

Kirenjya pulls out a gigantic sword, and says he intended not to use it until the finals, but he doesn't want to be careless now. He says this sword will slice Bui's armor right up. Bui says nothing, but raises one of his hands. There is a crackle of demon energy, and a massive axe drops into his hand.

Koto comments that the axe is even more gigantic than Kirenjya's sword. Kirenjya says just because it's bigger doesn't mean it's better. He thinks that if he can move in close enough, he can attack before Bui can.

Juri tells them to start, so Kirenjya slowly moves forward. However Bui doesn't react at all, and just stands there. Some of the spectators wonder what is going on, as Bui will never be able to swing an axe that big in time now.

Kirenjya believes he's gotten close enough, and lunges forward. But in an instant, Bui easily swings his axe effortlessly, and Kirenjya hasn't got time to try and block it.

Kirenjya gets obliterated by the axe, and Koto comments that Kirenjya has been smashed to bits. Akarenjya wonders why someone as terribly strong as Bui follows the Toguros.

As Bui walks off, Toguro says it's because he and his brother are even stronger. He decides he's had enough, and tells the remaining three members of the Gorenja team to all come at him at once. If they can beat him, he'll let the go onto the finals. Akarenjya tells him he'll regret saying that. The spectators watch as Toguro steps onto the ring, and some are surprised -they thought he couldn't fight without his brother.

Juri tells them to begin, and the Gorenja team charges. They each create afterimages of themselves, which leap all over the ring. Koto comments that the team can leap around in all directions at will, and it almost looks like there are thousands of them.

Toguro just stands there, and even closes his eyes. The Gorenja team all prepare to attack, as Momorenjya extends her nails, and Akarenjya and Aorenjya prepare projectiles.


(Triple Concerted Death Strike)

But before they can attack, they each get impaled by Toguro, who extends many spikes out of his body. Toguro tells them he has a talent for defeating everyone all at once.

As the Gorenja team hit the ground, Momorenjya has died, whilst Akarenjya and Aorenjya are badly injured, but still alive. Toguro tells them as a reward, he'll let one of them live, if they request it. Akarenjya tells him not to be ridiculous, as he'd never beg him. He tells him to kill him now, otherwise he'll come back to kill him someday.

However Aorenjya begs for his life. Toguro says that settles it -as he kills Aorenjya instantly. He says that he hates those who are disgraceful.

He reveals that when Karasu and Bui challenged him and his brother and lost, they said something similar to what Akarenjya just said. He remembers Karasu telling them to hurry up and kill him and Bui. But the younger Toguro said the defeated have no right to give any orders. As the victor, he got to decide whether or not he'd let them live.

Back in the present, Toguro says both Karasu and Bui have become much stronger than they were before, so they joined their team for this tournament. But even now, the two of them are still after he and his brother's lives. The Toguro brothers love guys like them. But he reveals there is one more difference between him and his brother. He stabs through Akarenjya's head, killing him, and says that he often breaks his promises.

Elsewhere, Genkai finds Toguro. Back at the stadium, Juri announces that the Toguro team has advanced to the finals with a total victory, and the finals will begin at noon two days from now. As the spectators leave, a few of them spot Kurama, and tell him in two days, he and his team will be victims of the Toguro team. Kurama ignores them.

He thinks that if only he could turn into his true form again. As he walks on, he encounters Bui and Karasu. Karasu says it looks like Kurama was the only one who came to watch. He tells him not to be so nervous now, as they aren't going to do anything. The four of them won't die for another two days. Kurama asks why he say the four of them, and Karasu says it's because one of the Urameshi team will die today -and he'll find out who soon enough.

Bui then punches a wall, which distracts Kurama. When Kurama looks back, Karasu is gone. He wonders where he went, but Karasu then appears behind him, and feels his hair. He tells him it's not in good condition, he should give it treatment. Humans do get hurt so easily, after all.

Kurama takes a swipe at him, but Karasu leaps over him and lands next to Bui. Karasu tells him he was just joking around, but claims that out of the five of them, he likes him the best of all. When he kills something he likes, he gets depressed, and it makes him feel the same as when he thinks why in the world he was ever born. But he also admits he finds it to be an indescribable pleasure. He says he's looking forward to two days from now, and then he and Bui walk off. Kurama thinks he can't beat Karasu -not like this.

Meanwhile, Toguro tells Genkai she's gotten old. Genkai says he hasn't changed. He removes his jacket, as she tells him he's the same as he was 50 years a go. She never thought that half a century later, she would once again be a guest at this tournament.

Now she's been called here by someone who was her ally 50 years a go. She asks him why he called her here. He tells her she's asking the obvious. It's to let her know how cruel the passage of time is. She was beautiful 50 years ago, and just by closing his eyes, the image of her from that time comes back to him.

He wants to know why she wore a mask, and thinks it's because she didn't want him to see her as she is now. She tells him not to be so full of himself, and says this place is crawling with demons -she didn't want to reveal herself to them, as many of them would want to try and take her head. Toguro then asks her if she passed on her spirit wave, and she tells him Yusuke now has it.

He tells her he no longer has any further business with her, and starts to power up. At the hotel, Yusuke suddenly wakes up. Kuwabara asks him what's wrong, and he says Toguro is fighting.

Kuwabara says the semifinals are happening now, but Yusuke says that's not it. He runs out of the hotel and heads towards the place Toguro and Genkai are at. Meanwhile, Toguro finishes powering up.

Genkai tells him he really hasn't changed: fighting is the only thing he thinks about. He tells her she has changed, and he doesn't want to look at her aged self any longer. She says she can't put up with him either, as he went as far as to sell his soul in search of youth and strength.

Toguro does one last energy burst, and says one of them must go away. As he charges forward, Genkai says she'll take her remaining strength, which consists of three spirit gun shots, and use it to blast him with all her spiritual power!

The confrontation of destiny between Toguro and Genkai now begins! Is there any chance of Genkai winning? In two days, the matches against the Toguro team await!


(Yusuke is speaking)

Auntie Genkai... why do you have to fight Toguro? Wasn't I supposed to be the one to defeat him? I don't know about what happened between you in the past, but I am your pupil! How could you not say anything to me? That was terrible, you know?! Auntie!

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