Forever! Yu Yu Hakusho
Yu Yu Hakusho episode 112 |
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For a detailed overview of this episode, click here.
At long last, Yusuke finally returns to the Human Realm.
Original Japanese broadcast date: December 3rd, 1994
1) Synopsis
2) Manga differences
3) Notes
Having returned to the Human Realm, Kurama meets with Kuwabara. The get on a train, and discuss Yusuke. Kuwabara wonders if Urameshi is ever coming back, but Kurama explains that Yusuke said he had a few loose ends to tie up. The two arrive at a train station's coffee shop, and Kuwabara asks how Kurama managed to get through to the Human Realm. Kurama explains that the periphery field between the Human and Demon Realms is gone. He also says not to worry -there is a gentleman's agreement in place, and the demons won't be working any malevolence. They meet up with Shizuru and Keiko, and then all head off on another train, as Genkai has summoned them all for unknown reasons. Shizuru reads a newspaper, and sees a drawing of an "alien" which happens to look like Hiei. Kurama says that Hiei has remained in the Demon Realm, and is currently on patrol with other demons, who send back any humans who happen to make their way into the Demon Realm.
In the Demon Realm, Hiei's group finds a human, and send him back, clearing his memories of what happened before doing so. Hiei later walks with Kirin and some other demons, who talk about Mukuro. One of them wonder how Mukuro lost in the tournament, and Kirin explains her power depends on her mood. At a friendly tournament like that, she only used half her power, but he doesn't think she'll ever use her full power again -the look in her eye has become unbelievably gentle. Hiei visits Mukuro by himself, and she tells him he can go back to the Human Realm if he wants. Hiei sits down and says that's up to him to decide.
Kuwabara's group arrive at Genkai's place, where they meet Yukina. Botan and Koenma also arrive, and Genkai explains that she's called them here to talk about what happens when she dies. She tells them that when she passes away, she's leaving her place to them. She believes it will take a long time before humans and demons can coexist, and her property is out of the way -making it an inconvenient place for people to live, but it makes it an ideal place as a hideout for demons. As the group leave, Kuwabara thinks about how he and Urameshi first met Genkai here, and all of the events that unfolded since then.
The group head down to a beach. As the sun sets, Keiko calls out to Yusuke, calling him an idiot -he should stop taking so long, and hurry and come home! She won't wait any more than three years. As she continues to watch the sunset, she then hears someone tell her he won't make her wait that long: Yusuke!
Keiko leaps into his arms, knocking him over. The two kiss, and continue to do so until a large wave crashes over them. The two stare at each other for a few seconds, until Yusuke asks her what she went and did that for. He chases her into the sea, and the two start splashing water over each other. Kuwabara laughs at them, until Yusuke throws some water over him. As Kuwabara runs into the sea to join them, so do Botan and Yukina. Kuwabara grabs Yusuke and says he thought he was going to become king of the Demon Realm. Yusuke says he will -someday. He'll challenge them again. Kuwabara thinks he'll have him knocked out flat before that happens. Yusuke tells him to go ahead and do that -if he can!
-In the manga, Kurama and Kuwabara meet in a library, and do not take a train journey together.
-The people who question if Kurama is a girl are guys in the manga, but are girls in the anime.
-Kurama and Kuwabara end up walking down a street, where they talk about the tournament. It's at this point that Yusuke appears. He explains to them what happened at the tournament, and reveals what Enki did. In the anime, this was changed so Kurama, Chu and the others tell Yusuke about the tournament results, and Enki also gives his speech, in the previous episode.
-A major difference between the manga and anime is the reason why the periphery field between the Human and Demon Realms was removed. In the manga, Kurama reveals to Kuwabara and Yusuke that Koenma went against his father, having found and that Enma was forging reports about the evil activities of demons in the Human Realm.
There was evidence that Enma had been brainwashing D class demons, to make them commit crimes there. This was to justify the Spirit Realm's "protection" of the Human Realm from the villains of the Demon Realm. In the anime, this was changed to Kurama just stating a gentleman's agreement had been made.
-In the manga, after the above, Yusuke's group heads to Kuwabara's home, where they meet Kuwabara's father.
To help out with the Demon Realm/Human Realm transition, he surprises his son when he says he's agreed to let Yukina stay here. This isn't in the anime.
-The anime skips a lot of the manga. The manga has several short stories and epilogues that were not adapted for the anime -click here for more details.
-In the manga, a woman who claims to have seen an alien is interviewed on TV, and draws a picture of Hiei. This picture is used in the anime, but Shizuru reads about it in a newspaper.
-The parts with Hiei finding a human lost in the Demon Realm, and walking with Kirin whilst they talk about Mukuro are in the manga, but are part of a different story that has Hiei track down Mukuro's abuser. The latter part of this story was not adapted for the anime.
-In the manga, Genkai actually does die from old age.
Everyone arrives at her place, and Shizuru finds her will. The scene plays out pretty much the same way as in the anime, only Yusuke is present, whilst Genkai obviously isn't. Koenma isn't there either.
-Between the manga and anime, pretty much every character is wearing different outfits during the beach scene. Specifically, Keiko is in casual clothes in the manga, but wears her school uniform in the anime.
-In the manga, during the beach scene, Yusuke is already there, and the group talk about the events of a story the anime didn't adapt. The anime changed this so the group arrive at the beach, Keiko shouts out for Yusuke to come back, and Yusuke then appears.
-In the manga, Yusuke and Keiko do not kiss.
-Only Yusuke and Keiko go and play in the water in the manga. In the anime, Kuwabara, Botan and Yukina also join in.
-The anime ends showing shots of various characters. In the manga, Jorge doesn't appear, but Atsuko does. In the anime, Jorge appears, but Atsuko doesn't. Puu is by himself in the manga, but is with Genkai in the anime.
-The manga does not have the forever fornever message. It instead ends on a picture of Hiei, Yusuke, Kuwabara and Kurama.
-This episode has no opening recap.
-It also lacks a title card.
-During Kuwabara and Kurama's train journey, as Kuwabara looks through a window, a sign with the words "YU YU HAKUSHO END!" scrolls by.
-A few seconds after the above, another sign stating "STUDIO PHOTO" is seen. This is possibly a reference to Studio Pierrot, the animation studio for the series.
-When Keiko is seen walking with her two friends, a truck passes by which had the name "Narlboro" on it. This is a parody of Marlboro.
-"What does Forever Fornever mean?" you may ask. It means whatever you want it to mean -click here for more details.