The Unfinished Secret Technique:
Immolation Black Dragon Wave
Yu Yu Hakusho episode 30 |
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For a detailed overview of this episode, click here.
Hiei takes on the leader of the Six Wandering Specters team, but their alternate member then arrives.
Original Japanese broadcast date: May 15th, 1993
1) Synopsis
2) Manga differences
3) Notes
To the surprise of the audience, Zeru steps onto the ring. Kurama wonders if he really is the team leader if he's going on now, but Hiei is certain Zeru is the most powerful of the opposing team, and decides to fight him. At the fight begins, Zeru sends out several blasts of flame, which Hiei has to jump around to avoid. Zeru says he's done playing around, and sends out a massive blast of flame which then seems to enter back into his body, turning him red. Lunging forward at incredible speed, he stabs through Hiei and sets him on fire.
Zeru thinks he's won, but before Koto can declare him the winner, Hiei gets back, apparently unharmed by Zeru's attacks. He decides to show Zeru a truly demonic flame, and performs a technique called ensatsu kokuryu ha (wicked king immolation black dragon wave). This technique has Hiei summon a dragon, which charges into Zeru and vaporizes him. Hiei wins the third match, but the arm he used to summon the dragon has been badly burned.
Imajin and Gaou, the two remaining members of the Rokuyukai team who haven't fought yet, decide to run away. However they are killed by the team's alternate: Chu. Chu, who is drunk and disorderly, eventually manages to step onto the ring, and finds out from Koto that he can fight since his team has lost members. He tells the Urameshi team to send someone to fight him, but before they can choose, Yusuke wakes up and jumps onto the ring. Having just woken up, he says his body aches, and he could do with some light exercise.
As the others watch, Kurama thinks there is something odd about Chu's demon energy, and also worries that Hiei will never be able to use his injured arm again. Chu explains to the crowd that he's really strong -the reason he wasn't on the team for this match was because he lost in a game of rock, paper, scissors. He then goes on to full explain to Yusuke about his fighting style, sui-ken (drunken fist), and that the more he drinks, the stronger he gets. Yusuke thinks he has more to him than that, and says he must have a secret technique. Chu then begins to move strangely, creating afterimages of himself as he moves. The next fight is about to begin.
-In the manga, the first move Zeru makes is the one where he stabs through Hiei. The anime made the fight longer, so Zeru sends out several flame blasts first, and Hiei avoids them by making his way up to the top of the arena. Zeru does not turn himself into a flame in the manga like he does in the episode.
-The masked fighter protecting Keiko and Shizuru wasn't in the manga.
-The scene with Koenma and Jorge in this episode was not in the manga.
-In the manga, Imajin and Gaou do not have time to run away. When they announce they want out, Chu appears out of nowhere and decapitates them both. In the anime, they run off, but Chu beats them to death off-screen.
-The part of the episode where Chu tells Koto to stop interpreting for him wasn't in the manga.
-Yusuke does not immediately jump onto the ring in the manga. He just gets up normally, finds out what's going on and then makes his way to the ring.
-Chu's voice actor, Norio Wakamoto, previously voiced Gouki.
-Starting from this episode, a new credits sequence is used. A new ending theme is also played, "Sayonara Bye Bye", sung by Matsuko Mawatari.