Having supposedly been defeated once, Toguro appeared before Yusuke. He then invited him to the Dark Tournament as a guest. Yusuke was unable to even move before Toguro's incredible strength, and becoming aware of his weakness he went through special training under Master Genkai. And now, on the day of the tournament, Yusuke and the others head toward the tournament grounds on Kubikukuri Island.

Departure of Death!
To The Island of Hell

The Dark Tournament. Where the wealthy and powerful of the underworld society, who use dark forces to raise their fortunes, assemble for themselves teams of five powerful members each, and allow their battles to play out in the greatest combative sport matches in all of history.

As guests to this tournament, humans who have become deeply involved with the underworld are forced to become entrants. To refuse would be to bring about one's death. The only means of survival, then, is to win. And so, the guests at this tournament are Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei and a mysterious masked warrior -these five.

As the boat continues to sail through the sea, Kuwabara comments how there's nothing but monsters here. He was hoping there's be some cute chicks on board. He then thinks about how Urameshi said their fifth member was the mightiest ally there was, but he wonders just who this guy is. He then thinks it doesn't matter, as once he's shown off his own strength, he's sure this masked fighter will probably run away with his tail between his legs.

Hiei thinks that this boat is pretty dismal-looking, but Kurama says they aren't here for sight-seeing. Kuwabara just wishes for something to eat, as he's starving. Just then, the captain appears and says that before they reach the island -and if they don't mind calling this a replacement for the banquet they had planned -he's like to offer something by way of entertainment. Kuwabara thinks he's going to offer them dinner, but the captain says they will be holding the preliminary tournament right now!

Part of the boat then opens up, as a large arena platform raises upwards. The captain tells everyone that they will fight on this ring.

He says that 15 of the teams who will be appearing in the Dark Tournament have already been chosen, and are at the island. Only one team on this boat will be able to participate. Kuwabara wonders what's up with that, as he thought they'd already been invited as guests. Hiei tells him this is the way they operate. The captain tells everyone to choose whoever they think is their strongest on their teams, as they will fight in the ring in a battle royale. Whoever wins the battle royale will be allowed to enter the tournament finals on Kubikukuri Island with the rest of their team.

Kuwabara says he'll show just how strong he's become, but then has second thoughts when he sees a few large demons who talk about how much they're going to enjoy this. He thinks they'll all team up against him, and he's not going to be able to take them all on. He decides to let Urameshi deal with this, so he can show him the outcome of his special training.

He wonders why Urameshi doesn't respond and finds out why: he's sleeping! Kuwabara tries to shake him awake, but Kurama tells him to stop. Kurama explains that Yusuke has been through some very intensive special training, and has now entered a deep sleep to recover his physical and spiritual power. Kurama wonders which one of them is going to fight, but then the masked fighter walks forward without saying a word. Hiei is interested in seeing his power.

Kuwabara asks what will happen if this guy loses, he'll end up back home again, without even getting called up! Hiei coolly explains that if the masked fighter does lose, they simply have to kill everyone on the boat. Once they've done that, they'll be nobody to complain. Kuwabara tells him his personality is as frightening as ever.

In the Spirit Realm, Koenma and Jorge have been watching. Jorge asks just who in the world this masked warrior is, but Koenma doesn't know. Jorge is surprised by this, since Koenma is meant to be the owner of the Urameshi team. Koenma starts to cry, because nobody keeps him informed of anything! He asks where Botan hasn't come back to report to him yet, and wonders what she's doing.

At Yusuke's home, Keiko and Shizuru have cornered Botan. They want to know where Yusuke and Kuwabara have gone, and are certain Botan has the answers. Botan tries to act ignorant, but Shizuru demands she tell the truth. Meanwhile, Atsuko has been drinking again, and is asleep.

Keiko pleads with Botan to reveal where they are, and Botan still doesn't want to say anything. Shizuru and Keiko keep up the pressure, so Botan thinks she has no choice. She says she'll tell them, but asks for them to not be surprised with what she's about to say. She tells them the truth.

Upon hearing that Yusuke and Kuwabara are representing the Human Realm in the Dark Tournament, where they'll be fighting demons, Keiko faints. Shizuru thinks this is crazy, but Botan explains that if they had refused to fight, they would have been killed. Keiko then comes to and asks Botan to take them to the Dark Tournament.

Back on the boat, the various fighters are now on the ring. The demons decide to take out the weakest one first, who they think is the masked fighter. Kuwabara realizes the demons are going to all team up, and since their teammate is in the corner, he has nowhere to run. The captain tells everyone to begin.

The demons all run straight towards the masked fighter. But the masked fighter goes into a stance, and one of his hands emits spirit energy. A couple of seconds later, the masked fighter performs the spirit shotgun technique, which hits every single demon on the ring.

They all end up being knocked off the boat, and fall into the sea. Kuwabara is amazed by how he blew them all away with one shot, whilst Kurama says they can now see why Yusuke can sleep so soundly, without any worries. Kuwabara thinks how the technique the masked fighter used was clearly Yusuke's shotgun... just who is this masked fighter? The captain says the sixteenth team to enter the Dark Tournament finals has now been decided, and it's the Urameshi team.

