At the greatest combat sport competition in all of history, the Dark Tournament, during the first round, Kuwabara fought against Rinku in the first match, and when it was over, he had unfortunately lost. But in the second match, Kurama, controlling his plants with his spirit energy, presented himself at his best! Defeating Roto, who used dirty tricks, the score became even at 1 to 1. The fierce battle has now advanced to the middle of the round.

The Unfinished Secret Technique:
Immolation Black Dragon Wave

Koto asks for the third challengers to come forward. The crowd suddenly turn against the Six Wandering Specters team, whilst Gondawara can't believe one member of his team lost. Koto asks again for the third challengers from each team to come forward.

Zeru steps onto the ring, to the surprise of everyone. Kurama wonders if Zeru isn't really the team's captain, and Kuwabara takes this as a sign that the other two left on the opposing team are even stronger. Hiei says that's not the case -Zeru is the strongest among them. The team must have chosen their order however they saw fit.

Botan asks Yusuke just how long is he going to sleep, but he still doesn't wake up. Koto asks yet again for the Urameshi team to sent their third challenger forward, so Hiei says he'll go. Zeru made quite the fools of them yesterday in the hotel room, after all.

The crowd are now back on the Six Wandering Specters team's side, and believe Zeru is invincible after he showed off his demon energy earlier. Hiei tells Zeru that he saw the cut in the cup he broke. It looked as though Zeru had cut it with a sharp blade, but the edges were slightly melted -he thinks Zeru's technique is pretty rough. Zeru doesn't care about what Hiei thinks, and tells Hiei it's not business of some rat-reeking evil eye master.

Koto tells them to begin, and Zeru immediately sends out flames everywhere. Koto gets forced off the ring, but Hiei isn't intimidated. Zeru increases his power, sending flames out of the ring.

The masked fighter jump up and uses his power to deflect some of the flames, so they end up burning a load of demons -and saving Shizuru and Keiko from being harmed in the process. Hiei still hasn't moved, but Zeru says he'll turn him to charcoal dust.

He sends out a massive fire blasts from his hand, which Hiei has to jump over to avoid. Koto gets back onto the ring and says that Hiei has skillfully avoided Zeru's spectral fireball.

Zeru sends more fireball blasts out, as Hiei flies up higher and higher into the air. He eventually lands on part of the roof, but jumps off from it seconds before another fireball hits.

Shizuru thinks this fight is amazing. As Hiei lands back on the ring, Zeru asks how was that -he must be speechless. He thinks a rat like Hiei couldn't put together this kind of demon energy in his whole life. Hiei tells him to stop talking and come at him.

Zeru says he's done playing around, and sends out a massive blasts of flame into the air. But he then goes into a stance, and the flames withdraw back into his body. His skin color changes to red, as if he were a flame.

He suddenly lunges forward at great speed, and hits Hiei with so much force that his hand goes through Hiei's body. Hiei is set on fire, and sent flying back.

Zeru's still not done and says he'll finish him off. He send out another blast of flame, which hits Hiei whilst he's still in the air. Koto comments that Zeru is on a whole different level.

With Hiei completely ablaze, Gondawara doesn't think he'll ever be able to rise again. He tells Sakyo that this is the real power of his team. Hiei hits the ground, as Zeru says he was no match for him.

He starts to walk away, Koto is about to declare him the winner of the fight. But then a voice calls out to Zeru, telling him that his skill is fine -so much so it would be a shame to kill him. Hiei stands back up, as Koto says the match isn't over yet.

Zeru is in disbelief that Hiei's demon energy can withstand his spectral flames. Hiei thinks Zeru 's luck ran out when he had to face him. His bandanna burns off, revealing his evil eye. He tells Zeru to rejoice, as he's about to be the very fist victim of the jao ensatsu ken (evil king immolation fist).

Hiei surrounds his entire body with energy, as Kurama can't believe he's about to attempt this technique. Jorge asks what kind of technique this is, and Koenma says he vaguely remembers hearing about it from his father. But he knows that there hasn't been a single person who has mastered it.

