At last, the Dark Tournament has commenced. However, since Yusuke, the captain, was still asleep, Kuwabara began the first match with the Six Wandering Specters team. Rinku was a stronger opponent that he appeared on the outside. Kuwabara was completely tossed about by the devil yo-yos that Rinku controlled!

Kurama Makes Blood Flowers Blossom!

Rinku slams Kuwabara into the ring a few times. The crowd encourage Rinku to hurt him more, as Koto comments on how overwhelmingly strong Rinku is. She says that Kuwabara can do nothing against Rinku's devil yo-yos.

Hiei tells Kurama that it looks like the special training he gave Kuwabara was useless. Kuwabara can't defend himself with his pair of swords against those yo-yos. Kurama says Kuwabara hasn't shown everything he's got from his training yet. Despite being battered, Kuwabara tells Rinku he's going to kill him. Rinku thinks he's one tough guy, but now he's going to settle this.

He lifts Kuwabara high up into the air. Shizuru thinks her brother sure has risen to a place where they can all see him. Keiko warns of what will happen if he's dropped from that height, but Shizuru knows already -he'll die, no doubt about it. Botan asks how she can talk about her own brother so coldly, as he could actually die, but she says it's all up to fate -he's just out of luck.

Rinku continues to raise Kuwabara higher and higher, until he's almost out of the battle arena. Keiko yells out to Yusuke, telling him to wake up -how can he be sleeping when Kuwabara is in trouble? The other demons turn around and glare at her, and from his VIP box, Koenma can also hear her. He tells Jorge that the other demons will realize she's Yusuke's friend, and they'll beat her up.

He tells Jorge to go and help her, but he says he hates getting into fights. He thinks Koenma should go, but Koenma comes up with the excuse that humans progress by overcoming difficulty on their own, no matter how difficult. And he thinks as Botan and Shizuru are there, it should be ok. Meanwhile Keiko decides to go down to Yusuke, as since he can't hear her from here, she'll have to go and shout in his ear. But a large demon blocks her off and asks if she's taking Urameshi's side.

He tells her to go home, as this tournament is for demons. Keiko doesn't care and says Yusuke has already died once, and then come back to life. The demon thinks she looks quite tasty and wants to eat her, but as he lunges forward, Shizuru places her cigarette on his tongue, causing him to run away screaming for water.

Kuwabara is still going up, and he asks Rinku that, if he's a man, they should fight each other a bit more fair and square. Keiko gets to the edge of the stand and calls out to Yusuke again, telling him to wake up and help Kuwabara. Koto says Kuwabara is in a real predicament now, whilst the audience tell Rinku to finish him off.

Rinku thinks he's got the right height, and pulls back his yo-yos. Kuwabara falls and it looks like it's all over for him, but he says he's not done yet. He summons a large spirit sword, which he extends so it hits the ring.

He then uses the sword to catapult himself straight towards Rinku. Rinku thinks that was a smart move to save himself, but now he's coming directly at him -which means he's an easy target for his yo-yos.

Rinku sends out all of his yo-yos at once, but Kuwabara says they'll take each other down. He summons a spirit sword, which Rinku thinks is useless, but then the sword bends. Kuwabara is able to control his sword and make it bend between the yo-yo's strings. Rinku realizes he can't avoid this... he gets hit, as does Kuwabara. Both fighters end up landing out of the ring. Hiei asks if that was the result of Kurama's special training, and Kurama says it was. The purpose of the training was for Kuwabara to be able to manipulate his sword at will.

As Koto starts the count, Hiei says the question is now which one of them took the greater amount of damage. Yusuke then yells out for Kuwabara to get up, despite still being asleep. Koto has counted to five, when she notices that Rinku has climbed back up onto the ring.

He can't believe Kuwabara gave him this much trouble, and starts to heal himself. Yusuke again tell Kuwabara to get up, and then asks if he's a dog who's been beaten. When Kuwabara hears this, he suddenly also gets back up.

However, rather than get back in the ring, he goes up to Urameshi and starts yelling at him about what he just said. Yusuke doesn't say any more, and Kuwabara wonders if he really is asleep. Koto is up to eight on the count...

...but Rinku can't believe how tough Kuwabara is, and decides to finish things now. He uses his yo-yos to tie Kuwabara up and make him fall over, as Koto counts him out.

She declares that the Six Wandering Specters team is the winner of the first match. Kuwabara gets up and says he can still keep going, which Rinku can't believe -he's never seen anyone as persistent as him! Kurama thinks Rinku is quite the expert, if he was able to still control his yo-yos after they'd left his hands. Hiei thinks Rinku was just saved by the rules.

Kuwabara tells Rinku that once this tournament is over, he's to wait for him behind the gym. Rinku says no way, and runs off. Keiko thinks this situation isn't like school, and Botan wonders what Kuwabara is thinking. Rinku runs off the ring, and resumes healing himself.

The next member of the Six Wandering Specters team then steps onto the ring, and says he'll win a lot more easily. Kurama decides he'll go next, and enters the ring.


Hiei tells Kurama not to think about putting Roto into a little bit of pain -he should make it so he'll never want to go against them again. As Yusuke is still asleep, Botan decides to do something about it, and leaps down. Hiei tells Kuwabara to rest for a while, as they can handle the rest. Kuwabara says if Urameshi doesn't wake up, he'll be going next, but Hiei says this will be settled before then.

Botan then comes over and says she'll look after things. Hiei tells her to go back now, or she'll get hurt. Botan says he can't talk to her like that, as she's been worried for everyone. Kuwabara wonders if this means she's going to take Urameshi's place on the team, but she says that's not it. She takes off her kimono and says she'll be the team's Spirit Realm trainer. She says she'll look after everyone, and Kuwabara thinks that means she'll treat his wounds, but she instead starts slapping Yusuke, trying to wake him up. Hiei tells her to move out the way, and take Yusuke with her. She drags Yusuke away from the ring.

