During the semifinals of the Dark Tournament, Kuwabara, who had been driven away by the Reverse Bedtime Stories team's Shishiwakamaru, ran into Botan and the others at the location of the previous stadium. Later, they discovered Yusuke, who had barely overcome his last, greatest trial, utterly worn out and sleeping soundly. Elsewhere, in the arena, the battle to the death between Genkai and Shishiwakamaru was just about to begin.

Remaining Power!
Genkai's Life or Death Battle

Genkai thinks that if she was to convert all the spiritual power she has now into spirit gun shots, she would have three shots left. The Toguro team are watching, and Karasu thinks Genkai has such feeble spirit energy. He questions if it really is her down there, and doesn't think her spirit energy will work against Shishiwakamaru. Toguro says Urameshi is the one who will bring them the answers. He thinks it's possible that Genkai entrusted the power she originally held to Urameshi. If that happened, then Genkai will meet her death before the finals.

Shishiwakamaru starts twirling his katana above his head. Koto comments that Shishiwakamaru's katana is very eerie, and wonders what sort of technique will come from it. Hiei thinks he probably should have fought this guy after all.

Shishiwakamaru unleashes demon energy up into his sword, which starts making a terrible noise. Everyone in the stadium is affected by it, and Koenma says it feels like these moans are eating through his head. Jorge is too busy listening to music to notice.

The spectators can't stand it, and Koto comments that the noise is causing some of the audience to collapse. Shishiwakamaru says that with this technique, those with the power to resist will have their lives taken from them. But to him, this noise sounds like a chorus of hymns.

He then rushes forward, and leaps high up into the air. His katana is surrounded by a red aura, and he strikes Genkai with it. There is a large explosion, and out of it comes something.


(Vomiting Explosive Skull Ramming Burial)

Several spirit skulls appear, and start flying all over the place. They quickly descend upon the audience, and start eating demons who don't get out of the way in time. Kurama says this technique has the explosion of demon energy turn into skulls, which bury anyone they touch.

Two skulls then approach him and Hiei, but the two are strong enough to destroy them just by striking them. Another skull heads up to the Toguro team...

...but Toguro destroys it with a punch. As the attack ends, Shishiwakamaru says his katana is like a demonic flute, used to whistle an incantation to release evil. It's then amplified by the shockwaves of his enchanted blade. Combine these things into one, and you have the katana he holds now. He says it consumes a good deal of his own power to use, but he doubts they'll be any trace of anyone who gets hit by this technique head-on.

Juri sees the crater, and comments that Genkai is nowhere to be seen. She wonders if she's been smashed to bits, but then a voice calls out telling her what she just said is true -if they actually got hit by it, that is. Shishiwakamaru turns around to see Genkai just standing there. He asks her if she has just been testing him up until now.

She says she must be getting senile, as only now has she just remembered a technique she'd been saving. He calls her an impudent rat -she's only managed to escape him once, and now she's getting so full of herself! He says he will hit her head-on, no matter what it takes. Some demons realize he must be planning on using that technique again, and decide to flee. Koto comments she's ready to run away too, but says she'll hang in there and continue her play-by-play. She asks Juri what's going on in the ring.

But Juri has taken cover behind a wall -there's no way she's staying in there! Some other demons brave it out, as they want to see Genkai die. Meanwhile, outside the stadium, Kuwabara and the others are almost there.

They see a bunch of demons run out of the stadium and wonder what's going on. They overhear two talk about how crazy Shishiwakamaru was, using such a awful technique which dragged spectators into things. They think even Genkai is going to die against that move, and decide to go back home. Kuwabara realizes the masked fighter really was Genkai, and Shishiwakamaru must be tougher than he thought.

He decides to go and check things out inside, and leaves Urameshi with the others. He runs into the stadium, and thinks there's no way Genkai could be dead. He arrives and sees that Genkai is still alive, and is about to resume fighting Shishiwakamaru.

Shishiwakamaru starts using the same technique as before, and Kuwabara says these voices are like the moans of the dead. Shishiwakamaru says his katana goes beyond just the skull ramming burial technique. He uses another technique, and stabs the katana into the ground.