Hiei summons a flame, as Zeru realizes his opponent is summoning flames from the demon realm. Streaks of flame burst from the sky and out of the sea, surrounding the entire island. Hiei says that the rules state he just has to defeat his opponent, but right now he can't completely control this himself. He apologizes, but says he can't hold back with this. If he'd been able to, he would have liked to let Zeru get through this without killing him. He thinks he should be able to do this with just his right arm, and then asks Zeru if he now understands how he just plays with flames, whilst this is a truly demon-laden flame technique.

He tells him not to look down on the power of the evil eye. Koto comments that this is dangerous, so much so that she decides to momentarily take cover. As she jumps off the ring, Hiei tells Zeru to take this, and after his shirt rips to pieces, he performs the technique:


(Wicked King Immolation Black Dragon Wave)


The summoned dragon smashes into a wall. As everything returns to normal, Koto looks up and sees that Hiei is still in the ring, but Zeru isn't. Hiei look at his arm, which is now horribly burned.

Koto looks for Zeru, and eventually finds what's left of him: his outline can be seen on the wall the dragon smashed into. The Six Wandering Specters team can't believe what's happened to their captain.

Koto wonders if she should do the count, but Hiei says that silhouette is all that's left of Zeru. Koto says the count would be pointless, and declares Hiei the winner. As the entire audience is in a stunned silence, Koenma tells Jorge it was so incredible, he didn't even notice what flavor his fried squid was! He asks Jorge to go and buy him another.

With Hiei's victory, the Urameshi team have now taken the lead. Kuwabara is initially excited, but then feels not so good when he thinks that if Hiei could turn against them now -especially now that he has that awesome technique. Hiei tells him not to worry -until this tournament is over, he's not switching sides. And his technique isn't perfected anyhow.

Imajin and Gaou -the two fighters on the Six Wandering Specters team who haven't fought yet -can't believe Zeru was taken out so easily. Gaou decides they should pull out, and Imajin admits he only came here because he was told he could enjoy himself with some easy kills. They run off and leave Rinku behind, but a few seconds later, they are dragged back out, having been beaten to death, by another demon.


Chu walks out and comments on how bright it is here. After having a big swig of his drink, he says playing around is so fun because it's so dangerous, and calls the demons he's just killed such wet blankets. He drops his bottle and attempts to walk onto the ring, but stumbles and falls over.

He says they should start having fun, and eventually manages to get onto the ring. But he immediately has to sit down, and asks Koto (who he calls the play-by-play sweetheart) to come over for a minute. She does and asks what he wants. Chu says that, due to an unforeseen accident, Gaou and Imajin died. He wants to know what the rules are in this situation. Koto explains that there can only be one substitution, no matter how many of his friends have died. Consequently, they can only let those who are left afterward fight. Chu asks her if she's sure, and she says that she, the walking rule book, has made no mistake about this. Chu is really happy, as it means he can take on the two remaining on the other team!

However he immediately sits back down again, and is seemingly asleep. Koto goes to check on him, but he suddenly grabs and hugs her, thanking her for the good news. Kuwabara has a bad feeling about this, as whilst Chu's demon energy is far smaller than Zeru's, he still has the strange uneasiness about him. Botan doesn't agree though -she thinks Chu is just some drunken replacement.

Hiei thinks Kuwabara's hunch may be right. When Chu killed Gaou and Imajin, he didn't sense any bloodlust at all. Gondawara says that now Chu has appeared, the Urameshi team are finished. Chu says they should get things started, and if they're too afraid to fight him alone, they can fight him together.

The Urameshi team wonder what to do, as three of them have already fought. Chu tells them to hurry up, and Koto asks them to hurry as well. Chu tells her to stop interpreting for him, and get them to bring someone out here fast. Koto runs off.

Koto asks the Urameshi team to send their next member forward. Kuwabara says that with Urameshi still out, it means all they've got left is the masked fighter. Koto warns them if they don't send someone out soon, it'll be considered a forfeit. Kuwabara decides he will slap Urameshi awake no matter what, but then realizes something: Urameshi is gone.