As the next two fighters stare at each other, Kuwabara asks Hiei a question: where does Kurama keep his rose whip hidden? Hiei explains it's just an ordinary rose, but Kurama can take any plant and use his demon energy to turn it into a weapon. Kurama could even take a weed and turn it into a knife that's sharper than steel. Koto then announces that the second match has begun. Before they start fighting, Koto tells Kurama that he's heard he lives among humans now. He's also heard that Kurama actually cares for the humans around him.

Shizuru says that she doesn't think the long-haired boy is a regular human. Koto says if the humans Kurama cared for died, then he's sure it would make Kurama grieve. He summons a blade onto his hand, and goes on the offensive, but Kurama effortlessly avoids all of his attacks.

Hiei thinks Roto isn't even worth talking about, and tells Kuwabara he was unlucky to face Rinku, who must have been the team's number two guy. Kuwabara swears he would have won if it had been a best of three match. Meanwhile, Gondawara sees what's going on in the fight, and isn't too happy. Sakyo asks if this is really the new power that'll beat his Toguro team -and if it's what'll create the dark mythology Gondawara had mentioned earlier. Because at this level, they may not be up to the task. Back at the fight, Koto attacks again, but Kurama gets behind him in an instant.

Kurama tells him he'll put him to rest now, but Koto then says he has his mother's life in his hands. Kurama doesn't try and strike, and instead leaps back, but he doesn't avoid getting hit. Yusuke says that Koto is a coward.

Kurama has received a cut to his face. Koto pulls out a object, and says that if he presses the button on it, his errand demon will kill Kurama's mother. The demon is currently stalking her, and she is unaware of it.

Kurama lowers his guard, and Koto starts punching him around. After taking several hits, Kurama flicks a small pebble at him, which hits him in the face.

Koto wonders what that was about, and asks if he's trying to show some slight resistance by throwing a pebble at him. He tells him not to mess with him, and if he tries something like that again, he won't tolerate it. He tells Kurama to fold his arms behind his back, and from now on he's nothing more than a toy for him to beat up. Kurama does as he's told, but stares at Koto. Koto says what a scary look that is, and says if he wants to fight him, go ahead -but reminds him of what will happen if he does.

Kuwabara wonders what's wrong with Kurama, whilst the demons in the audience believe Roto must have Kurama under hypnosis or something. Rinku isn't too impressed that Roto is, as usual, using dirty tricks.

Zeru says there are no second chances here, and winning is everything. Roto taunts Kurama and suggests that maybe he could try and use his rose whip to cut off his arm, but maybe the pain will cause him to push the button. Gondawara wonders what Roto is doing, as he thinks he's talking too much -he should just kill Kurama and get it over with. He's made a huge investment in his team, after all.

Koto says that Kurama isn't moving, and may have lost the will to fight. Roto tells Kurama to say something, and gives him a kick. He then says he's having fun, and starts punching him again. To him, the most enjoyable toy is one who can't put up any resistance.

He then summons his blade, and tells Kurama that gaze of his is getting on his nerves. He wants Kurama to at least look humiliated, but Kurama doesn't respond. Koto cuts his face again, but even then, Kurama's expression doesn't change.

Koto says he won't forgive this, and lifts his leg up. He tells Kurama to lick his boot, and once he's done that, he'll then cut his head off. If he does this, he won't press the button. Kurama dusts himself down and says he won't do it -if Koto wants to press the button, he can press it. Koto thinks Kurama is now showing his true nature, as clearly he values his own life over his mother's. He thinks he's like all other demons, as so long as he survives, that's enough. Kurama tells him to push the button.

Koto says he will, but then finds that he can't move. Kurama takes the remote from him and says they'll go over the words Roto said. He thinks Roto took a risky bet to try to take what he thought was the shortest and easiest way out. Koto comments that now, it seems Roto is the one not making a move. Kurama explains that, earlier, he planted a shimaneki seed inside Roto. The roots of this seed have now just barely spread throughout his entire body.

Roto looks down and sees something coming out of his chest. He realizes that when Kurama hit him in the face with the pebble earlier, it was to distract him from noticing that he'd also implanted him with the seed. Kurama says that when he gives the word, the seed will grow explosively, and piece through his entire body. He's glad Roto is such a punk, as now he can be merciless without and reservation. Roto gets desperate and says they're both demons, and says he was just joking about what he said before. He asks for forgiveness, but Kurama says one word: die.

The seed explodes, killing Roto and causing flowers to bloom out of his body. Kurama says it's ironic that the blood from a punk like Roto made the flowers bloom so beautifully. Koto announces that the score is now even, at one each.

Hiei thinks Roto was an idiot, he may as well have said "kill me" instead of pleading for his life. He also says that Roto's errand demon disappeared at the same time Roto died. Yusuke, still sleeping, says that's great. Kuwabara and Botan want them to explain what just happened, but Hiei and Kurama both say they'll tell later.

Botan thinks they're both really mean, and Kuwabara wants to know why they won't say now. At the other side of the rink, Zeru is literally getting fired up. The Urameshi team has won the second match, but the Six Wandering Specters team still has powerful foes to contend with.


(Yusuke is speaking)

At last the strongest warrior from the other team, Zeru, appears! Hiei, that flame of his is no ordinary flame! If you were to take that head-on, not even you would get away unscathed! Do you have a technique that can compete with his flame? What is that stance? Argh, I've never seen it before! Next time: The Unfinished Secret Technique: Immolation Black Dragon Wave. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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