The Devilish Trainer team's Jin used the wind to perform aerial techniques, and scored a leadoff attack against Yusuke! Yusuke attacked the asura whirlwind fist technique that Jin used head-on, and both of them were thrown from the ring. However, Jin created tornadoes on both arms, and prepared to launch a second wave offensive! What will you do, Yusuke?!

Spirit Light Bullet! An Unexpected Conclusion?!

Jin tells Yusuke he's the first one to ever give him this much fun. Yusuke knows his spirit gun can't stand up to Jin, so he decides to try something else. He goes into a stance, and spirit energy emits from his entire body. As the masked fighter watches this, she knows of the technique Yusuke is going to use.

She explains to Hiei that the spirit gun concentrates spirit energy in the fingertip. But this technique Yusuke is using now requires the user to raise their entire body's spirit energy to its full power. As Yusuke has already fired his spirit gun three times, he's only got one chance to use this technique. Spirit energy starts to go everywhere out of Yusuke.

Jorge asks Koenma what Yusuke is planning to do, but Koenma is in deep thought. Jorge doesn't like him acting so big whilst having a pacifier in his mouth, and so pulls it out -revealing a line with a bunch of flags on it, which state good luck Yusuke. Koenma claims he wanted to try playing the role of "Koenma the scamp", and then reveals he had another pacifier hidden in his mouth.

Jin watches Yusuke, and thinks his opponent's whole body is brimming with the power of a typhoon. He thinks is going to be fun, and goes into a dive. As everyone watches, Toguro says the decisive moment has come.

Jin gets within range, and attacks with his whirlwind fists technique, but as he gets close, Yusuke is able to grab one of his hands. Jin continues to fly forward, and pushes Yusuke back.

However Yusuke smacks Jin's hand aside, and deflects the tornado which was on his right arm. Koto comments that Yusuke has deflected the attack, but Jin says he's not done yet. He goes to strike Yusuke with the tornado on his other arm.

But Yusuke is able to stop this with a kick this time, and with Jin now open, Yusuke uses a move called the reikoudan (spirit light bullet), which he lands a direct hit on Jin with.

This move has such force that Jin is sent flying upwards like a rocket, and Koto says that was a clean hit. Butajiri is suddenly panicking, whilst Koenma says that must have won it.

Botan asks Kuwabara is he knew about this, and whilst Kuwabara says it was similar to the shotgun technique Yusuke uses, he had no idea he could use it like that. Koto comments that she can't see where Jin went, and wonders if he escaped into the air again. Keiko wonders if Yusuke has won, but Shizuru tells her they'd better both quickly take cover.

A few seconds later, something comes back down and crash lands into the stadium: Jin! Some demons get hit as Jin tumbles through the stands, but Keiko and Shizuru had moved safely out of the way in time.

Koto comments that Jin has smashed into the spectator seats without using his wind, and says she'll start the count. The masked fighter says Yusuke performed that technique well, for his first time. The spirit light bullet does have an inordinate amount of spirit energy power, but it's the same as the move he calls his shotgun. Even from a distance, the shockwave alone is enough to defeat the opponent, if they're weak. The way Yusuke just did it, which was right as he made contact with his opponent, makes it a technique that exhibits some real force. But if it wasn't enough to defeat Jin after that...

Koto continues her count, but Jin is still conscious. He attempts to get back up, and manages to stand. Koto reaches nine on her count, as Jin says that was a nice punch -Yusuke sure is strong! He tries to fly down to the ring...

...but instead falls over, crashing into more spectators. Koto counts him out and declares that Urameshi is the victor. Yusuke tells Jin that he's the one who's strong, and he gave him plenty of entertainment. He hopes to fight him again, if they get the chance.

The crowd start booing, so Botan yells at them and asks why they can't cheer for her team for a change. Keiko asks where Shizuru is going, and Shizuru tells her that after that fight made her so tense, nature is calling. As she runs off, Keiko follows her. Meanwhile, the spectators are now really angry with the Devilish Trainer team, as they only have one team member left -despite it originally being five against two originally.

Butajiri goes down and asks Risho if he can deal with this. He says he bet everything on them to win this fight, and reminds him he also paid for their tournament entry fees. Risho says Yusuke is already worn out, so there's nothing to worry about. Butajiri still has his doubts, so Risho tells him there's still one sure way for them to win. Outside the stadium, Koto is seen on the TV screen, stating that each side has one fighter left.

Yukina turns up, and is noticed by some demons. They wonder who she is, so she introduces herself and then gives them a quick chill. She asks what all the excitement is about out here, and they explain that there aren't any tickets left, and despite them being willing to pay several times more than their original price, they can't get in the stadium. Back on the screen, Koto calls for the captain of the Devilish Trainer team to come over.

Koto says they will now hold the final battle, as Risho removes his cloak. But he tells Yusuke that he'll lose without laying a finger on him. Koto tells them to start, so Yusuke runs forward and says this'll be fun.

But there is then an announcement from the tournament head office, which states for the fight to stop. The voice states that in the previous match, between Jin and Urameshi, Urameshi landed out of the ring at one point. There has been a discussion as to whether the referee was too slow in her count for this.

Koto realizes she's been called out, but the voice continues. She says that a decision has been made, and both Jin and Urameshi will both be given ring out ten counts, so the result of the match will be changed to a draw.

The spectators discuss if the count was slow or not, and they don't seem to think it was. Kurama thinks this is dirty. He knows if Yusuke is now unable to fight, and Hiei and the masked fighter can't compete, it means Risho is the only one left.

Risho tells Koto to declare the Urameshi team the losers, but she says she doesn't understand. She asks the head office to reconsider, but the voice tells her they won't. The spectators think this is great, whilst Butajiri knows Kurama and Kuwabara are both injured, whilst Hiei and the masked fighter are disqualified. With Urameshi taken out via the draw, there's nobody left on the Urameshi team.

