In the fifth match of the semifinals, Genkai battled Shishiwakamaru, of the Reverse Bedtime Stories team. Having entrusted the spirit wave orb to Yusuke, and with only a slight amount of spiritual power left to herself, Genkai was forced into a difficult fight. However, making use of the spirit light mirror repulsion, a secret measure for such a tight spot, she was barely able to grasp victory! And then, Kuwabara, who had recently returned, came to fight the enemy captain, Onji.

Demon Battler Suzuki's Challenge!

Kuwabara tells his opponent to bring it on, whilst Onji prepares himself. Juri announces the sixth match of the semifinal will be Kuwabara versus Onji, and tells them to begin.

Outside, Keiko is still with Yusuke, but then some demons turn up. At first they want to have some fun with Keiko, but then they noticed Urameshi. They think this is the chance of a lifetime -if they kill this guy, they'll become heroes overnight!

One of them goes in for the kill, only to get a yo-yo smash into his face. Rinku, Chu, Jin and Toya all appear.

The other two demons pick up their fallen friend and ask for pardon for their intrusion, as they run off. Keiko thanks Rinku and the others for their help, but Rinku says she doesn't need to thank them. He claims they were just passing by, but Chu reveals Rinku has been bugging them to go cheer for the Urameshi team. Chu looks at Yusuke and thinks he has a happy look on his face... but it also looks like he's gone and gotten even stronger. Urameshi might be trouble the next time they fight, even if he takes it seriously. Rink tells him he was serious last time.

Chu tells him to shut up. He thinks Yusuke looks like an ordinary boy when he's asleep, and flicks him. This causes Yusuke to say that hurt, but he thinks Keiko was the one who did it. Yusuke remains asleep, but tells Keiko to stop treating him like a child. Chu laughs and says Yusuke and Keiko are a couple who are well matched. Keiko asks him not to jump to any conclusions.

Back at the ring, Kuwabara goes on the offensive, but he can't land a single punch on Onji. He summons his spirit sword, but Onji isn't scared. He thinks Kuwabara has summoned something dangerous.

Kuwabara attacks, but again, Onji zips around and avoids every strike. As he continues to attack, Kuwabara thinks he's not showing Yukina his good side like this. Yukina, Shizuru and Botan are all watching, and cheer Kuwabara on.

Koenma is looking at some cards, and picks out the joker. Jorge asks what he is doing, and Koenma says he's trying to predict the outcome of this match. But no matter how many times he tries, he always come up with the joker. He says he has an uneasy feeling about this. Back at the fight, Kuwabara still can't land a hit on Onji.

Kuwabara wonders where his opponent has gone, and Onji reveals that he was hiding behind Juri. Kuwabara tells him this isn't much of a fight if all he's going to do is keep running away. Onji says he's grown a bit tired of moving around, so Kuwabara tells him he'll put him to rest right now. But as Kuwabara charges, Onji starts using at technique.

He creates a large sphere and launches it forward. Kuwabara thinks he can use his spirit sword to destroy it, but when he tries, it doesn't work and he ends up getting trapped inside it. Kuwabara can't believe he fell into such an obvious trap, whilst Hiei thinks Kuwabara is just an idiot. Genkai thinks Kuwabara is a fool and an idiot.

Koto comments that Kuwabara has become sealed up inside the black sphere Onji produced. Kuwabara can't believe this has happened again, as Onji says this is the true form of the Mantle of Death that Shishiwakamaru used previously. Shishiwakamaru had used fabric which was loaded with spectral power, which blocks off space. Inside it, an entrance to a different realm is created. But Onji reveals he can manage this technique without having to use any item of darkness. He raises the sphere up, whilst saying the items of darkness were things he gave to the others in order to gather enough people to form the Reverse Bedtime Stories team. He created the items for them, to suit their various natures.

Kuwabara is spun around, and then the sphere vanishes. Juri announces that Onji is the winner. Meanwhile, at the other stadium, Kuwabara arrives...

...and crashes into the ring. He gets up and realizes he's back where he started, and starts to make his way back to the other stadium. At the other stadium, Onji wonders who'll be next. He thinks it'll be Kurama's name that'll come up. He tells Kurama that if he beats him, he'll tell him the secret of the smoke from the reverse box Ura Urashima used.

He rolls the die, and it land son Genkai's name. Outside, Yusuke suddenly says that Auntie better not lose. Keiko thinks he sure talks clearly in his sleep. Genkai gets ready to fight Onji. He asks her if she's sure she's ok, as from the way she looks, she must be pretty tired.

Genkai tells him how about he puts an end to that grating old-timer talk and disguise. She doesn't know who he is, but if he's trying to take them off-guard with the old man getup, he's got the wrong opponent. Onji congratulates her on seeing through him, as he'd even changed the wavelength of his demon energy. He says that disguises are a hobby of his, and rips off his mask. He tells her the reason he disguised himself as an old man is because the elderly are the creatures he hates the most.

A red aura surrounds him, as he goes on to say by becoming the thing he hates the most, it has raised his fighting spirit even higher. There's then an explosion, as Onji's true self is revealed: Suzuki!

Nearly everyone is a bit surprised at this reveal.

Suzuki says old age is ugly -he plans to die before it happens to him, whilst he's still beautiful. But before he does that, he'll create a legend -a terrifying myth, in which he plays the main role! His victory at this tournament will be the first chapter of this legend. And all those who bear witness to this tournament will be his narrators! He then introduces himself to everyone -he's a man of a thousand forms and a thousand techniques: the beautiful demon battler Suzuki! -the beautiful demon battler Suzuki! Genkai tells him they heard him without him needing to say it twice.

