Having easily overcome the preliminary tournament aboard the boat, Yusuke and his five-member team arrived at Kubikukuri Island as guests. That evening, as they rested in their hotel, members of the Six Wandering Specters, whom they would fight in the first round, suddenly appeared before the five of them. However, exhausted from his training with Genkai, Yusuke continued to sleep soundly.

The Little Mighty Foe!
Rinku's Secret Technique

At the battle arena, Koto apologizes for the long delay, and introduces herself to the crowd. She says they'll now commence with the Dark Tournament, but the crowd are already getting anxious -they just want things to get started already!

The Six Wandering Specters team wait at the sidelines, and Rinku gets fired up after seeing how many spectators there are. Elsewhere in the arena, several members of the Black Black Club have gotten their own room to watch the fights. Koto announces that the contestants for the first match of the first round are now making their entrance. The Six Wandering Specters team walks in.

Gondawara, the team's sponsor, asks Sakyo what he thinks of this team. He tells him they were found in the heart of an amusement district, and whilst their names are still not well known, they are the new power behind a dark mythology he is creating. He believes they're the only ones capable of overthrowing Sakyo's Toguro team, and the Urameshi team will be no match for them. Sakyo says nothing. Just then, the Urameshi team walk out, much to the crowd's displeasure.

As the crowd yell for Urameshi to die and also call Kurama and Hiei traitors, Kuwabara thinks that's some real pent-up anger, and it's all being directed at them! Koto calls the two teams to the center of the ring. Meanwhile, outside the arena...

Botan, Keiko and Shizuru are looking for Yusuke and Kuwabara. Botan tells Keiko to take it easy, but Keiko isn't happy that Yusuke got her and him so deeply involved, and then said nothing before going off to do something so dangerous. It's unpardonable! As she and Shizuru continue searching, Botan thinks that's just what you'd expect of Yusuke's childhood friend. She then wonders where Lord Koenma is.

Nearby, Jorge tells Koenma that the matches are about to begin. He says to hurry, but Koenma is hesitant. All he can think about is how Yusuke and Kuwabara both called him a puny little kid when they first saw him.

He doesn't want to be made fun of, and decides to do something about it. A demon selling tickets calls out to everyone, saying how he's got some great seats available. He sees a guy walk past and asks him if he wants the tickets for two million, but the guy turns around and says he has a VIP seat.

The demon realizes this guy is Koenma! He asks if he's here to be a spectator, and Koenma says he is the owner of the Urameshi team. He says that they'd been able to suspend the tournament in the Spirit Realm, but special privileges were invoked, and it was overturned. He can't dispute that the tournament will be a place to vent some stress, and the number of crimes in the Human Realm has been reduced because of it. The demon says he understands, but also points out that at the tournament, fighting is the only language spoken here. Even Koenma is just an ordinary spectator here.

Koenma then meets Botan and the others. Botan tells him Yusuke and the others have already gone out. The demon says Koenma sure is popular, if he hangs out with these three sweethearts. Koenma explains that two of them are the guest's relative and girlfriend, whilst Botan is his dimwit assistant who let the word slip out, so he had to bring the others with her. Botan is upset he called her a dimwit.

Koenma introduces himself to Keiko and Shizuru, and then tells them they should get going. He leads them into the arena, as the demon says they sure have valiant women in the Human Realm.

Back in the arena, the Six Wandering Specters team notice that Yusuke is still asleep. Koto asks for the captains of both teams to consult each other to decide the methods of battle and terms of victory. She says that if they can't agree on the terms, then each of the five team members will have to fight one on one. Whichever team has the most wins will be the victors. Kuwabara says their captain is still asleep.

Kurama suggests Kuwabara takes his place. Kuwabara is more than happy to take over, so he walks up to Zeru whilst still carrying Yusuke. Zeru says he doesn't care what method they use, but if possible, he thinks one on one battles would be for the best.

Kuwabara says that's just how he wants it, as one on one is best in a fight among men. Koto announces to the crowd that the matches will be one on one, best of five. Kuwabara starts to walk off with Yusuke...

...when Zeru suddenly emits incredible flames from his body. Kurama can sense his bloodlust and Hiei finds it interesting there's a demon like this in the Human Realm. Kuwabara tries to wake Urameshi up, but he remains asleep.

Zeru sends some flames towards the team, but they break away and hit one of the stands. Kuwabara again tries to wake Yusuke up, and again fails.

Zeru thinks that for Yusuke to not wake up after he gave off that much bloodlust must means he is just a simple fool after all. Koto comments on Zeru's intense demon energy, but then asks for the first contenders to step forward.

Rinku is going first for his team, whilst Kuwabara is going to represent his.