Toguro punches a wall and tells him what he's been doing has been very dirty indeed. Toya stumbles over to Risho, and tells him he's not satisfied winning like this. What are they supposed to tell Gama, who gave his life? He'd fought fair and square, just as Jin did. Risho tells him he'd better lose that pandering romanticism. Their goal here is to win.

Toya is about to continue talking, but Risho uses a technique which covers part of his arm with rock. He then smacks Toya away, and tells him that if they can easily win, without having to needlessly kill, then that will do.

He then asks Koto what is she doing -why hasn't she declared them the victors? He threatens her by saying he doesn't mind killing her and having a new referee brought out. Yusuke defends her and tells Risho if he knows who it is that's the most dissatisfied. Hiei calls out to Yusuke, telling him to let them have the victory. He tells them to just look at Risho -he must be able to see how foolish and meaningless their games are.

He says there's no reason to play by their rules. He starts powering up, and says that from now on, he's playing by his own rules. It'll be a survival game, and only those who are truly strong will live through it. Yusuke says he's with him, and wants to make it a real show of running wild. Ruka can no longer keep her prisoners in her peripheral realm, and gets knocked back.

Koenma tells Hiei to go and bust through that periphery realm. Outside, Shizuru and Keiko finish their business, and aren't happy they don't have proper restrooms inside or outside the stadium. Shizuru then notices Yukina, and asks Keiko to go and get Botan.

As Keiko heads off, Shizuru goes up to Yukina, and confirms it's really her. She introduces herself, and states she's Kazuma's older sister. Back in the ring, Koto reluctantly says she must go along with whatever the head office orders. She says that the Urameshi team has no other contestants left that are capable of fighting. She's about to declare the Devilish Trainer team the winners, but then someone calls out, telling everyone to stop. Kuwabara says there is a contestant who can fight.

Jorge wonders where this person is, whilst Koenma worries Kuwabara means him. But Kuwabara says he's the one who's going to fight. The rest of the team can't believe it, as he's clearly not up to it.

Koenma is glad it's not himself who has to fight, but still thinks Kuwabara is crazy. Jorge then points out that Botan is leaving, but Koenma doesn't care about that. Right now, he's worried about Kuwabara.

Kuwabara says everyone had forgotten about him. He says that during a competition, you have to go by the rules, even if the rules are bogus. Hiei asks him if he's hurt his head, prompting Kuwabara to yell what he means by that remark. In doing so, he makes his injuries worse, and falls to his knees. Yusuke tells him this is crazy, but Kuwabara says there's no one else left.

He says that if they break loose against these guys just because they're disgusted with them, they're no different than they are. But if the Urameshi team can win by beating these dirty guys whilst sticking to their principles, wouldn't it look cool? Yusuke says it would, but Hiei says if he wins, it'll look cool. Kuwabara tells him to shut the hell up.

Botan rushes outside and sees that Yukina is here. Botan guesses she must be here to cheer for Kuwabara, and Yukina says she is. She also reveals that she's improved on her healing abilities, and hopes she can be of assistance. Botan thinks that's splendid, and she's a good example for all women. But Yukina says she also has another big reason: she's learnt that she has a brother. Botan freaks out and worries Yukina knows that Hiei is her brother, but Yukina reveals this isn't the case. She says she's hoping that Kazuma and the others, who kindly helped her before, will help her search for him. She has been allowed to stay in the Human Realm to search for him, but her time here is limited.

Shizuru says they'll help, but tells Botan not to worry -she won't say anything. Botan asks Yukina if she has any leads, but it turns out she doesn't. But she does get the feeling that he's close. Botan thinks that those who know that Yukina is Hiei's sister include herself, Lord Koenma, Kurama, Shizuru and Yusuke... there are quite a few of them who know.

She then has a vision of Hiei, who tells her to tell Yukina -if she doesn't want to live. Botan thinks this is bad -out of all the people who know, she's the most likely one who'll let it slip out! They then see an image of Kuwabara on the TV screen.

They wonder what's going on, and Botan quickly fills them all in on what is happening in the fight. Yukina says that Kazuma looks terriblly injured. Shizuru runs over to the crowd, and punches down two demons before telling all the others to get out of the way -don't they know she can't see!


The crowd quickly move aside, as Shizuru and the others watch. Koto comments that Kuwabara was badly injured during the Ichigaki fight, but he's now making a gutsy comeback. Koto tells the two fighters to come to the center of the ring, but Kuwabara can barely even stand. Kurama thinks this is crazy, as it's taking Kuwabara everything just to remain standing.

Kuwabara makes his way over. Butajiri thinks this won't matter, as it'll be an easy victory against a guy who doesn't know when to quit. Kuwabara thinks this an important task, which is something that doesn't come his way very often. He thinks he's a lucky man to be out here.

Risho thinks there must be something wrong with his head, if this is how badly he wants to die. Kuwabara tells him to try and make the kill, and says he's tough. Koto tells them to start fighting, and Risho gets ready. Kuwabara still appears to be having trouble just standing up.

Suffering injuries throughout his body, and barely able to stand, Kuwabara has no chance of winning! Can Yusuke and the others do nothing but watch on silently?


(Kuwabara is speaking)

Damn those bastards in the tournament head office! That was a dirty trick they pulled! No matter what happens, it looks like they don't want us to win! Even so, after everyone put their lives on the line to come this far in the battle, I'm not about to let it end so easily! Even if it costs me my life, Kuwabara the man is going to win this match! Next time: A Desperate Kuwabara! The Charge of Love. I'll show you a man's willpower!

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