Suzuki says that whenever anyone says his name, never forget to say the word "beautiful" before it, as that was a word meant for him. Hiei thinks this is ridiculous nonsense, whilst Kurama is embarrassed just to look at this guy. Koenma thinks this guy must be the joker he kept getting in his cards.

Koto comments that, in a complete turnaround from when he was Onji, Suzuki is dressed in a flamboyant outfit. Suzuki throws a playing card at her, which she dodges, but it hits and kills the demon behind her. Suzuki says he thought he'd said to put the word "beautiful" before his name.

Koenma thinks he can do that too -he tells Jorge that, from now on, he must say the word "pretty" before his name. Starting from today, he will be "pretty Koenma"! Jorge thinks that sounds stupid. Genkai tells Suzuki that, for someone who's so fussy about their beauty, she can't understand why he's hiding his face. Does he have such little faith in his looks?

Suzuki declares his legend will last forever, but his face is not necessary to this legend. People fear those whose appearance is unknown, and are enchanted by them to imagine if they look like this or that. God and the Devil are the greatest examples of this. He thinks that, a hundred years from now, people will be saying things like "I'm sure the beautiful, mighty and fearsome demon battler Suzuki looked like this" or "oh no, not at all, I'm sure he looked like this" and so on. Just thinking about such conversations is getting Suzuki excited. He then declares that the morning after he's victorious, the first thing he'll do is kill all of the elderly. And he'll also kill anyone who's against that. He will only grant the right to live to those who will follow him.

The spectators yell at him, asking him what he thinks he's talking about -who does he think will ever follow him? Botan agrees with the demons and Shizuru thinks he's being absurd. Suzuki responds by shooting a projectile at them.

This hits one of the stands and totally destroys it. He says he's being serious, and asks them all if they've learnt their lesson now.

Juri asks Genkai if it's ok to start, and she says she wants to get started right now. As Juri tells them to begin, Suzuki warns Genkai right now: her spirit light mirror repulsion technique won't work against him. He knows that technique requires both her and her opponent's energies to be at the same wavelength, or she can't use it. And he can change his demon energy wavelength at will. He demonstrates this, and says there's no way she can draw in his demon energy now. He then reveals his beautiful finishing move: the rainbow cyclone! He shoots out several streams of differently-colored energies.

These hit Genkai, and send her out of the ring. Koto comments that beautiful demon battler Suzuki's attack has connected, and Genkai has disappeared out of bounds.

Suzuki says his finishing move consists of seven colored demon energies, each one of a different wavelength -and it's his favorite technique. As Juri starts her count, Suzuki says he wanted to show off his other 999 techniques. However, as the smoke clears, Genkai appears, and hasn't been harmed at all.

She leaps back into the ring, and he tells her she's pretty tough. She tells him he has quite a comely nose. Suzuki realizes his red nose is missing.

She tells him it would be easier for him to establish his legend if he showed his face, as Juri wonders when she managed to get the nose. Kurama and Hiei are amazed Suzuki didn't notice such an obvious afterimage. Just then, Kuwabara shows up.

He wants to know what happened to his opponent, but Hiei thinks he may just be the right guy to take on this idiot. Genkai throws the red nose back at Suzuki, and she asks him how long he intends to stand there for.

She tells him it doesn't look like he's opened his eyes yet. She also says that, as she said before, she's no champion of justice. She'll show no mercy to those who she dislikes. And she won't even need spirit energy to deal with him, her fists are all she needs. Compared to the training she went through for the spirit wave techniques, taking his attacks are as easy as farting. Suzuki tells her not to fool with him -she just doesn't know when to die! He goes into a stance, and says he won't use demon energy either. His shirt rips apart, as his muscle mass increases.

He says he doesn't care if Toguro won the last tournament or not, he can manage the degree of technique Toguro used as easily as that. Up in the stands, Toguro calls him an idiot. Genkai tells Suzuki the reason for his defeat: whilst he's truly gifted in creating weapons suited to the natures of other demons, he's mistaken that for his own strength.

She tells him his techniques are all just for show, and he's just a lightweight. She also says that Shishiwakamaru was stronger than him. Suzuki tells her to shut up and lunges at her, but she strikes him hard in the face.

She then jumps up and down on his back, before kicking him so hard he crashes into part of the stadium's ceiling.

As he falls down, she punches him in the back, but she's not done yet. She then smacks him around a few more times...

...and then batters him with a series of rapid punches. She then stops, as she realizes she forgot so show deference to his beautiful face... which is not so beautiful anymore. He says he gives up, and stumbles off before collapsing.

Juri says he can't continue to fight, which means Genkai wins. Botan thinks Genkai was so cool, and later on, she and the others meet up with the Urameshi team. Botan says the finals are coming up, and they've all done so well.

Kuwabara tells Yukina that there weren't any opponents tough enough for him to take on, so he left everything to the others -but he tells her he'll be much more active in the finals. Shizuru mocks him by telling the rest of the team the reason they won was because her brother wasn't very active. Kuwabara says she's wrong, but Hiei says she's not wrong. Kuwabara tells him to shut up. Genkai says she's going on ahead, as Kurama tells Kuwabara they'll be expecting much from him, whilst Hiei says he's not expecting anything.

As Botan tells them to cut it out, Genkai leaves them. She comes across Toguro, who tells her that he needs to speak with her. He asks if she will see him later. She tells him she will, and walks on.

At last, the Urameshi team has won its way into the finals. However, captain Yusuke continues to sleep. What is it that will by lying in wait for them?


(Yusuke is speaking)

Even without the younger Toguro, these guys are incredibly strong! However, I'm a lot different than I've ever been before! Right, Auntie Genkai? Huh, Auntie isn't here? What the hell has she gone? Don't tell me this has something to do with Toguro not being here! Next time: Confrontation of Destiny! The Shadow of Toguro. Somehow, I've got a bad feeling about this...

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