Yusuke is now awake, and has already jumped onto the ring! He says that terrible stench of sake woke him up. Kurama thinks that Zeru's energy didn't wake Yusuke up, but it seems he woke up for Chu.

Yusuke tells the audience that he's sorry he kept them waiting for so long, but now he's here. Keiko says he's finally woken up, whilst Shizuru encourages him to kill his opponent good. Botan tells Yusuke to cut it out, as he's been asleep until just now. Yusuke says his body is aching, so he has to do some light exercise now that he's up.

The demons in the audience start chanting for Chu to kill Yusuke, and even Gondawara chants along with them. Toguro appears, wanting to have a good look at what kind of training Urameshi went through. Kuwabara comments on the tremendous bloodlust coming from the crowd, and thinks about how they know nothing about Chu's demon energy.

Hiei thinks the audience are just scum, and Yusuke doesn't care about what they're saying at all. This makes Kuwabara think that it'll be alright, and they've essentially won everything easily. Botan reminds him that he lost his fight! Kurama thinks how it might not be that easy. Zeru was strong, which is why Hiei had to use an incomplete finishing move on him. And Hiei didn't come away unscathed after using it.

He looks at Hiei, and thinks he won't be able to use his right arm any more. He then looks at Chu and thinks his demon energy is unusual, but he isn't sure what the deal with it is.

Chu tells Yusuke he mentioned "light exercise" earlier. He moves over to Koto at great speed, and takes his mic before she realizes it. He says he needs to borrow it, and then tells the audience that before the fight starts, he needs to tell everyone something.

The something is that... he's bad at playing rock, paper, scissors. But he screams that he's really good at fighting! The demons wonder what he is talking about.

Koto pulls out her spare mic and says she can explain what Chu means. The Six Wandering Specters team members determined their order and their alternate by playing rock, paper, scissors. Chu lost, and so he is the alternate in name only -as far as ability foes, he's saying that he's the team's number one!

Chu says that's exactly right! Rinku thinks Chu is just drunk, and can't stand to watch any more. Chu asks Yusuke if he understands how strong he is, and Yusuke says he does -so they should get going right away!

Chu still doesn't think Yusuke believes how strong he is, but then a demon from the audience yells out that Chu really is nothing but an alternate. Upon hearing this, Chu runs off the ring and heads right up to the demon to confront him. He tells him that he's only weak at rock, paper, scissors, and he meant to play paper before. But his fingers slipped forward and he made scissors by mistake!

After choking the demon, he steals another bottle of booze as he makes his way back. Yusuke says his urge to fight is going away, but Chu says it's no fun to fight against someone who has their guard down. So he tells Yusuke that his fighting style is sui-ken (Drunken Fist).

The more he drinks, the stronger he gets! He drinks from the bottle and then tosses it aside, and says that his fighting style outfoxes the opponent with irregular movements, which unexpectedly catch them off their guard. Botan and Kuwabara question why Chu would go to the trouble of explaining his style to Yusuke.

Yusuke says just using the drunken fist is no skill in itself. He thinks Chu has some secret move that only he can do. Chu notes the look in Yusuke's eyes, and says he hasn't seem someone with that look in a long time. He then begins to move strangely, creating afterimages of himself as he moves. Kurama and Hiei see that with moves like that, Chu is no ordinary guy.

The fruits of the special training taken on under Master Genkai will be put to the test in Yusuke's first battle. What kind of fight will the drunken Chu, with his mysterious demon energy, challenge him to? And just what sort of secret technique does Chu possess?


(Yusuke is speaking)

Heh heh, Chun and his drunken fist, huh? He's pretty good, isn't he? With his flowing movements, and the great techniques he displays, one after the other! On top of that, his eyes look full of life when he fights! Heh, I like you, Chu! I think I'll have some fun with this as well! Next time: The Drunken Warrior! Chu's Drunken Fist . The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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