As the masked fighter comes back down, Kuwabara tells him he's overwhelmingly strong, and asks who he is. The masked fighter says nothing, but points behind him. Kuwabara looks and sees that all the other demons have now circled their team. The demons have decided rules mean nothing, and all they have to do is defeat the Urameshi team. Hiei says thinks are turning out as expected -these guys won't even serve as a warm-up, but he guesses it's better than just standing around.

The demons begin their attack, but quickly prove to be absolutely no match for the Urameshi team. The masked fighter zips around and easily takes down demons several times larger than him, Hiei slices apart several of them with his sword, whilst Kurama pulls out his rose whip, and sends petals out everywhere. As he swings the whip around himself, it sends out several energy waves.


(Wind Luster Waltz Array)

The demons hit by this are sliced apart. But one demon ignores the other team members, and instead goes straight for Yusuke. The demon tells him he can die whilst he's dreaming, and is about to strike. Kuwabara notices him just as he slices apart another demon, but can't get over there in time.

However, the demon is suddenly sent flying across the deck. Kuwabara sees that Yusuke is back up, using some kind of rapid punching technique. Yusuke screams out to that hag that he can still keep going. Kuwabara thinks this must mean Yusuke has woken up.

Hiei tells him that he's actually talking in his sleep. Yusuke stops punching and sits back down again. Kurama says that for Yusuke to be training whilst asleep, it looks like he must have been put through some incredible special training. Kuwabara thinks how Urameshi just said "hag", which was something he called Genkai. This makes him believe that the masked fighter must be Genkai. But then he thinks this isn't the sort of thing Genkai would come all the way for.

He then thinks aloud, asking just who would come to a place like this. Kurama asks him what he's mumbling about, whilst Hiei says Kuwabara talks in his sleep, even when he's wide awake. As the team walk off, the captain thinks that this is just like Sakyo said -the Urameshi team is on an entirely different level compared to these punk demons. He'd hoped to judge how much power they had, but there's no way for him to tell what the team is capable of.

The team head to the front of the boat, where they can see Kubikukuri Island coming into view. They get off the boat and head towards a hotel.

The team head inside the hotel, and Kuwabara is surprised by how nice it is. There are a lot of humans waiting around inside, and then someone comes up to them and says he'll show them to their room. As the team walk off, some of the others comment on how that team are the sacrificial guests this time, and should be entertaining to watch.

Back in the Spirit Realm, Koenma has had enough. He's too worried to do his job, and decides that he's going to the Dark Tournament. Jorge tells him he can't go, as he has important work to do here. Koenma says anyone can do this kind of work, but Jorge tells him he's being irresponsible. Koenma bribes him into changing his mind by saying how he was thinking of taking him along to the tournament.

Back at the hotel, Sakyo and Toguro discuss things. Toguro says he's heard Urameshi and the others have entered the hotel. Sakyo says the captain told him the demons on the boat were outclassed. Toguro says if they weren't, then this wouldn't be any fun. Sakyo says that they should be able to take a look at them tomorrow, as the Urameshi team is going to be facing the Six Wandering Specters team in the first round. Toguro thinks it will be enjoyable.

The Urameshi team are inside their hotel room, and Kuwabara is impressed by it. A waiter then brings in some coffee, but Kuwabara wonders if it's poisoned. Kurama tells the tournament organizers wouldn't do something like that, as the end goal is genuine fighting. Hiei says the people holding it plan on having them torn to bits in a fair fight. Kuwabara thinks there's nothing more important than being cautious, and decides to have the drink he brought with him.

Kurama then notices something strange: one of the coffee cups is missing. They then hear someone slurping behind them, and turn around to see some kid drinking from the missing cup. They didn't hear him come into the room, and Kuwabara thinks he must have been hiding in here from the start. The kid says he wasn't hiding, he came in through the door.

He says maybe he forgot to knock though. He tells them his name is Rinku, the chief of special attacks for the Six Wandering Specters team, which is the team they'll be fighting in the first round tomorrow. He then balances himself on the teacup, telling them it must be nice being guests. They don't have to go through the opening ceremonies or the briefing session, they just get to go straight to the matches. But since they're all going to die anyway, they don't need to have anything to do with the prizes and stuff.

Kuwabara wonders what's with this guy's odd composure and playfulness. Rinku says he'd heard the guests this time were awesome, so he had high hopes for them, but now he think they're disappointing. He thinks he could beat them all by himself. Someone else then calls out to him, telling him he talks too much.

Rinku tells Zeru that he's sorry. Zeru tells the Urameshi team to enjoy their last evening as much as they can. Tomorrow, they'll meet the same fate as that cup. Just then, one of the cups shatters.

As Zeru and Rinku walk off, Zeru says one of the Urameshi team was sleeping. He wonders if that guy knew they weren't out to kill him, so he didn't wake up. Rinku thinks the guy was just a moron. Zeru thinks there must be something to him, for a human to be invited as a guest. The next morning, several fireworks explode above the island, and at the battle arena...

...Koto, the tournament announcer and referee, apologizes for the long delay. But she says they can now commence with the Dark Tournament. The crowd go wild, as the first round of the tournament is about to begin!


(Yusuke is speaking)

This member of the Six Wandering Specters team, this Rinku punk... not only is he light on his feet, he has quite a bit of power! Hey, Kuwabara! Don't let your guard down just because your opponent is small! It doesn't matter -beat him to a pulp! W-what's that?! Is that his finishing move?! Watch out, Kuwabara! Next time: The Little Mighty Foe! Rinku's Secret Technique. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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