(Binding Shield Wall of Resentful Shouting)

This technique creates a wall around the two, which he says will prevent her from being able to keep her distance, and also stop her from running away. Kurama says it's like the voices of the dead have taken form, and have enveloped the two fighters. Shishiwakamaru asks Genkai what is she going to do?

He says it's almost here -the moment where he dispatches the fool who embraces worthless illusions of what justice is. Genkai tells him he's being awfully particular about justice -does he hate justice that much? He says he does, and says violence is the purely destructive action allowed only by evil. He doesn't want it to be dishonored by would-be pacifists like her. Genkai says she agrees with him -they must be of the same mind. Shishiwakamaru takes this as a sign she's mocking him, and goes on the attack. He leaps up and says he'll slice her clean in half!

However, Genkai catches his katana with just her hands. His demon energy surrounds her, and she changes to her younger self. She then performs a technique:


(Spirit Light Mirror Repulsion)

There's a large explosion in the ring, and Shishiwakamaru gets blasted back, tumbling over backwards.

Genkai tells him she couldn't waste her own spirit energy, so she had to use his demon energy instead. Shishiwakamaru realizes she used her own body as a resonating board, which took in his own demon energy and then turned it back on him. He gets back up and says it'll take more than that to defeat him.

He uses the skull technique again, and the skulls all head straight for Genkai. But she summons a barrier to protect herself, and it destroys the skulls. Hiei says she's taking her opponent's power and using it for herself, and Kurama believes there's no way for Shishiwakamaru to win now.

Shishiwakamaru makes one last ditch effort to attack, but Genkai uses the mirror repulsion technique again. The blast sends Shishiwakamaru flying back, and also breaks his katana to pieces.

He asks her if she's the devil. She tells him he was the one who said she was taking up justice, but that's not all she's after. It just so happens that there are a lot of villains among those she doesn't like. Shishiwakamaru says well said, and also tells her the way she looks now... he could have fallen in love with her. As he passes out, Toguro says it's no use trying to defeat Genkai with spectrally powered techniques. The only thing that can defeat her is raw power.

Juri returns to the ring, and sees that Genkai has returned to her older self. But she declares that Genkai is the winner, and now the Reverse Bedtime Stories team only have one person remaining: Onji.

The audience don't believe some old guy like Onji is going to be able to do much good. Onji ignores them and says there's no need to roll the dice for his side, but there is for his opponents. He rolls it, and it lands on Kuwabara's name.

Juri says that since Kuwabara has passed on, they'll have to roll again. But then a voice calls out telling her to hold on a moment. Kuwabara has returned, and says who is she saying passed on -he's back in action!

The Urameshi team are as pleased to see him as you'd expect, whilst Onji thinks that at least he won't have to use any new techniques against this guy. Kuwabara says he'll be the one who wraps this all up.

Outside the stadium, Shizuru can hear her idiot brother's voice, and is annoyed he's gone off to fight, after he said he was only going to check things out. She runs into the stadium, and Botan leads Yukina away as well. Keiko asks what she's supposed to do here with Yusuke, so Botan comes back and tells her, if she didn't know already -this is her chance to deprive Yusuke of his virginity!

Keiko says she's about to get really angry, but Botan claims she was joking. She and the others run off into the stadium, whilst Keiko, Yusuke and Puu wait next to a tree.

Keiko notices that Yusuke seems to have gotten taller... until just a while a go, they were about the same height. He then falls over and leans on her.

She decides it's ok for him to lean on her... just for a little bit. Back in the ring, Kuwabara steps up to face Onji.

Juri announces the sixth match will be Kuwabara versus Onji. As the two fighters prepare to battle, nobody knows of what sort of hidden abilities Onji has.


(Kuwabara is speaking)

I've kept you waiting terribly, everyone! Next time, the warrior of love, Kazuma Kuwabara, makes his appearance! No matter what kind of opponent I may face, with the power of Yukina's love, my spirits increase a hundred-fold, and my power ten thousand-fold! She's like having a healthy, delicious breakfast! Ah! I am so cool when I play romantic parts! Next time: Demon Battler Suzuki's Challenge! Suzuki... you mean the Suzuki from the third precinct?

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