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Production order: #26
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Broadcast order: #26
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When a child manages to sneak back to Tracy Island, Jeff and the others must think of a way to get him home.
Original UK broadcast date: March 31st, 1966


1) Synopsis
2) Notes
3) Errors


International Rescue are in England, assisting with the rescue of some men trapped in a mine. As they and some firefighters take on a huge blaze, Chip Morrison is put to bed by his father. As his dad heads off to help with the rescue, Chip looks out his bedroom window and sees the unguarded Thunderbird 1 and Thunderbird 2. With the fire put out, the Thunderbirds return to base. But Jeff notices a security alarm go off. He, Scott and Gordon go down to Thunderbird 2's hangar, and Virgil raises it up and opens the pod door. Jeff tells whoever's in there to come out or they'll blast them out, only to see that it's Chip!

Jeff berates his sons over how this happened. They now need to figure out what to do, but nobody has any bright ideas. Virgil is left to take care of Chip, and Chip tells him that when he grows up, he wants to be a member of International Rescue. He says he wants to fly Thunderbird 1, as he thinks it's the faster and more important Thunderbird machine. Virgil tells him the story of the time he used Thunderbird 2 to save Eddie Houseman. Alan later comes in and tells Virgil their father wants a word with him. Alan accidentally tells Chip he's the pilot of Thunderbird 3, and they end up going to the spaceship's launch bay. Chip says that with Alan being a spaceman, he doesn't get so involved in the rescue operations. Alan quickly corrects him by telling him about the Sun Probe rescue.

Scott then comes in and tells Alan their father wants to see him. Scott ends up taking Chip to Thunderbird 1, and tells him about their first ever rescue operation: the landing of the Fireflash. When he finishes his story, he asks Chip to keep it to himself. Chip says all that's left it Thunderbird 4, but Scott says there's no way he's seeing it. However he's soon at Thunderbird 4's controls, as Gordon tells him about the time he had to save the men trapped inside the Martian Space Probe. Later on, Scott and the others can't find Chip and are worried their father will go berserk if he finds out the kid is roaming around the base, only to find out that Chip is being told by Jeff that he's in charge of the operations -with just a push of a button, it's Thunderbirds are go!

Later on, Jeff comes up with a plan. As Chip comes from England, which is half the world away from their base, he's been up for 24 hours and will be very tired. When Chip goes to sleep, they transfer his bed to Thunderbird 2. Scott and Virgil fly Chip back to his home, and get him back inside without anyone noticing. Chip wakes up and asks where Mr. Tracy is, only to see his father is there. He tells his dad he's been dreaming again, but it felt so real. Meanwhile, Scott reports that the security hazard is negative, as he and Virgil return to base in Thunderbird 2.


-The reason this episode exists is apparently due to Attack of the Alligators! and The Cham Cham both going behind schedule and over budget. So this clip show episode was made, which contains less than 20 minutes of new material.

-Some fans believe that this episode wasn't originally going to be a clip show, but was turned into one due to the issues mentioned above. At present there has been no proof of this though.

-The International Rescue fire truck seen near the start is a modified version of Eddie Houseman's tractor from End of the Road.

-Chip's puppet was previously used for Bob in Cry Wolf.

-Most of the stories told to Chip leave a few mishaps out:
--Virgil doesn't mention the fact that Thunderbird 2 ended up dropping Eddie's tractor, which exploded.
--Alan changes his story to make it look as if Thunderbird 3's retros fired just fine, whilst in reality they didn't fire at all and required assistance from Thunderbird 2 to stop it from flying into the Sun.
--Scott doesn't mention that one of the elevator cars went out of control and crashed into another plane.

-One clip was altered slightly -this shot of the Sun Probe rocket was changed so its pointing the opposite way than it was originally.


-When the pod door opens, the shade of green is different and so is the font used for the "1" numeral when compared to the previous shot.
-Jeff seems to be in a really bad mood most of the time about a child being on the island. Yet he seemed fine with it in Cry Wolf, and he'll have no issues in Give or Take a Million.
-The globe seen in Chip's bedroom is upside down.

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