Elsewhere, Koenma and Jorge are about to enter their VIP room, when Koenma transforms back to his usual form -he says his older form wears him out. Back at the ring, the fight is about to start. Rinku isn't too happy his opponent is going to be the weakest-looking one. Koto says that other than this being a one on one fight, there are no rules. They can also use whatever equipment they want, and upon knockdowns and ring outs, she'll start a count. A ten count will result in a loss by knockout. She tells them to start fighting.

Kuwabara tells Rinku to come at him any way he likes. Rinku slowly steps around, and then decides he guesses he can have some fun with him. He starts leaping around the ring at great speed, before trying to jump kick his opponent. Kuwabara is grazed by it, but doesn't avoid Rinku's next kick.

Kuwabara gets back up and asks if he's trying to make a fool of him. Botan, Keiko and Shizuru are in the audience, are are all concerned for Kuwabara. Meanwhile Rinku is now moving so fast it's like there are several of him in the ring.

Rinku thinks his opponent shouldn't be able to see him, but then Kuwabara tells him his speed won't be any use against him. He suddenly jumps up and punches the real Rinku on his head.

Rinku gets sent bouncing across the ring. Almost everyone, especially the demon audience, is in shock at what just happened. Rinku gets up and starts running again...

...but Kuwabara kicks him down. Kurama thinks this is all because Kuwabara has gotten stronger, and he knows Kuwabara is the type who doesn't start putting out power until he's in a real fight. Hiei watches Kuwabara standing over Rinku, and thinks he's a fool for abiding by some code of honor. He thinks he should just kill him with his spirit sword right now.

Rinku gets punched again and it looks like he's had it, but he manages to quickly evade Kuwabara's finishing strike in the blink of an eye. He tells him he hopes he enjoyed his brief moment of superiority, and kicks him in the head from behind.

Kuwabara falls to the floor, seemingly dead. As Koto starts the count, Koenma demands for Kuwabara to get up, but Jorge thinks it might be hopeless.

Rinku says if he had simply defeated him, it wouldn't have been much fun. So he put on a little production. Koto continues the count, but he says it's useless, as he broke Kuwabara's neck. The crowd praise Rinku, which he's more than happy to accept.

However, Koto stops counting -Kuwabara has managed to get back up! Rinku tells him it looks like he can stand up to a beating. Koto says the match can continue, and Kuwabara tells Rinku he'll get him back 10,000 fold for making a mockery of him. Kurama says Rinku uses a psychological strategy to catch his opponent off-guard, whilst Kuwabara takes it and still gets back up. Hiei says this has turned out to be an interesting fight.

Kuwabara admits that he got outsmarted, but now he's seen Rinku couldn't kill him with that kick, it's clear he doesn't have much power. Rinku says he's right, but if he couldn't defeat him with that kick, he'll just have to beat him with spectral powers instead. He takes out several objects from his bag.

He places them between his fingers and calls them devil yo-yos, before starting to channel demon energy through them. Kuwabara decides to show off what he's got, and reveals he can now summon two spirit swords at the same time. Rinku jumps up and makes his shot.

Kuwabara thinks he can just cut these things in half, but as he swipes at them, they all suddenly change direction and avoid his sword. They instead end up hitting him.

Koto asks the audience if they were able to see that, as Kuwabara was somehow thrown around by the strange way the yo-yos moved. Rinku asks his opponent if he seriously thought all he could do with these was casting them. His yo-yos received plenty of demon energy from his fingers, and all eight of them individually move the way he wants them to. He whirls them about all in front of him.

He says Kuwabara won't even be able to hurt the strong on his yo-yos with those blunt swords of his, and jumps up. This time he does his version of walking the dog, as the yo-yos tear up the ground. Kuwabara tries using his swords to lift up part of the ring, but the yo-yos go straight through the raised slabs.

He ends up getting hit again, and is sent crashing to the floor. Rinku ties the yo-yos around Kuwabara's limbs, and slams him to the floor again. Zeru says that the force Rinku's yo-yos have is incomparable to the kick he did earlier.

Rinku lifts Kuwabara high up into the air. Koto says this is some fearsome spectral power, and soon Kuwabara is almost out of the battle arena itself.

Rinku then pulls down on the strings, and Kuwabara is sent downwards at great speed -about to become one with the ring's floor! Will he survive?


(Yusuke is speaking)

Ah, Kurama! What the hell is wrong with you?! Why don't you fight back? No matter how you look at it, you should be stronger than that guy! So that's it, that Six Wandering Specters guy is using some dirty trick, huh? But it's going to take more than that to beat you! Thrash that guy right here and now! Next time: Kurama Makes Blood Flowers Blossom! The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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